#![allow(clippy::single_match)] use std::thread; #[cfg(not(wasm_platform))] use std::time; #[cfg(wasm_platform)] use web_time as time; use simple_logger::SimpleLogger; use winit::{ event::{ElementState, Event, KeyEvent, WindowEvent}, event_loop::EventLoop, keyboard::Key, window::WindowBuilder, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Mode { Wait, WaitUntil, Poll, } const WAIT_TIME: time::Duration = time::Duration::from_millis(100); const POLL_SLEEP_TIME: time::Duration = time::Duration::from_millis(100); fn main() { SimpleLogger::new().init().unwrap(); println!("Press '1' to switch to Wait mode."); println!("Press '2' to switch to WaitUntil mode."); println!("Press '3' to switch to Poll mode."); println!("Press 'R' to toggle request_redraw() calls."); println!("Press 'Esc' to close the window."); let event_loop = EventLoop::new(); let window = WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("Press 1, 2, 3 to change control flow mode. Press R to toggle redraw requests.") .build(&event_loop) .unwrap(); let mut mode = Mode::Wait; let mut request_redraw = false; let mut wait_cancelled = false; let mut close_requested = false; event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| { use winit::event::StartCause; println!("{event:?}"); match event { Event::NewEvents(start_cause) => { wait_cancelled = match start_cause { StartCause::WaitCancelled { .. } => mode == Mode::WaitUntil, _ => false, } } Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event { WindowEvent::CloseRequested => { close_requested = true; } WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { event: KeyEvent { logical_key: key, state: ElementState::Pressed, .. }, .. } => match key.as_ref() { // WARNING: Consider using `key_without_modifers()` if available on your platform. // See the `key_binding` example Key::Character("1") => { mode = Mode::Wait; println!("\nmode: {mode:?}\n"); } Key::Character("2") => { mode = Mode::WaitUntil; println!("\nmode: {mode:?}\n"); } Key::Character("3") => { mode = Mode::Poll; println!("\nmode: {mode:?}\n"); } Key::Character("r") => { request_redraw = !request_redraw; println!("\nrequest_redraw: {request_redraw}\n"); } Key::Escape => { close_requested = true; } _ => (), }, _ => (), }, Event::MainEventsCleared => { if request_redraw && !wait_cancelled && !close_requested { window.request_redraw(); } if close_requested { control_flow.set_exit(); } } Event::RedrawRequested(_window_id) => {} Event::RedrawEventsCleared => { match mode { Mode::Wait => control_flow.set_wait(), Mode::WaitUntil => { if !wait_cancelled { control_flow.set_wait_until(time::Instant::now() + WAIT_TIME); } } Mode::Poll => { thread::sleep(POLL_SLEEP_TIME); control_flow.set_poll(); } }; } _ => (), } }); }