Joe Wilm 2ee658048a Fix busy loop in X11 WaitEventsIterator
WaitEventsIterator implements waiting by first calling XPeekEvent which
will block until at least 1 event is queued, and then it delegates to
PollEventsIterator to actually handle the new event. PollEventsIterator
was previously picky about which events it would process. Events of
other types would get stuck at the head of the X event queue, and
PollEventsIterator would return None. This initiated a busy loop in the
WaitEventsIterator because it would XPeekEvent, see that something is
there, and then PollEventsIterator would return None, and the process
would repeat.

This is resolved by using XNextEvent in the PollEventsIterator instead
of XCheckTypedEvent. Any event in the queue will be popped. Even if
winit isn't interested in the event, this means XPeekEvent will block
again to wait for another event instead of the previous behavior.
2017-02-15 08:34:24 -08:00

971 lines
37 KiB

use {WindowEvent as Event, MouseCursor};
use CreationError;
use CreationError::OsError;
use libc;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::{mem, ptr, cmp};
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::os::raw::c_long;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use CursorState;
use WindowAttributes;
use platform::PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes;
use platform::MonitorId as PlatformMonitorId;
use super::input::XInputEventHandler;
use super::{ffi};
use super::{MonitorId, XConnection};
// XOpenIM doesn't seem to be thread-safe
lazy_static! { // TODO: use a static mutex when that's possible, and put me back in my function
static ref GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
// TODO: remove me
fn with_c_str<F, T>(s: &str, f: F) -> T where F: FnOnce(*const libc::c_char) -> T {
use std::ffi::CString;
let c_str = CString::new(s.as_bytes().to_vec()).unwrap();
struct WindowProxyData {
display: Arc<XConnection>,
window: ffi::Window,
unsafe impl Send for WindowProxyData {}
pub struct XWindow {
display: Arc<XConnection>,
window: ffi::Window,
is_fullscreen: bool,
screen_id: libc::c_int,
xf86_desk_mode: Option<ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo>,
ic: ffi::XIC,
im: ffi::XIM,
window_proxy_data: Arc<Mutex<Option<WindowProxyData>>>,
unsafe impl Send for XWindow {}
unsafe impl Sync for XWindow {}
unsafe impl Send for Window {}
unsafe impl Sync for Window {}
impl Drop for XWindow {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Clear out the window proxy data arc, so that any window proxy objects
// are no longer able to send messages to this window.
*self.window_proxy_data.lock().unwrap() = None;
let _lock = GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
if self.is_fullscreen {
if let Some(mut xf86_desk_mode) = self.xf86_desk_mode {
(self.display.xf86vmode.XF86VidModeSwitchToMode)(self.display.display, self.screen_id, &mut xf86_desk_mode);
(self.display.xf86vmode.XF86VidModeSetViewPort)(self.display.display, self.screen_id, 0, 0);
(self.display.xlib.XDestroyWindow)(self.display.display, self.window);
pub struct WindowProxy {
data: Arc<Mutex<Option<WindowProxyData>>>,
impl WindowProxy {
pub fn wakeup_event_loop(&self) {
let window_proxy_data =;
if let Some(ref data) = *window_proxy_data {
let mut xev = ffi::XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ffi::ClientMessage,
window: data.window,
format: 32,
message_type: 0,
serial: 0,
send_event: 0,
display: data.display.display,
data: unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
unsafe {
(data.display.xlib.XSendEvent)(data.display.display, data.window, 0, 0, mem::transmute(&mut xev));
data.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSendEvent after wakeup");
// XEvents of type GenericEvent store their actual data
// in an XGenericEventCookie data structure. This is a wrapper
// to extract the cookie from a GenericEvent XEvent and release
// the cookie data once it has been processed
struct GenericEventCookie<'a> {
display: &'a XConnection,
cookie: ffi::XGenericEventCookie
impl<'a> GenericEventCookie<'a> {
fn from_event<'b>(display: &'b XConnection, event: ffi::XEvent) -> Option<GenericEventCookie<'b>> {
unsafe {
let mut cookie: ffi::XGenericEventCookie = From::from(event);
if (display.xlib.XGetEventData)(display.display, &mut cookie) == ffi::True {
Some(GenericEventCookie{display: display, cookie: cookie})
} else {
impl<'a> Drop for GenericEventCookie<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let xlib = &self.display.xlib;
(xlib.XFreeEventData)(self.display.display, &mut self.cookie);
pub struct PollEventsIterator<'a> {
window: &'a Window
impl<'a> Iterator for PollEventsIterator<'a> {
type Item = Event;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Event> {
let xlib = &self.window.x.display.xlib;
loop {
if let Some(ev) = self.window.pending_events.lock().unwrap().pop_front() {
return Some(ev);
let mut xev = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
// Get the next X11 event. XNextEvent will block if there's no
// events available; checking the count first ensures an event will
// be returned without blocking.
// Functions like XCheckTypedEvent can prevent events from being
// popped if they are of the wrong type in which case winit would
// enter a busy loop. To avoid that, XNextEvent is used to pop
// events off the queue since it will accept any event type.
unsafe {
let count = (xlib.XPending)(self.window.x.display.display);
if count == 0 {
return None;
let res = (xlib.XNextEvent)(self.window.x.display.display, &mut xev);
// Can res ever be none zero if count is > 0?
assert!(res == 0);
match xev.get_type() {
ffi::MappingNotify => {
unsafe { (xlib.XRefreshKeyboardMapping)(mem::transmute(&xev)); }
self.window.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XRefreshKeyboardMapping");
ffi::ClientMessage => {
use events::WindowEvent::{Closed, Awakened};
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
let client_msg: &ffi::XClientMessageEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) };
if == self.window.wm_delete_window as libc::c_long {, Relaxed);
return Some(Closed);
} else {
return Some(Awakened);
ffi::ConfigureNotify => {
use events::WindowEvent::Resized;
let cfg_event: &ffi::XConfigureEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) };
let (current_width, current_height) = self.window.current_size.get();
if current_width != cfg_event.width || current_height != cfg_event.height {
self.window.current_size.set((cfg_event.width, cfg_event.height));
return Some(Resized(cfg_event.width as u32, cfg_event.height as u32));
ffi::Expose => {
use events::WindowEvent::Refresh;
return Some(Refresh);
ffi::KeyPress | ffi::KeyRelease => {
let mut event: &mut ffi::XKeyEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&mut xev) };
let events = self.window.input_handler.lock().unwrap().translate_key_event(&mut event);
for event in events {
ffi::GenericEvent => {
if let Some(cookie) = GenericEventCookie::from_event(self.window.x.display.borrow(), xev) {
match cookie.cookie.evtype {
ffi::XI_DeviceChanged...ffi::XI_LASTEVENT => {
match self.window.input_handler.lock() {
Ok(mut handler) => {
match handler.translate_event(&cookie.cookie) {
Some(event) => self.window.pending_events.lock().unwrap().push_back(event),
None => {}
Err(_) => {}
_ => {}
_ => {}
pub struct WaitEventsIterator<'a> {
window: &'a Window,
impl<'a> Iterator for WaitEventsIterator<'a> {
type Item = Event;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Event> {
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
use std::mem;
while !self.window.is_closed.load(Relaxed) {
if let Some(ev) = self.window.pending_events.lock().unwrap().pop_front() {
return Some(ev);
// this will block until an event arrives, but doesn't remove
// it from the queue
let mut xev = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
unsafe { (self.window.x.display.xlib.XPeekEvent)(self.window.x.display.display, &mut xev) };
self.window.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XPeekEvent");
// calling poll_events()
if let Some(ev) = self.window.poll_events().next() {
return Some(ev);
pub struct Window {
pub x: Arc<XWindow>,
is_closed: AtomicBool,
wm_delete_window: ffi::Atom,
current_size: Cell<(libc::c_int, libc::c_int)>,
/// Events that have been retreived with XLib but not dispatched with iterators yet
pending_events: Mutex<VecDeque<Event>>,
cursor_state: Mutex<CursorState>,
input_handler: Mutex<XInputEventHandler>
impl Window {
pub fn new(display: &Arc<XConnection>, window_attrs: &WindowAttributes,
pl_attribs: &PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes)
-> Result<Window, CreationError>
let dimensions = {
// x11 only applies constraints when the window is actively resized
// by the user, so we have to manually apply the initial constraints
let mut dimensions = window_attrs.dimensions.unwrap_or((800, 600));
if let Some(max) = window_attrs.max_dimensions {
dimensions.0 = cmp::min(dimensions.0, max.0);
dimensions.1 = cmp::min(dimensions.1, max.1);
if let Some(min) = window_attrs.min_dimensions {
dimensions.0 = cmp::max(dimensions.0, min.0);
dimensions.1 = cmp::max(dimensions.1, min.1);
let screen_id = match pl_attribs.screen_id {
Some(id) => id,
None => match window_attrs.monitor {
Some(PlatformMonitorId::X(MonitorId(_, monitor))) => monitor as i32,
_ => unsafe { (display.xlib.XDefaultScreen)(display.display) },
// finding the mode to switch to if necessary
let (mode_to_switch_to, xf86_desk_mode) = unsafe {
let mut mode_num: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let mut modes: *mut *mut ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = mem::uninitialized();
if (display.xf86vmode.XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines)(display.display, screen_id, &mut mode_num, &mut modes) == 0 {
(None, None)
} else {
let xf86_desk_mode: ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = ptr::read(*modes.offset(0));
let mode_to_switch_to = if window_attrs.monitor.is_some() {
let matching_mode = (0 .. mode_num).map(|i| {
let m: ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = ptr::read(*modes.offset(i as isize) as *const _); m
}).find(|m| m.hdisplay == dimensions.0 as u16 && m.vdisplay == dimensions.1 as u16);
if let Some(matching_mode) = matching_mode {
} else {
let m = (0 .. mode_num).map(|i| {
let m: ffi::XF86VidModeModeInfo = ptr::read(*modes.offset(i as isize) as *const _); m
}).find(|m| m.hdisplay >= dimensions.0 as u16 && m.vdisplay >= dimensions.1 as u16);
match m {
Some(m) => Some(m),
None => return Err(OsError(format!("Could not find a suitable graphics mode")))
} else {
(display.xlib.XFree)(modes as *mut _);
(mode_to_switch_to, Some(xf86_desk_mode))
// getting the root window
let root = unsafe { (display.xlib.XDefaultRootWindow)(display.display) };
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to get root window");
// creating
let mut set_win_attr = {
let mut swa: ffi::XSetWindowAttributes = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
swa.colormap = if let Some(vi) = pl_attribs.visual_infos {
unsafe {
let visual = vi.visual;
(display.xlib.XCreateColormap)(display.display, root, visual, ffi::AllocNone)
} else { 0 };
swa.event_mask = ffi::ExposureMask | ffi::StructureNotifyMask |
ffi::VisibilityChangeMask | ffi::KeyPressMask | ffi::PointerMotionMask |
ffi::KeyReleaseMask | ffi::ButtonPressMask |
ffi::ButtonReleaseMask | ffi::KeymapStateMask;
swa.border_pixel = 0;
if window_attrs.transparent {
swa.background_pixel = 0;
swa.override_redirect = 0;
let mut window_attributes = ffi::CWBorderPixel | ffi::CWColormap | ffi::CWEventMask;
if window_attrs.transparent {
window_attributes |= ffi::CWBackPixel;
// finally creating the window
let window = unsafe {
let win = (display.xlib.XCreateWindow)(display.display, root, 0, 0, dimensions.0 as libc::c_uint,
dimensions.1 as libc::c_uint, 0,
match pl_attribs.visual_infos {
Some(vi) => vi.depth,
None => ffi::CopyFromParent
ffi::InputOutput as libc::c_uint,
match pl_attribs.visual_infos {
Some(vi) => vi.visual,
None => ffi::CopyFromParent as *mut _
&mut set_win_attr);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XCreateWindow");
// set visibility
if window_attrs.visible {
unsafe {
(display.xlib.XMapRaised)(display.display, window);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to set window visibility");
// creating window, step 2
let wm_delete_window = unsafe {
let mut wm_delete_window = with_c_str("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", |delete_window|
(display.xlib.XInternAtom)(display.display, delete_window, 0)
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
(display.xlib.XSetWMProtocols)(display.display, window, &mut wm_delete_window, 1);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetWMProtocols");
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XFlush");
// creating IM
let im = unsafe {
let _lock = GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let im = (display.xlib.XOpenIM)(display.display, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut());
if im.is_null() {
return Err(OsError(format!("XOpenIM failed")));
// creating input context
let ic = unsafe {
let ic = with_c_str("inputStyle", |input_style|
with_c_str("clientWindow", |client_window|
im, input_style,
ffi::XIMPreeditNothing | ffi::XIMStatusNothing, client_window,
window, ptr::null::<()>()
if ic.is_null() {
return Err(OsError(format!("XCreateIC failed")));
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetICFocus");
// Attempt to make keyboard input repeat detectable
unsafe {
let mut supported_ptr = ffi::False;
(display.xlib.XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat)(display.display, ffi::True, &mut supported_ptr);
if supported_ptr == ffi::False {
return Err(OsError(format!("XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat failed")));
// Set ICCCM WM_CLASS property based on initial window title
unsafe {
with_c_str(&*window_attrs.title, |c_name| {
let hint = (display.xlib.XAllocClassHint)();
(*hint).res_name = c_name as *mut libc::c_char;
(*hint).res_class = c_name as *mut libc::c_char;
(display.xlib.XSetClassHint)(display.display, window, hint);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetClassHint");
(display.xlib.XFree)(hint as *mut _);
let is_fullscreen = window_attrs.monitor.is_some();
if is_fullscreen {
let state_atom = unsafe {
with_c_str("_NET_WM_STATE", |state|
(display.xlib.XInternAtom)(display.display, state, 0)
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
let fullscreen_atom = unsafe {
with_c_str("_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", |state_fullscreen|
(display.xlib.XInternAtom)(display.display, state_fullscreen, 0)
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
let client_message_event = ffi::XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ffi::ClientMessage,
serial: 0,
send_event: 1, // true because we are sending this through `XSendEvent`
display: display.display,
window: window,
message_type: state_atom, // the _NET_WM_STATE atom is sent to change the state of a window
format: 32, // view `data` as `c_long`s
data: {
let mut data = ffi::ClientMessageData::new();
// This first `long` is the action; `1` means add/set following property.
data.set_long(0, 1);
// This second `long` is the property to set (fullscreen)
data.set_long(1, fullscreen_atom as c_long);
let mut x_event = ffi::XEvent::from(client_message_event);
unsafe {
ffi::SubstructureRedirectMask | ffi::SubstructureNotifyMask,
&mut x_event as *mut _
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSendEvent");
if let Some(mut mode_to_switch_to) = mode_to_switch_to {
unsafe {
&mut mode_to_switch_to
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XF86VidModeSwitchToMode");
else {
println!("[glutin] Unexpected state: `mode` is None creating fullscreen window");
unsafe {
(display.xf86vmode.XF86VidModeSetViewPort)(display.display, screen_id, 0, 0);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XF86VidModeSetViewPort");
} else {
// set size hints
let mut size_hints: ffi::XSizeHints = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
size_hints.flags = ffi::PSize;
size_hints.width = dimensions.0 as i32;
size_hints.height = dimensions.1 as i32;
if let Some(dimensions) = window_attrs.min_dimensions {
size_hints.flags |= ffi::PMinSize;
size_hints.min_width = dimensions.0 as i32;
size_hints.min_height = dimensions.1 as i32;
if let Some(dimensions) = window_attrs.max_dimensions {
size_hints.flags |= ffi::PMaxSize;
size_hints.max_width = dimensions.0 as i32;
size_hints.max_height = dimensions.1 as i32;
unsafe {
(display.xlib.XSetNormalHints)(display.display, window, &mut size_hints);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetNormalHints");
// creating the window object
let window_proxy_data = WindowProxyData {
display: display.clone(),
window: window,
let window_proxy_data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(window_proxy_data)));
let window = Window {
x: Arc::new(XWindow {
display: display.clone(),
window: window,
im: im,
ic: ic,
screen_id: screen_id,
is_fullscreen: is_fullscreen,
xf86_desk_mode: xf86_desk_mode,
window_proxy_data: window_proxy_data,
is_closed: AtomicBool::new(false),
wm_delete_window: wm_delete_window,
current_size: Cell::new((0, 0)),
pending_events: Mutex::new(VecDeque::new()),
cursor_state: Mutex::new(CursorState::Normal),
input_handler: Mutex::new(XInputEventHandler::new(display, window, ic, window_attrs))
if window_attrs.visible {
unsafe {
let ref x_window: &XWindow = window.x.borrow();
// XSetInputFocus generates an error if the window is not visible,
// therefore we wait until it's the case.
loop {
let mut window_attributes = mem::uninitialized();
(display.xlib.XGetWindowAttributes)(display.display, x_window.window, &mut window_attributes);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XGetWindowAttributes");
if window_attributes.map_state == ffi::IsViewable {
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetInputFocus");
// Wait about a frame to avoid too-busy waiting
// returning
pub fn set_title(&self, title: &str) {
let wm_name = unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XInternAtom)(self.x.display.display, b"_NET_WM_NAME\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 0)
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
let wm_utf8_string = unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XInternAtom)(self.x.display.display, b"UTF8_STRING\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 0)
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
with_c_str(title, |c_title| unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XStoreName)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, c_title);
let len = title.as_bytes().len();
(self.x.display.xlib.XChangeProperty)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window,
wm_name, wm_utf8_string, 8, ffi::PropModeReplace,
c_title as *const u8, len as libc::c_int);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to set window title");
pub fn show(&self) {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XMapRaised)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XMapRaised");
pub fn hide(&self) {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XUnmapWindow)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XUnmapWindow");
fn get_geometry(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32, u32, u32, u32)> {
unsafe {
use std::mem;
let mut root: ffi::Window = mem::uninitialized();
let mut x: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let mut y: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let mut width: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
let mut height: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
let mut border: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
let mut depth: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized();
if (self.x.display.xlib.XGetGeometry)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window,
&mut root, &mut x, &mut y, &mut width, &mut height,
&mut border, &mut depth) == 0
return None;
Some((x as i32, y as i32, width as u32, height as u32, border as u32))
pub fn get_position(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
self.get_geometry().map(|(x, y, _, _, _)| (x, y))
pub fn set_position(&self, x: i32, y: i32) {
unsafe { (self.x.display.xlib.XMoveWindow)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, x as libc::c_int, y as libc::c_int); }
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XMoveWindow");
pub fn get_inner_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
self.get_geometry().map(|(_, _, w, h, _)| (w, h))
pub fn get_outer_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
self.get_geometry().map(|(_, _, w, h, b)| (w + b, h + b)) // TODO: is this really outside?
pub fn set_inner_size(&self, x: u32, y: u32) {
unsafe { (self.x.display.xlib.XResizeWindow)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, x as libc::c_uint, y as libc::c_uint); }
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XResizeWindow");
pub fn create_window_proxy(&self) -> WindowProxy {
WindowProxy {
data: self.x.window_proxy_data.clone()
pub fn poll_events(&self) -> PollEventsIterator {
PollEventsIterator {
window: self
pub fn wait_events(&self) -> WaitEventsIterator {
WaitEventsIterator {
window: self
pub fn get_xlib_display(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.display.display as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xlib_screen_id(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.screen_id as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xlib_xconnection(&self) -> Arc<XConnection> {
pub fn platform_display(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.display.display as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xlib_window(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.window as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn platform_window(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
self.x.window as *mut libc::c_void
pub fn get_xcb_connection(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib_xcb.XGetXCBConnection)(self.get_xlib_display() as *mut _) as *mut _
pub fn set_window_resize_callback(&mut self, _: Option<fn(u32, u32)>) {
pub fn set_cursor(&self, cursor: MouseCursor) {
unsafe {
let load = |name: &str| {
let loadn = |names: &[&str]| {
// Try multiple names in some cases where the name
// differs on the desktop environments or themes.
// Try the better looking (or more suiting) names first.
let mut xcursor = match cursor {
MouseCursor::Alias => load("link"),
MouseCursor::Arrow => load("arrow"),
MouseCursor::Cell => load("plus"),
MouseCursor::Copy => load("copy"),
MouseCursor::Crosshair => load("crosshair"),
MouseCursor::Default => load("left_ptr"),
MouseCursor::Hand => loadn(&["hand2", "hand1"]),
MouseCursor::Help => load("question_arrow"),
MouseCursor::Move => load("move"),
MouseCursor::Grab => loadn(&["openhand", "grab"]),
MouseCursor::Grabbing => loadn(&["closedhand", "grabbing"]),
MouseCursor::Progress => load("left_ptr_watch"),
MouseCursor::AllScroll => load("all-scroll"),
MouseCursor::ContextMenu => load("context-menu"),
MouseCursor::NoDrop => loadn(&["no-drop", "circle"]),
MouseCursor::NotAllowed => load("crossed_circle"),
/// Resize cursors
MouseCursor::EResize => load("right_side"),
MouseCursor::NResize => load("top_side"),
MouseCursor::NeResize => load("top_right_corner"),
MouseCursor::NwResize => load("top_left_corner"),
MouseCursor::SResize => load("bottom_side"),
MouseCursor::SeResize => load("bottom_right_corner"),
MouseCursor::SwResize => load("bottom_left_corner"),
MouseCursor::WResize => load("left_side"),
MouseCursor::EwResize => load("h_double_arrow"),
MouseCursor::NsResize => load("v_double_arrow"),
MouseCursor::NwseResize => loadn(&["bd_double_arrow", "size_bdiag"]),
MouseCursor::NeswResize => loadn(&["fd_double_arrow", "size_fdiag"]),
MouseCursor::ColResize => loadn(&["split_h", "h_double_arrow"]),
MouseCursor::RowResize => loadn(&["split_v", "v_double_arrow"]),
MouseCursor::Text => loadn(&["text", "xterm"]),
MouseCursor::VerticalText => load("vertical-text"),
MouseCursor::Wait => load("watch"),
MouseCursor::ZoomIn => load("zoom-in"),
MouseCursor::ZoomOut => load("zoom-out"),
MouseCursor::NoneCursor => self.create_empty_cursor(),
(self.x.display.xlib.XDefineCursor)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, xcursor);
if xcursor != 0 {
(self.x.display.xlib.XFreeCursor)(self.x.display.display, xcursor);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to set or free the cursor");
fn load_cursor(&self, name: &str) -> ffi::Cursor {
use std::ffi::CString;
unsafe {
let c_string = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).unwrap();
(self.x.display.xcursor.XcursorLibraryLoadCursor)(self.x.display.display, c_string.as_ptr())
fn load_first_existing_cursor(&self, names :&[&str]) -> ffi::Cursor {
for name in names.iter() {
let xcursor = self.load_cursor(name);
if xcursor != 0 {
return xcursor;
// TODO: This could maybe be cached. I don't think it's worth
// the complexity, since cursor changes are not so common,
// and this is just allocating a 1x1 pixmap...
fn create_empty_cursor(&self) -> ffi::Cursor {
use std::mem;
let data = 0;
unsafe {
let pixmap = (self.x.display.xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, &data, 1, 1);
if pixmap == 0 {
// Failed to allocate
return 0;
// We don't care about this color, since it only fills bytes
// in the pixmap which are not 0 in the mask.
let dummy_color: ffi::XColor = mem::uninitialized();
let cursor = (self.x.display.xlib.XCreatePixmapCursor)(self.x.display.display,
&dummy_color as *const _ as *mut _,
&dummy_color as *const _ as *mut _, 0, 0);
(self.x.display.xlib.XFreePixmap)(self.x.display.display, pixmap);
pub fn set_cursor_state(&self, state: CursorState) -> Result<(), String> {
use CursorState::{ Grab, Normal, Hide };
let mut cursor_state = self.cursor_state.lock().unwrap();
match (state, *cursor_state) {
(Normal, Normal) | (Hide, Hide) | (Grab, Grab) => return Ok(()),
_ => {},
match *cursor_state {
Grab => {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XUngrabPointer)(self.x.display.display, ffi::CurrentTime);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XUngrabPointer");
Normal => {},
Hide => {
// NB: Calling XDefineCursor with None (aka 0)
// as a value resets the cursor to the default.
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XDefineCursor)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, 0);
*cursor_state = state;
match state {
Normal => Ok(()),
Hide => {
unsafe {
let cursor = self.create_empty_cursor();
(self.x.display.xlib.XDefineCursor)(self.x.display.display, self.x.window, cursor);
if cursor != 0 {
(self.x.display.xlib.XFreeCursor)(self.x.display.display, cursor);
self.x.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XDefineCursor or free the empty cursor");
Grab => {
unsafe {
match (self.x.display.xlib.XGrabPointer)(
self.x.display.display, self.x.window, ffi::True,
(ffi::ButtonPressMask | ffi::ButtonReleaseMask | ffi::EnterWindowMask |
ffi::LeaveWindowMask | ffi::PointerMotionMask | ffi::PointerMotionHintMask |
ffi::Button1MotionMask | ffi::Button2MotionMask | ffi::Button3MotionMask |
ffi::Button4MotionMask | ffi::Button5MotionMask | ffi::ButtonMotionMask |
ffi::KeymapStateMask) as libc::c_uint,
ffi::GrabModeAsync, ffi::GrabModeAsync,
self.x.window, 0, ffi::CurrentTime
) {
ffi::GrabSuccess => Ok(()),
ffi::AlreadyGrabbed | ffi::GrabInvalidTime |
ffi::GrabNotViewable | ffi::GrabFrozen
=> Err("cursor could not be grabbed".to_string()),
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> f32 {
pub fn set_cursor_position(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<(), ()> {
unsafe {
(self.x.display.xlib.XWarpPointer)(self.x.display.display, 0, self.x.window, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);
self.x.display.check_errors().map_err(|_| ())