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synced 2025-01-08 12:31:30 +11:00
Use the enum to make a single fullscreen API that's much more consistent. Both set_fullscreen() and with_fullscreen() take the same enum and support all the variations so you can build the window however you want and switch between the modes at runtime.
864 lines
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864 lines
33 KiB
use MouseCursor;
use CreationError;
use CreationError::OsError;
use libc;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::{mem, ptr, cmp};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_long, c_uchar};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use CursorState;
use WindowAttributes;
use FullScreenState;
use platform::PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes;
use platform::MonitorId as PlatformMonitorId;
use window::MonitorId as RootMonitorId;
use super::{ffi};
use super::{XConnection, WindowId, EventsLoop};
use super::MonitorId as X11MonitorId;
// TODO: remove me
fn with_c_str<F, T>(s: &str, f: F) -> T where F: FnOnce(*const libc::c_char) -> T {
use std::ffi::CString;
let c_str = CString::new(s.as_bytes().to_vec()).unwrap();
struct WindowProxyData {
display: Arc<XConnection>,
window: ffi::Window,
unsafe impl Send for WindowProxyData {}
pub struct XWindow {
display: Arc<XConnection>,
window: ffi::Window,
root: ffi::Window,
// screen we're using, original screen mode if we've switched
fullscreen: Arc<Mutex<(i32, Option<ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo>)>>,
window_proxy_data: Arc<Mutex<Option<WindowProxyData>>>,
unsafe impl Send for XWindow {}
unsafe impl Sync for XWindow {}
unsafe impl Send for Window {}
unsafe impl Sync for Window {}
impl XWindow {
fn switch_to_fullscreen_mode(&self, monitor: i32, width: u16, height: u16) {
let original_monitor = {
let fullscreen = self.fullscreen.lock().unwrap();
if monitor != original_monitor {
// We're setting fullscreen on a new screen so first revert the original screen
let current_mode = unsafe {
let mut mode_num: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let mut modes: *mut *mut ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = mem::uninitialized();
if (self.display.xf86vmode.XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines)(self.display.display, monitor, &mut mode_num, &mut modes) == 0 {
eprintln!("[winit] Couldn't get current resolution mode");
let new_mode = unsafe {
let mut mode_num: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let mut modes: *mut *mut ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = mem::uninitialized();
if (self.display.xf86vmode.XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines)(self.display.display, monitor, &mut mode_num, &mut modes) == 0 {
// There are no modes, mighty weird
eprintln!("[winit] X has no valid modes");
} else {
let matching_mode = (0 .. mode_num).map(|i| {
let m: ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = ptr::read(*modes.offset(i as isize) as *const _); m
}).find(|m| m.hdisplay == width && m.vdisplay == height);
if let Some(matching_mode) = matching_mode {
} else {
let m = (0 .. mode_num).map(|i| {
let m: ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = ptr::read(*modes.offset(i as isize) as *const _); m
}).find(|m| m.hdisplay >= width && m.vdisplay >= height);
match m {
Some(m) => m,
None => {
eprintln!("[winit] Could not find a suitable graphics mode");
if new_mode != current_mode {
// We actually need to change modes
self.set_mode(monitor, new_mode);
let mut fullscreen = self.fullscreen.lock().unwrap();
if fullscreen.1.is_none() {
// It's our first mode switch, save the original mode
fullscreen.1 = Some(current_mode);
fn switch_from_fullscreen_mode(&self) {
let (monitor, mode) = {
let fullscreen = self.fullscreen.lock().unwrap();
(fullscreen.0, fullscreen.1)
if let Some(mode) = mode {
self.set_mode(monitor, mode);
let mut fullscreen = self.fullscreen.lock().unwrap();
fullscreen.1 = None;
pub fn set_mode(&self, monitor: i32, mode: ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo) {
unsafe {
let mut mode_to_switch_to = mode;
&mut mode_to_switch_to
self.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XF86VidModeSwitchToMode");
(self.display.xf86vmode.XF86VidModeSetViewPort)(self.display.display, monitor, 0, 0);
self.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XF86VidModeSetViewPort");
impl Drop for XWindow {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Clear out the window proxy data arc, so that any window proxy objects
// are no longer able to send messages to this window.
*self.window_proxy_data.lock().unwrap() = None;
// Make sure we return the display to the original resolution if we've changed it
pub struct WindowProxy {
data: Arc<Mutex<Option<WindowProxyData>>>,
impl WindowProxy {
pub fn wakeup_event_loop(&self) {
let window_proxy_data = self.data.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(ref data) = *window_proxy_data {
let mut xev = ffi::XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ffi::ClientMessage,
window: data.window,
format: 32,
message_type: 0,
serial: 0,
send_event: 0,
display: data.display.display,
data: unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
unsafe {
(data.display.xlib.XSendEvent)(data.display.display, data.window, 0, 0, mem::transmute(&mut xev));
data.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSendEvent after wakeup");
pub struct Window {
pub x: Arc<XWindow>,
cursor_state: Mutex<CursorState>,
impl Window {
pub fn new(ctx: &EventsLoop, window_attrs: &WindowAttributes,
pl_attribs: &PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes)
-> Result<Window, CreationError>
let display = &ctx.display;
let dimensions = {
// x11 only applies constraints when the window is actively resized
// by the user, so we have to manually apply the initial constraints
let mut dimensions = window_attrs.dimensions.unwrap_or((800, 600));
if let Some(max) = window_attrs.max_dimensions {
dimensions.0 = cmp::min(dimensions.0, max.0);
dimensions.1 = cmp::min(dimensions.1, max.1);
if let Some(min) = window_attrs.min_dimensions {
dimensions.0 = cmp::max(dimensions.0, min.0);
dimensions.1 = cmp::max(dimensions.1, min.1);
let screen_id = match pl_attribs.screen_id {
Some(id) => id,
None => match window_attrs.fullscreen {
FullScreenState::Exclusive(RootMonitorId(PlatformMonitorId::X(X11MonitorId(_, monitor)))) => monitor as i32,
_ => unsafe { (display.xlib.XDefaultScreen)(display.display) },
// getting the root window
let root = ctx.root;
// creating
let mut set_win_attr = {
let mut swa: ffi::XSetWindowAttributes = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
swa.colormap = if let Some(vi) = pl_attribs.visual_infos {
unsafe {
let visual = vi.visual;
(display.xlib.XCreateColormap)(display.display, root, visual, ffi::AllocNone)
} else { 0 };
swa.event_mask = ffi::ExposureMask | ffi::StructureNotifyMask |
ffi::VisibilityChangeMask | ffi::KeyPressMask | ffi::PointerMotionMask |
ffi::KeyReleaseMask | ffi::ButtonPressMask |
ffi::ButtonReleaseMask | ffi::KeymapStateMask;
swa.border_pixel = 0;
if window_attrs.transparent {
swa.background_pixel = 0;
swa.override_redirect = 0;
let mut window_attributes = ffi::CWBorderPixel | ffi::CWColormap | ffi::CWEventMask;
if window_attrs.transparent {
window_attributes |= ffi::CWBackPixel;
// finally creating the window
let window = unsafe {
let win = (display.xlib.XCreateWindow)(display.display, root, 0, 0, dimensions.0 as libc::c_uint,
dimensions.1 as libc::c_uint, 0,
match pl_attribs.visual_infos {
Some(vi) => vi.depth,
None => ffi::CopyFromParent
ffi::InputOutput as libc::c_uint,
match pl_attribs.visual_infos {
Some(vi) => vi.visual,
None => ffi::CopyFromParent as *mut _
&mut set_win_attr);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XCreateWindow");
// Set ICCCM WM_CLASS property based on initial window title
// Must be done *before* mapping the window by ICCCM
unsafe {
with_c_str(&*window_attrs.title, |c_name| {
let hint = (display.xlib.XAllocClassHint)();
(*hint).res_name = c_name as *mut libc::c_char;
(*hint).res_class = c_name as *mut libc::c_char;
(display.xlib.XSetClassHint)(display.display, window, hint);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetClassHint");
(display.xlib.XFree)(hint as *mut _);
// set visibility
if window_attrs.visible {
unsafe {
(display.xlib.XMapRaised)(display.display, window);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to set window visibility");
// Opt into handling window close
unsafe {
(display.xlib.XSetWMProtocols)(display.display, window, &ctx.wm_delete_window as *const _ as *mut _, 1);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetWMProtocols");
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XFlush");
// Attempt to make keyboard input repeat detectable
unsafe {
let mut supported_ptr = ffi::False;
(display.xlib.XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat)(display.display, ffi::True, &mut supported_ptr);
if supported_ptr == ffi::False {
return Err(OsError(format!("XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat failed")));
// set size hints
let mut size_hints: ffi::XSizeHints = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
size_hints.flags = ffi::PSize;
size_hints.width = dimensions.0 as i32;
size_hints.height = dimensions.1 as i32;
if let Some(dimensions) = window_attrs.min_dimensions {
size_hints.flags |= ffi::PMinSize;
size_hints.min_width = dimensions.0 as i32;
size_hints.min_height = dimensions.1 as i32;
if let Some(dimensions) = window_attrs.max_dimensions {
size_hints.flags |= ffi::PMaxSize;
size_hints.max_width = dimensions.0 as i32;
size_hints.max_height = dimensions.1 as i32;
unsafe {
(display.xlib.XSetNormalHints)(display.display, window, &mut size_hints);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetNormalHints");
// Select XInput2 events
let mask = ffi::XI_MotionMask
| ffi::XI_ButtonPressMask | ffi::XI_ButtonReleaseMask
// | ffi::XI_KeyPressMask | ffi::XI_KeyReleaseMask
| ffi::XI_EnterMask | ffi::XI_LeaveMask
| ffi::XI_FocusInMask | ffi::XI_FocusOutMask
| if window_attrs.multitouch { ffi::XI_TouchBeginMask | ffi::XI_TouchUpdateMask | ffi::XI_TouchEndMask } else { 0 };
unsafe {
let mut event_mask = ffi::XIEventMask{
deviceid: ffi::XIAllMasterDevices,
mask: mem::transmute::<*const i32, *mut c_uchar>(&mask as *const i32),
mask_len: mem::size_of_val(&mask) as c_int,
(display.xinput2.XISelectEvents)(display.display, window,
&mut event_mask as *mut ffi::XIEventMask, 1);
// creating the window object
let window_proxy_data = WindowProxyData {
display: display.clone(),
window: window,
let window_proxy_data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(window_proxy_data)));
let window = Window {
x: Arc::new(XWindow {
display: display.clone(),
window: window,
root: root,
fullscreen: Arc::new(Mutex::new((screen_id, None))),
window_proxy_data: window_proxy_data,
cursor_state: Mutex::new(CursorState::Normal),
if window_attrs.visible {
unsafe {
let ref x_window: &XWindow = window.x.borrow();
// XSetInputFocus generates an error if the window is not visible,
// therefore we wait until it's the case.
loop {
let mut window_attributes = mem::uninitialized();
(display.xlib.XGetWindowAttributes)(display.display, x_window.window, &mut window_attributes);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XGetWindowAttributes");
if window_attributes.map_state == ffi::IsViewable {
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetInputFocus");
// Wait about a frame to avoid too-busy waiting
// returning
fn set_netwm(display: &Arc<XConnection>, window: u64, root: u64, property: &str, val: bool) {
let state_atom = unsafe {
with_c_str("_NET_WM_STATE", |state|
(display.xlib.XInternAtom)(display.display, state, 0)
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
let atom = unsafe {
with_c_str(property, |state|
(display.xlib.XInternAtom)(display.display, state, 0)
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
let client_message_event = ffi::XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ffi::ClientMessage,
serial: 0,
send_event: 1, // true because we are sending this through `XSendEvent`
display: display.display,
window: window,
message_type: state_atom, // the _NET_WM_STATE atom is sent to change the state of a window
format: 32, // view `data` as `c_long`s
data: {
let mut data = ffi::ClientMessageData::new();
// This first `long` is the action; `1` means add/set following property.
data.set_long(0, val as i64);
// This second `long` is the property to set (fullscreen)
data.set_long(1, atom as c_long);
let mut x_event = ffi::XEvent::from(client_message_event);
unsafe {
ffi::SubstructureRedirectMask | ffi::SubstructureNotifyMask,
&mut x_event as *mut _
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSendEvent");
pub fn set_fullscreen(&self, state: FullScreenState) {
match state {
FullScreenState::None => {
Window::set_netwm(&self.x.display, self.x.window, self.x.root, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", false);
FullScreenState::Windowed => {
Window::set_netwm(&self.x.display, self.x.window, self.x.root, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", true);
FullScreenState::Exclusive(RootMonitorId(PlatformMonitorId::X(X11MonitorId(_, monitor)))) => {
if let Some(dimensions) = self.get_inner_size() {
self.x.switch_to_fullscreen_mode(monitor as i32, dimensions.0 as u16, dimensions.1 as u16);
Window::set_netwm(&self.x.display, self.x.window, self.x.root, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", true);
} else {
eprintln!("[winit] Couldn't get window dimensions to go fullscreen");
_ => (),
pub fn set_maximized(&self, maximized: bool) {
Window::set_netwm(&self.x.display, self.x.window, self.x.root, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", maximized);
Window::set_netwm(&self.x.display, self.x.window, self.x.root, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", maximized);
pub fn set_title(&self, title: &str) {
let wm_name = unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XInternAtom)(self.x.display.display, b"_NET_WM_NAME\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 0)
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
let wm_utf8_string = unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XInternAtom)(self.x.display.display, b"UTF8_STRING\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 0)
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
with_c_str(title, |c_title| unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XStoreName)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, c_title);
let len = title.as_bytes().len();
(self.x.display.xlib.XChangeProperty)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window,
wm_name, wm_utf8_string, 8, ffi::PropModeReplace,
c_title as *const u8, len as libc::c_int);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to set window title");
pub fn set_decorations(&self, decorations: bool) {
struct MotifWindowHints {
flags: u32,
functions: u32,
decorations: u32,
input_mode: i32,
status: u32,
let wm_hints = unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XInternAtom)(self.x.display.display, b"_MOTIF_WM_HINTS\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 0)
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
if !decorations {
let hints = MotifWindowHints {
functions: 0,
decorations: 0,
input_mode: 0,
status: 0,
unsafe {
self.x.display.display, self.x.window,
wm_hints, wm_hints, 32 /* Size of elements in struct */,
ffi::PropModeReplace, &hints as *const MotifWindowHints as *const u8,
5 /* Number of elements in struct */);
} else {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XDeleteProperty)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, wm_hints);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to set decorations");
pub fn show(&self) {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XMapRaised)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XMapRaised");
pub fn hide(&self) {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XUnmapWindow)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XUnmapWindow");
fn get_geometry(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32, u32, u32, u32)> {
unsafe {
use std::mem;
let mut root: ffi::Window = mem::uninitialized();
let mut x: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let mut y: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let mut width: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
let mut height: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
let mut border: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
let mut depth: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
if (self.x.display.xlib.XGetGeometry)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window,
&mut root, &mut x, &mut y, &mut width, &mut height,
&mut border, &mut depth) == 0
return None;
Some((x as i32, y as i32, width as u32, height as u32, border as u32))
pub fn get_position(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
self.get_geometry().map(|(x, y, _, _, _)| (x, y))
pub fn set_position(&self, x: i32, y: i32) {
unsafe { (self.x.display.xlib.XMoveWindow)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, x as libc::c_int, y as libc::c_int); }
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XMoveWindow");
pub fn get_inner_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
self.get_geometry().map(|(_, _, w, h, _)| ((w as f32 / self.hidpi_factor()) as u32, (h as f32 / self.hidpi_factor()) as u32))
pub fn get_outer_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
self.get_geometry().map(|(_, _, w, h, b)| (w + b, h + b)) // TODO: is this really outside?
pub fn set_inner_size(&self, x: u32, y: u32) {
unsafe { (self.x.display.xlib.XResizeWindow)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, x as libc::c_uint, y as libc::c_uint); }
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XResizeWindow");
pub fn create_window_proxy(&self) -> WindowProxy {
WindowProxy {
data: self.x.window_proxy_data.clone()
pub fn get_xlib_display(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.display.display as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xlib_screen_id(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
let screen_id = {
let fullscreen = self.x.fullscreen.lock().unwrap();
screen_id as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xlib_xconnection(&self) -> Arc<XConnection> {
pub fn platform_display(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.display.display as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xlib_window(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.window as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn platform_window(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.window as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xcb_connection(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib_xcb.XGetXCBConnection)(self.get_xlib_display() as *mut _) as *mut _
pub fn set_window_resize_callback(&mut self, _: Option<fn(u32, u32)>) {
pub fn set_cursor(&self, cursor: MouseCursor) {
unsafe {
let load = |name: &str| {
let loadn = |names: &[&str]| {
// Try multiple names in some cases where the name
// differs on the desktop environments or themes.
// Try the better looking (or more suiting) names first.
let xcursor = match cursor {
MouseCursor::Alias => load("link"),
MouseCursor::Arrow => load("arrow"),
MouseCursor::Cell => load("plus"),
MouseCursor::Copy => load("copy"),
MouseCursor::Crosshair => load("crosshair"),
MouseCursor::Default => load("left_ptr"),
MouseCursor::Hand => loadn(&["hand2", "hand1"]),
MouseCursor::Help => load("question_arrow"),
MouseCursor::Move => load("move"),
MouseCursor::Grab => loadn(&["openhand", "grab"]),
MouseCursor::Grabbing => loadn(&["closedhand", "grabbing"]),
MouseCursor::Progress => load("left_ptr_watch"),
MouseCursor::AllScroll => load("all-scroll"),
MouseCursor::ContextMenu => load("context-menu"),
MouseCursor::NoDrop => loadn(&["no-drop", "circle"]),
MouseCursor::NotAllowed => load("crossed_circle"),
/// Resize cursors
MouseCursor::EResize => load("right_side"),
MouseCursor::NResize => load("top_side"),
MouseCursor::NeResize => load("top_right_corner"),
MouseCursor::NwResize => load("top_left_corner"),
MouseCursor::SResize => load("bottom_side"),
MouseCursor::SeResize => load("bottom_right_corner"),
MouseCursor::SwResize => load("bottom_left_corner"),
MouseCursor::WResize => load("left_side"),
MouseCursor::EwResize => load("h_double_arrow"),
MouseCursor::NsResize => load("v_double_arrow"),
MouseCursor::NwseResize => loadn(&["bd_double_arrow", "size_bdiag"]),
MouseCursor::NeswResize => loadn(&["fd_double_arrow", "size_fdiag"]),
MouseCursor::ColResize => loadn(&["split_h", "h_double_arrow"]),
MouseCursor::RowResize => loadn(&["split_v", "v_double_arrow"]),
MouseCursor::Text => loadn(&["text", "xterm"]),
MouseCursor::VerticalText => load("vertical-text"),
MouseCursor::Wait => load("watch"),
MouseCursor::ZoomIn => load("zoom-in"),
MouseCursor::ZoomOut => load("zoom-out"),
MouseCursor::NoneCursor => self.create_empty_cursor(),
(self.x.display.xlib.XDefineCursor)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, xcursor);
if xcursor != 0 {
(self.x.display.xlib.XFreeCursor)(self.x.display.display, xcursor);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to set or free the cursor");
fn load_cursor(&self, name: &str) -> ffi::Cursor {
use std::ffi::CString;
unsafe {
let c_string = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).unwrap();
(self.x.display.xcursor.XcursorLibraryLoadCursor)(self.x.display.display, c_string.as_ptr())
fn load_first_existing_cursor(&self, names :&[&str]) -> ffi::Cursor {
for name in names.iter() {
let xcursor = self.load_cursor(name);
if xcursor != 0 {
return xcursor;
// TODO: This could maybe be cached. I don't think it's worth
// the complexity, since cursor changes are not so common,
// and this is just allocating a 1x1 pixmap...
fn create_empty_cursor(&self) -> ffi::Cursor {
use std::mem;
let data = 0;
unsafe {
let pixmap = (self.x.display.xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, &data, 1, 1);
if pixmap == 0 {
// Failed to allocate
return 0;
// We don't care about this color, since it only fills bytes
// in the pixmap which are not 0 in the mask.
let dummy_color: ffi::XColor = mem::uninitialized();
let cursor = (self.x.display.xlib.XCreatePixmapCursor)(self.x.display.display,
&dummy_color as *const _ as *mut _,
&dummy_color as *const _ as *mut _, 0, 0);
(self.x.display.xlib.XFreePixmap)(self.x.display.display, pixmap);
pub fn set_cursor_state(&self, state: CursorState) -> Result<(), String> {
use CursorState::{ Grab, Normal, Hide };
let mut cursor_state = self.cursor_state.lock().unwrap();
match (state, *cursor_state) {
(Normal, Normal) | (Hide, Hide) | (Grab, Grab) => return Ok(()),
_ => {},
match *cursor_state {
Grab => {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XUngrabPointer)(self.x.display.display, ffi::CurrentTime);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XUngrabPointer");
Normal => {},
Hide => {
// NB: Calling XDefineCursor with None (aka 0)
// as a value resets the cursor to the default.
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XDefineCursor)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, 0);
*cursor_state = state;
match state {
Normal => Ok(()),
Hide => {
unsafe {
let cursor = self.create_empty_cursor();
(self.x.display.xlib.XDefineCursor)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, cursor);
if cursor != 0 {
(self.x.display.xlib.XFreeCursor)(self.x.display.display, cursor);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XDefineCursor or free the empty cursor");
Grab => {
unsafe {
match (self.x.display.xlib.XGrabPointer)(
self.x.display.display, self.x.window, ffi::True,
(ffi::ButtonPressMask | ffi::ButtonReleaseMask | ffi::EnterWindowMask |
ffi::LeaveWindowMask | ffi::PointerMotionMask | ffi::PointerMotionHintMask |
ffi::Button1MotionMask | ffi::Button2MotionMask | ffi::Button3MotionMask |
ffi::Button4MotionMask | ffi::Button5MotionMask | ffi::ButtonMotionMask |
ffi::KeymapStateMask) as libc::c_uint,
ffi::GrabModeAsync, ffi::GrabModeAsync,
self.x.window, 0, ffi::CurrentTime
) {
ffi::GrabSuccess => Ok(()),
ffi::AlreadyGrabbed | ffi::GrabInvalidTime |
ffi::GrabNotViewable | ffi::GrabFrozen
=> Err("cursor could not be grabbed".to_string()),
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> f32 {
let screen_id = {
let fullscreen = self.x.fullscreen.lock().unwrap();
unsafe {
let x_px = (self.x.display.xlib.XDisplayWidth)(self.x.display.display, screen_id);
let y_px = (self.x.display.xlib.XDisplayHeight)(self.x.display.display, screen_id);
let x_mm = (self.x.display.xlib.XDisplayWidthMM)(self.x.display.display, screen_id);
let y_mm = (self.x.display.xlib.XDisplayHeightMM)(self.x.display.display, screen_id);
let ppmm = ((x_px as f32 * y_px as f32) / (x_mm as f32 * y_mm as f32)).sqrt();
((ppmm * (12.0 * 25.4 / 96.0)).round() / 12.0).max(1.0) // quantize with 1/12 step size.
pub fn set_cursor_position(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<(), ()> {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XWarpPointer)(self.x.display.display, 0, self.x.window, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);
self.x.display.check_errors().map_err(|_| ())
pub fn id(&self) -> WindowId { WindowId(self.x.window) }