#![cfg(target_os = "windows")] use std::os::raw::c_void; use libc; use MonitorId; use Window; use WindowBuilder; use winapi::shared::windef::HWND; /// Additional methods on `Window` that are specific to Windows. pub trait WindowExt { /// Returns the native handle that is used by this window. /// /// The pointer will become invalid when the native window was destroyed. fn get_hwnd(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void; } impl WindowExt for Window { #[inline] fn get_hwnd(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void { self.window.hwnd() as *mut _ } } /// Additional methods on `WindowBuilder` that are specific to Windows. pub trait WindowBuilderExt { fn with_parent_window(self, parent: HWND) -> WindowBuilder; } impl WindowBuilderExt for WindowBuilder { /// Sets a parent to the window to be created. #[inline] fn with_parent_window(mut self, parent: HWND) -> WindowBuilder { self.platform_specific.parent = Some(parent); self } } /// Additional methods on `MonitorId` that are specific to Windows. pub trait MonitorIdExt { /// Returns the name of the monitor adapter specific to the Win32 API. fn native_id(&self) -> String; /// Returns the handle of the monitor - `HMONITOR`. fn hmonitor(&self) -> *mut c_void; } impl MonitorIdExt for MonitorId { #[inline] fn native_id(&self) -> String { self.inner.get_native_identifier() } #[inline] fn hmonitor(&self) -> *mut c_void { self.inner.get_hmonitor() as *mut _ } }