mod cursor; mod into_option; pub use self::{cursor::Cursor, into_option::IntoOption}; use cocoa::appkit::NSWindowStyleMask; use cocoa::base::{id, nil}; use cocoa::foundation::{NSRect, NSUInteger}; use core_graphics::display::CGDisplay; use objc::runtime::{Class, Object}; use platform_impl::platform::ffi; use platform_impl::platform::window::IdRef; pub const EMPTY_RANGE: ffi::NSRange = ffi::NSRange { location: ffi::NSNotFound as NSUInteger, length: 0, }; // For consistency with other platforms, this will... // 1. translate the bottom-left window corner into the top-left window corner // 2. translate the coordinate from a bottom-left origin coordinate system to a top-left one pub fn bottom_left_to_top_left(rect: NSRect) -> f64 { CGDisplay::main().pixels_high() as f64 - (rect.origin.y + rect.size.height) } pub unsafe fn set_style_mask(window: id, view: id, mask: NSWindowStyleMask) { use cocoa::appkit::NSWindow; window.setStyleMask_(mask); // If we don't do this, key handling will break. Therefore, never call `setStyleMask` directly! window.makeFirstResponder_(view); } pub unsafe fn toggle_style_mask(window: id, view: id, mask: NSWindowStyleMask, on: bool) { use cocoa::appkit::NSWindow; let current_style_mask = window.styleMask(); if on { window.setStyleMask_(current_style_mask | mask); } else { window.setStyleMask_(current_style_mask & (!mask)); } // If we don't do this, key handling will break. Therefore, never call `setStyleMask` directly! window.makeFirstResponder_(view); } pub unsafe fn superclass<'a>(this: &'a Object) -> &'a Class { let superclass: id = msg_send![this, superclass]; &*(superclass as *const _) } pub unsafe fn create_input_context(view: id) -> IdRef { let input_context: id = msg_send![class!(NSTextInputContext), alloc]; let input_context: id = msg_send![input_context, initWithClient:view]; IdRef::new(input_context) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub unsafe fn open_emoji_picker() { let app: id = msg_send![class!(NSApplication), sharedApplication]; let _: () = msg_send![app, orderFrontCharacterPalette:nil]; }