Kirill Chibisov b1a5fae1f5
On X11, fix errors bleeding from hooks handling them
This commit fixes it, by not updating the `latest_error` when
any of the hooks handled the error, otherwise it'd interfere
with the winit's error checking.
2023-01-18 05:58:09 +03:00

234 lines
7.8 KiB

use std::os::raw;
use std::ptr;
use crate::{
event_loop::{EventLoopBuilder, EventLoopWindowTarget},
window::{Window, WindowBuilder},
use crate::dpi::Size;
use crate::platform_impl::{
x11::ffi::XVisualInfo, ApplicationName, Backend, Window as LinuxWindow, XLIB_ERROR_HOOKS,
pub use crate::platform_impl::{x11::util::WindowType as XWindowType, XNotSupported};
/// The first argument in the provided hook will be the pointer to `XDisplay`
/// and the second one the pointer to [`XErrorEvent`]. The returned `bool` is an
/// indicator whether the error was handled by the callback.
/// [`XErrorEvent`]:
pub type XlibErrorHook =
Box<dyn Fn(*mut std::ffi::c_void, *mut std::ffi::c_void) -> bool + Send + Sync>;
/// Hook to winit's xlib error handling callback.
/// This method is provided as a safe way to handle the errors comming from X11
/// when using xlib in external crates, like glutin for GLX access. Trying to
/// handle errors by speculating with `XSetErrorHandler` is [`unsafe`].
/// **Be aware that your hook is always invoked and returning `true` from it will
/// prevent `winit` from getting the error itself. It's wise to always return
/// `false` if you're not initiated the `Sync`.**
/// [`unsafe`]:
pub fn register_xlib_error_hook(hook: XlibErrorHook) {
// Append new hook.
unsafe {
/// Additional methods on [`EventLoopWindowTarget`] that are specific to X11.
pub trait EventLoopWindowTargetExtX11 {
/// True if the [`EventLoopWindowTarget`] uses X11.
fn is_x11(&self) -> bool;
impl<T> EventLoopWindowTargetExtX11 for EventLoopWindowTarget<T> {
fn is_x11(&self) -> bool {
/// Additional methods on [`EventLoopBuilder`] that are specific to X11.
pub trait EventLoopBuilderExtX11 {
/// Force using X11.
fn with_x11(&mut self) -> &mut Self;
/// Whether to allow the event loop to be created off of the main thread.
/// By default, the window is only allowed to be created on the main
/// thread, to make platform compatibility easier.
fn with_any_thread(&mut self, any_thread: bool) -> &mut Self;
impl<T> EventLoopBuilderExtX11 for EventLoopBuilder<T> {
fn with_x11(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.platform_specific.forced_backend = Some(Backend::X);
fn with_any_thread(&mut self, any_thread: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.platform_specific.any_thread = any_thread;
/// Additional methods on [`Window`] that are specific to X11.
pub trait WindowExtX11 {
/// Returns the ID of the [`Window`] xlib object that is used by this window.
/// Returns `None` if the window doesn't use xlib (if it uses wayland for example).
fn xlib_window(&self) -> Option<raw::c_ulong>;
/// Returns a pointer to the `Display` object of xlib that is used by this window.
/// Returns `None` if the window doesn't use xlib (if it uses wayland for example).
/// The pointer will become invalid when the [`Window`] is destroyed.
fn xlib_display(&self) -> Option<*mut raw::c_void>;
fn xlib_screen_id(&self) -> Option<raw::c_int>;
/// This function returns the underlying `xcb_connection_t` of an xlib `Display`.
/// Returns `None` if the window doesn't use xlib (if it uses wayland for example).
/// The pointer will become invalid when the [`Window`] is destroyed.
fn xcb_connection(&self) -> Option<*mut raw::c_void>;
impl WindowExtX11 for Window {
fn xlib_window(&self) -> Option<raw::c_ulong> {
match self.window {
LinuxWindow::X(ref w) => Some(w.xlib_window()),
_ => None,
fn xlib_display(&self) -> Option<*mut raw::c_void> {
match self.window {
LinuxWindow::X(ref w) => Some(w.xlib_display()),
_ => None,
fn xlib_screen_id(&self) -> Option<raw::c_int> {
match self.window {
LinuxWindow::X(ref w) => Some(w.xlib_screen_id()),
_ => None,
fn xcb_connection(&self) -> Option<*mut raw::c_void> {
match self.window {
LinuxWindow::X(ref w) => Some(w.xcb_connection()),
_ => None,
/// Additional methods on [`WindowBuilder`] that are specific to X11.
pub trait WindowBuilderExtX11 {
fn with_x11_visual<T>(self, visual_infos: *const T) -> Self;
fn with_x11_screen(self, screen_id: i32) -> Self;
/// Build window with the given `general` and `instance` names.
/// The `general` sets general class of `WM_CLASS(STRING)`, while `instance` set the
/// instance part of it. The resulted property looks like `WM_CLASS(STRING) = "general", "instance"`.
/// For details about application ID conventions, see the
/// [Desktop Entry Spec](
fn with_name(self, general: impl Into<String>, instance: impl Into<String>) -> Self;
/// Build window with override-redirect flag; defaults to false. Only relevant on X11.
fn with_override_redirect(self, override_redirect: bool) -> Self;
/// Build window with `_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE` hints; defaults to `Normal`. Only relevant on X11.
fn with_x11_window_type(self, x11_window_type: Vec<XWindowType>) -> Self;
/// Build window with base size hint. Only implemented on X11.
/// ```
/// # use winit::dpi::{LogicalSize, PhysicalSize};
/// # use winit::window::WindowBuilder;
/// # use winit::platform::x11::WindowBuilderExtX11;
/// // Specify the size in logical dimensions like this:
/// WindowBuilder::new().with_base_size(LogicalSize::new(400.0, 200.0));
/// // Or specify the size in physical dimensions like this:
/// WindowBuilder::new().with_base_size(PhysicalSize::new(400, 200));
/// ```
fn with_base_size<S: Into<Size>>(self, base_size: S) -> Self;
impl WindowBuilderExtX11 for WindowBuilder {
fn with_x11_visual<T>(mut self, visual_infos: *const T) -> Self {
self.platform_specific.visual_infos =
Some(unsafe { ptr::read(visual_infos as *const XVisualInfo) });
fn with_x11_screen(mut self, screen_id: i32) -> Self {
self.platform_specific.screen_id = Some(screen_id);
fn with_name(mut self, general: impl Into<String>, instance: impl Into<String>) -> Self { = Some(ApplicationName::new(general.into(), instance.into()));
fn with_override_redirect(mut self, override_redirect: bool) -> Self {
self.platform_specific.override_redirect = override_redirect;
fn with_x11_window_type(mut self, x11_window_types: Vec<XWindowType>) -> Self {
self.platform_specific.x11_window_types = x11_window_types;
fn with_base_size<S: Into<Size>>(mut self, base_size: S) -> Self {
self.platform_specific.base_size = Some(base_size.into());
/// Additional methods on `MonitorHandle` that are specific to X11.
pub trait MonitorHandleExtX11 {
/// Returns the inner identifier of the monitor.
fn native_id(&self) -> u32;
impl MonitorHandleExtX11 for MonitorHandle {
fn native_id(&self) -> u32 {