use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::ptr; use super::{event, ffi}; use super::Window; use {CreationError, Event}; use CreationError::OsError; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::Rc; /// Stores the current window and its events dispatcher. /// /// We only have one window per thread. We still store the HWND in case where we /// receive an event for another window. thread_local!(static WINDOW: Rc)>>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None))) pub fn new_window(builder_dimensions: Option<(uint, uint)>, builder_title: String, builder_monitor: Option, builder_gl_version: Option<(uint, uint)>, builder_debug: bool, builder_vsync: bool, builder_hidden: bool, builder_sharelists: Option, builder_multisampling: Option) -> Result { use std::mem; use std::os; // initializing variables to be sent to the task let title = builder_title.as_slice().utf16_units() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()).collect::>(); // title to utf16 //let hints = hints.clone(); let (tx, rx) = channel(); // GetMessage must be called in the same thread as CreateWindow, // so we create a new thread dedicated to this window. // This is the only safe method. Using `nosend` wouldn't work for non-native runtime. spawn(proc() { // registering the window class let class_name = { let class_name: Vec = "Window Class".utf16_units().chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect::>(); let class = ffi::WNDCLASSEX { cbSize: mem::size_of::() as ffi::UINT, style: ffi::CS_HREDRAW | ffi::CS_VREDRAW | ffi::CS_OWNDC, lpfnWndProc: callback, cbClsExtra: 0, cbWndExtra: 0, hInstance: unsafe { ffi::GetModuleHandleW(ptr::null()) }, hIcon: ptr::null(), hCursor: ptr::null(), hbrBackground: ptr::null(), lpszMenuName: ptr::null(), lpszClassName: class_name.as_ptr(), hIconSm: ptr::null(), }; // We ignore errors because registering the same window class twice would trigger // an error, and because errors here are detected during CreateWindowEx anyway. // Also since there is no weird element in the struct, there is no reason for this // call to fail. unsafe { ffi::RegisterClassExW(&class) }; class_name }; // building a RECT object with coordinates let mut rect = ffi::RECT { left: 0, right: builder_dimensions.unwrap_or((1024, 768)).val0() as ffi::LONG, top: 0, bottom: builder_dimensions.unwrap_or((1024, 768)).val1() as ffi::LONG, }; // switching to fullscreen if necessary // this means adjusting the window's position so that it overlaps the right monitor, // and change the monitor's resolution if necessary if builder_monitor.is_some() { let monitor = builder_monitor.as_ref().unwrap(); // adjusting the rect { let pos = monitor.get_position(); rect.left += pos.val0() as ffi::LONG; rect.right += pos.val0() as ffi::LONG; += pos.val1() as ffi::LONG; rect.bottom += pos.val1() as ffi::LONG; } // changing device settings let mut screen_settings: ffi::DEVMODE = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; screen_settings.dmSize = mem::size_of::() as ffi::WORD; screen_settings.dmPelsWidth = (rect.right - rect.left) as ffi::DWORD; screen_settings.dmPelsHeight = (rect.bottom - as ffi::DWORD; screen_settings.dmBitsPerPel = 32; // TODO: ? screen_settings.dmFields = ffi::DM_BITSPERPEL | ffi::DM_PELSWIDTH | ffi::DM_PELSHEIGHT; let result = unsafe { ffi::ChangeDisplaySettingsExW(monitor.get_system_name().as_ptr(), &mut screen_settings, ptr::null(), ffi::CDS_FULLSCREEN, ptr::null_mut()) }; if result != ffi::DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("ChangeDisplaySettings failed: {}", result)))); return; } } // computing the style and extended style of the window let (ex_style, style) = if builder_monitor.is_some() { (ffi::WS_EX_APPWINDOW, ffi::WS_POPUP | ffi::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | ffi::WS_CLIPCHILDREN) } else { (ffi::WS_EX_APPWINDOW | ffi::WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, ffi::WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | ffi::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | ffi::WS_CLIPCHILDREN) }; // adjusting the window coordinates using the style unsafe { ffi::AdjustWindowRectEx(&mut rect, style, 0, ex_style) }; // getting the address of wglCreateContextAttribsARB and the pixel format // that we will use let (extra_functions, pixel_format) = { // creating a dummy invisible window for GL initialization let dummy_window = unsafe { let handle = ffi::CreateWindowExW(ex_style, class_name.as_ptr(), title.as_ptr() as ffi::LPCWSTR, style | ffi::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | ffi::WS_CLIPCHILDREN, ffi::CW_USEDEFAULT, ffi::CW_USEDEFAULT, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -, ptr::null(), ptr::null(), ffi::GetModuleHandleW(ptr::null()), ptr::null_mut()); if handle.is_null() { use std::os; tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("CreateWindowEx function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); return; } handle }; // getting the HDC of the dummy window let dummy_hdc = { let hdc = unsafe { ffi::GetDC(dummy_window) }; if hdc.is_null() { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("GetDC function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(dummy_window); } return; } hdc }; // getting the pixel format that we will use let pixel_format = { // initializing a PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR that indicates what we want let mut output: ffi::PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; output.nSize = mem::size_of::() as ffi::WORD; output.nVersion = 1; output.dwFlags = ffi::PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | ffi::PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER | ffi::PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | ffi::PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED; output.iPixelType = ffi::PFD_TYPE_RGBA; output.cColorBits = 24; output.cAlphaBits = 8; output.cAccumBits = 0; output.cDepthBits = 24; output.cStencilBits = 8; output.cAuxBuffers = 0; output.iLayerType = ffi::PFD_MAIN_PLANE; let pf_index = unsafe { ffi::ChoosePixelFormat(dummy_hdc, &output) }; if pf_index == 0 { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("ChoosePixelFormat function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(dummy_window); } return; } if unsafe { ffi::DescribePixelFormat(dummy_hdc, pf_index, mem::size_of::() as ffi::UINT, &mut output) } == 0 { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("DescribePixelFormat function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(dummy_window); } return; } output }; // calling SetPixelFormat unsafe { if ffi::SetPixelFormat(dummy_hdc, 1, &pixel_format) == 0 { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("SetPixelFormat function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); ffi::DestroyWindow(dummy_window); return; } } // creating the dummy OpenGL context let dummy_context = { let ctxt = unsafe { ffi::wgl::CreateContext(dummy_hdc) }; if ctxt.is_null() { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("wglCreateContext function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(dummy_window); } return; } ctxt }; // making context current unsafe { ffi::wgl::MakeCurrent(dummy_hdc, dummy_context); } // loading the extra WGL functions let extra_functions = ffi::wgl_extra::Wgl::load_with(|addr| { unsafe { addr.with_c_str(|s| { use libc; ffi::wgl::GetProcAddress(s) as *const libc::c_void }) } }); // removing current context unsafe { ffi::wgl::MakeCurrent(ptr::null(), ptr::null()); } // destroying the context and the window unsafe { ffi::wgl::DeleteContext(dummy_context); } unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(dummy_window); } // returning the address (extra_functions, pixel_format) }; // creating the real window this time let real_window = unsafe { let (width, height) = if builder_monitor.is_some() || builder_dimensions.is_some() { (Some(rect.right - rect.left), Some(rect.bottom - } else { (None, None) }; let style = if builder_hidden { style } else { style | ffi::WS_VISIBLE }; let handle = ffi::CreateWindowExW(ex_style, class_name.as_ptr(), title.as_ptr() as ffi::LPCWSTR, style | ffi::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | ffi::WS_CLIPCHILDREN, if builder_monitor.is_some() { 0 } else { ffi::CW_USEDEFAULT }, if builder_monitor.is_some() { 0 } else { ffi::CW_USEDEFAULT }, width.unwrap_or(ffi::CW_USEDEFAULT), height.unwrap_or(ffi::CW_USEDEFAULT), ptr::null(), ptr::null(), ffi::GetModuleHandleW(ptr::null()), ptr::null_mut()); if handle.is_null() { use std::os; tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("CreateWindowEx function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); return; } handle }; // getting the HDC of the window let hdc = { let hdc = unsafe { ffi::GetDC(real_window) }; if hdc.is_null() { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("GetDC function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(real_window); } return; } hdc }; // calling SetPixelFormat unsafe { if ffi::SetPixelFormat(hdc, 1, &pixel_format) == 0 { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("SetPixelFormat function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); ffi::DestroyWindow(real_window); return; } } // creating the OpenGL context let context = { use libc; let mut attributes = Vec::new(); if builder_gl_version.is_some() { let version = builder_gl_version.as_ref().unwrap(); attributes.push(ffi::wgl_extra::CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(version.val0() as libc::c_int); attributes.push(ffi::wgl_extra::CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(version.val1() as libc::c_int); } if builder_debug { attributes.push(ffi::wgl_extra::CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(ffi::wgl_extra::CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB as libc::c_int); } attributes.push(0); let ctxt = unsafe { if extra_functions.CreateContextAttribsARB.is_loaded() { let share = if let Some(c) = builder_sharelists { c } else { ptr::null() }; extra_functions.CreateContextAttribsARB(hdc, share, attributes.as_slice().as_ptr()) } else { let ctxt = ffi::wgl::CreateContext(hdc); if let Some(c) = builder_sharelists { ffi::wgl::ShareLists(c, ctxt); }; ctxt } }; if ctxt.is_null() { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("OpenGL context creation failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(real_window); } return; } ctxt }; // calling SetForegroundWindow if fullscreen if builder_monitor.is_some() { unsafe { ffi::SetForegroundWindow(real_window) }; } // filling the WINDOW task-local storage let events_receiver = { let (tx, rx) = channel(); let mut tx = Some(tx); WINDOW.with(|window| { (*window.borrow_mut()) = Some((real_window, tx.take().unwrap())); }); rx }; // loading the opengl32 module let gl_library = { let name = "opengl32.dll".utf16_units().chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect::>().as_ptr(); let lib = unsafe { ffi::LoadLibraryW(name) }; if lib.is_null() { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("LoadLibrary function failed: {}", os::error_string(os::errno() as uint))))); unsafe { ffi::wgl::DeleteContext(context); } unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(real_window); } return; } lib }; // handling vsync if builder_vsync { if extra_functions.SwapIntervalEXT.is_loaded() { unsafe { ffi::wgl::MakeCurrent(hdc, context) }; if unsafe { extra_functions.SwapIntervalEXT(1) } == 0 { tx.send(Err(OsError(format!("wglSwapIntervalEXT failed")))); unsafe { ffi::wgl::DeleteContext(context); } unsafe { ffi::DestroyWindow(real_window); } return; } // it is important to remove the current context, otherwise you get very weird // errors unsafe { ffi::wgl::MakeCurrent(ptr::null(), ptr::null()); } } } // building the struct let window = Window{ window: real_window, hdc: hdc, context: context, gl_library: gl_library, events_receiver: events_receiver, is_closed: AtomicBool::new(false), }; // sending tx.send(Ok(window)); // now that the `Window` struct is initialized, the main `Window::new()` function will // return and this events loop will run in parallel loop { let mut msg = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() }; if unsafe { ffi::GetMessageW(&mut msg, ptr::null(), 0, 0) } == 0 { break; } unsafe { ffi::TranslateMessage(&msg) }; unsafe { ffi::DispatchMessageW(&msg) }; // calls `callback` (see below) } }); rx.recv() } /// Checks that the window is the good one, and if so send the event to it. fn send_event(input_window: ffi::HWND, event: Event) { WINDOW.with(|window| { let window = window.borrow(); let stored = match *window { None => return, Some(ref v) => v }; let &(ref win, ref sender) = stored; if win != &input_window { return; } sender.send_opt(event).ok(); // ignoring if closed }); } /// This is the callback that is called by `DispatchMessage` in the events loop. /// /// Returning 0 tells the Win32 API that the message has been processed. extern "stdcall" fn callback(window: ffi::HWND, msg: ffi::UINT, wparam: ffi::WPARAM, lparam: ffi::LPARAM) -> ffi::LRESULT { match msg { ffi::WM_DESTROY => { use events::Event::Closed; WINDOW.with(|w| { let w = w.borrow(); let &(ref win, _) = match *w { None => return, Some(ref v) => v }; if win == &window { unsafe { ffi::PostQuitMessage(0); } } }); send_event(window, Closed); 0 }, ffi::WM_ERASEBKGND => { 1 }, ffi::WM_SIZE => { use events::Event::Resized; let w = ffi::LOWORD(lparam as ffi::DWORD) as uint; let h = ffi::HIWORD(lparam as ffi::DWORD) as uint; send_event(window, Resized(w, h)); 0 }, ffi::WM_MOVE => { use events::Event::Moved; let x = ffi::LOWORD(lparam as ffi::DWORD) as i16 as int; let y = ffi::HIWORD(lparam as ffi::DWORD) as i16 as int; send_event(window, Moved(x, y)); 0 }, ffi::WM_CHAR => { use std::mem; use events::Event::ReceivedCharacter; let chr: char = unsafe { mem::transmute(wparam as u32) }; send_event(window, ReceivedCharacter(chr)); 0 }, ffi::WM_MOUSEMOVE => { use events::Event::MouseMoved; let x = ffi::GET_X_LPARAM(lparam) as int; let y = ffi::GET_Y_LPARAM(lparam) as int; send_event(window, MouseMoved((x, y))); 0 }, ffi::WM_MOUSEWHEEL => { use events::Event::MouseWheel; let value = (wparam >> 16) as i16; let value = value as i32; send_event(window, MouseWheel(value)); 0 }, ffi::WM_KEYDOWN => { use events::Event::KeyboardInput; use events::ElementState::Pressed; let scancode = ((lparam >> 16) & 0xff) as u8; let vkey = event::vkeycode_to_element(wparam); send_event(window, KeyboardInput(Pressed, scancode, vkey)); 0 }, ffi::WM_KEYUP => { use events::Event::KeyboardInput; use events::ElementState::Released; let scancode = ((lparam >> 16) & 0xff) as u8; let vkey = event::vkeycode_to_element(wparam); send_event(window, KeyboardInput(Released, scancode, vkey)); 0 }, ffi::WM_LBUTTONDOWN => { use events::Event::MouseInput; use events::MouseButton::LeftMouseButton; use events::ElementState::Pressed; send_event(window, MouseInput(Pressed, LeftMouseButton)); 0 }, ffi::WM_LBUTTONUP => { use events::Event::MouseInput; use events::MouseButton::LeftMouseButton; use events::ElementState::Released; send_event(window, MouseInput(Released, LeftMouseButton)); 0 }, ffi::WM_RBUTTONDOWN => { use events::Event::MouseInput; use events::MouseButton::RightMouseButton; use events::ElementState::Pressed; send_event(window, MouseInput(Pressed, RightMouseButton)); 0 }, ffi::WM_RBUTTONUP => { use events::Event::MouseInput; use events::MouseButton::RightMouseButton; use events::ElementState::Released; send_event(window, MouseInput(Released, RightMouseButton)); 0 }, ffi::WM_MBUTTONDOWN => { use events::Event::MouseInput; use events::MouseButton::MiddleMouseButton; use events::ElementState::Pressed; send_event(window, MouseInput(Pressed, MiddleMouseButton)); 0 }, ffi::WM_MBUTTONUP => { use events::Event::MouseInput; use events::MouseButton::MiddleMouseButton; use events::ElementState::Released; send_event(window, MouseInput(Released, MiddleMouseButton)); 0 }, ffi::WM_SETFOCUS => { use events::Event::Focused; send_event(window, Focused(true)); 0 }, ffi::WM_KILLFOCUS => { use events::Event::Focused; send_event(window, Focused(false)); 0 }, _ => unsafe { ffi::DefWindowProcW(window, msg, wparam, lparam) } } } /*fn hints_to_pixelformat(hints: &Hints) -> ffi::PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR { use std::mem; ffi::PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR { nSize: size_of::(), nVersion: 1, dwFlags: if hints.stereo { PFD_STEREO } else { 0 }, iPixelType: PFD_TYPE_RGBA, cColorBits: hints.red_bits + hints.green_bits + hints.blue_bits, cRedBits: pub nSize: WORD, pub nVersion: WORD, pub dwFlags: DWORD, pub iPixelType: BYTE, pub cColorBits: BYTE, pub cRedBits: BYTE, pub cRedShift: BYTE, pub cGreenBits: BYTE, pub cGreenShift: BYTE, pub cBlueBits: BYTE, pub cBlueShift: BYTE, pub cAlphaBits: BYTE, pub cAlphaShift: BYTE, pub cAccumBits: BYTE, pub cAccumRedBits: BYTE, pub cAccumGreenBits: BYTE, pub cAccumBlueBits: BYTE, pub cAccumAlphaBits: BYTE, pub cDepthBits: BYTE, pub cStencilBits: BYTE, pub cAuxBuffers: BYTE, pub iLayerType: BYTE, pub bReserved: BYTE, pub dwLayerMask: DWORD, pub dwVisibleMask: DWORD, pub dwDamageMask: DWORD, } }*/