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synced 2025-01-02 02:01:29 +11:00
* Replace Closed event with CloseRequested and Destroyed Implements #434 The existing Closed event had ambiguous meaning, both in name and in cross-platform behavior. Closed is now split into two more precise events: * CloseRequested - the window has been requested to close, most commonly by having clicked the window's close button. Whether or not you respond by closing the window is up to you. * Destroyed - the window has been destroyed, and can no longer be safely used. Most notably, now you can reliably implement classic patterns like prompting the user to save their work before closing, and have the opportunity to perform any necessary cleanup. Migrating to the new API is straightforward. In most cases, you can simply replace all existing usages of Closed with CloseRequested. For more information, see the example programs, particularly handling_close and multiwindow. iOS applications must replace all usages of Closed with Destroyed, and require no other changes.
365 lines
11 KiB
365 lines
11 KiB
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use wayland_client::protocol::{wl_display,wl_surface};
use wayland_client::{Proxy, StateToken};
use {CreationError, MouseCursor, CursorState, WindowAttributes};
use platform::MonitorId as PlatformMonitorId;
use window::MonitorId as RootMonitorId;
use super::{EventsLoop, WindowId, make_wid, MonitorId};
use super::wayland_window::{Frame, FrameImplementation, State as FrameState};
use super::event_loop::StateContext;
pub struct Window {
surface: wl_surface::WlSurface,
frame: Arc<Mutex<Frame>>,
monitors: Arc<Mutex<MonitorList>>,
size: Arc<Mutex<(u32, u32)>>,
kill_switch: (Arc<Mutex<bool>>, Arc<Mutex<bool>>),
display: Arc<wl_display::WlDisplay>,
need_frame_refresh: Arc<Mutex<bool>>
impl Window {
pub fn new(evlp: &EventsLoop, attributes: &WindowAttributes) -> Result<Window, CreationError>
let (width, height) = attributes.dimensions.unwrap_or((800,600));
// Create the decorated surface
let size = Arc::new(Mutex::new((width, height)));
let store_token = evlp.store.clone();
let (surface, mut frame) = evlp.create_window(
width, height, decorated_impl(),
|surface| FrameIData {
surface: surface.clone().unwrap(),
store_token: store_token.clone()
// Check for fullscreen requirements
if let Some(RootMonitorId { inner: PlatformMonitorId::Wayland(ref monitor_id) }) = attributes.fullscreen {
let info = monitor_id.info.lock().unwrap();
} else if attributes.maximized {
// set decorations
// min-max dimensions
frame.set_min_size(attributes.min_dimensions.map(|(w, h)| (w as i32, h as i32)));
frame.set_max_size(attributes.max_dimensions.map(|(w, h)| (w as i32, h as i32)));
// setup the monitor tracking
let monitor_list = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MonitorList::default()));
let mut evq = evlp.evq.borrow_mut();
let idata = (evlp.ctxt_token.clone(), monitor_list.clone());
evq.register(&surface, surface_impl(), idata);
let kill_switch = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
let need_frame_refresh = Arc::new(Mutex::new(true));
let frame = Arc::new(Mutex::new(frame));
let mut evq = evlp.evq.borrow_mut();
evq.state().get_mut(&store_token).windows.push(InternalWindow {
closed: false,
newsize: None,
need_refresh: false,
need_frame_refresh: need_frame_refresh.clone(),
surface: surface.clone().unwrap(),
kill_switch: kill_switch.clone(),
frame: Arc::downgrade(&frame)
Ok(Window {
display: evlp.display.clone(),
surface: surface,
frame: frame,
monitors: monitor_list,
size: size,
kill_switch: (kill_switch, evlp.cleanup_needed.clone()),
need_frame_refresh: need_frame_refresh
pub fn id(&self) -> WindowId {
pub fn set_title(&self, title: &str) {
pub fn show(&self) {
pub fn hide(&self) {
pub fn get_position(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
// Not possible with wayland
pub fn get_inner_position(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
// Not possible with wayland
pub fn set_position(&self, _x: i32, _y: i32) {
// Not possible with wayland
pub fn get_inner_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
pub fn get_outer_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
let (w, h) = self.size.lock().unwrap().clone();
let (w, h) = super::wayland_window::add_borders(w as i32, h as i32);
Some((w as u32, h as u32))
// NOTE: This will only resize the borders, the contents must be updated by the user
pub fn set_inner_size(&self, x: u32, y: u32) {
self.frame.lock().unwrap().resize(x as i32, y as i32);
*(self.size.lock().unwrap()) = (x, y);
pub fn set_min_dimensions(&self, dimensions: Option<(u32, u32)>) {
self.frame.lock().unwrap().set_min_size(dimensions.map(|(w, h)| (w as i32, h as i32)));
pub fn set_max_dimensions(&self, dimensions: Option<(u32, u32)>) {
self.frame.lock().unwrap().set_max_size(dimensions.map(|(w, h)| (w as i32, h as i32)));
pub fn set_cursor(&self, _cursor: MouseCursor) {
pub fn set_cursor_state(&self, state: CursorState) -> Result<(), String> {
use CursorState::{Grab, Normal, Hide};
// TODO : not yet possible on wayland to grab cursor
match state {
Grab => Err("Cursor cannot be grabbed on wayland yet.".to_string()),
Hide => Err("Cursor cannot be hidden on wayland yet.".to_string()),
Normal => Ok(())
pub fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> f32 {
let mut factor = 1.0;
let guard = self.monitors.lock().unwrap();
for monitor_id in &guard.monitors {
let info = monitor_id.info.lock().unwrap();
if info.scale > factor { factor = info.scale; }
pub fn set_decorations(&self, decorate: bool) {
*(self.need_frame_refresh.lock().unwrap()) = true;
pub fn set_maximized(&self, maximized: bool) {
if maximized {
} else {
pub fn set_fullscreen(&self, monitor: Option<RootMonitorId>) {
if let Some(RootMonitorId { inner: PlatformMonitorId::Wayland(ref monitor_id) }) = monitor {
let info = monitor_id.info.lock().unwrap();
} else {
pub fn set_cursor_position(&self, _x: i32, _y: i32) -> Result<(), ()> {
// TODO: not yet possible on wayland
pub fn get_display(&self) -> &wl_display::WlDisplay {
pub fn get_surface(&self) -> &wl_surface::WlSurface {
pub fn get_current_monitor(&self) -> MonitorId {
// we don't know how much each monitor sees us so...
// just return the most recent one ?
let guard = self.monitors.lock().unwrap();
impl Drop for Window {
fn drop(&mut self) {
*(self.kill_switch.0.lock().unwrap()) = true;
*(self.kill_switch.1.lock().unwrap()) = true;
* Internal store for windows
struct InternalWindow {
surface: wl_surface::WlSurface,
newsize: Option<(i32, i32)>,
need_refresh: bool,
need_frame_refresh: Arc<Mutex<bool>>,
closed: bool,
kill_switch: Arc<Mutex<bool>>,
frame: Weak<Mutex<Frame>>
pub struct WindowStore {
windows: Vec<InternalWindow>
impl WindowStore {
pub fn new() -> WindowStore {
WindowStore { windows: Vec::new() }
pub fn find_wid(&self, surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface) -> Option<WindowId> {
for window in &self.windows {
if surface.equals(&window.surface) {
return Some(make_wid(surface));
pub fn cleanup(&mut self) -> Vec<WindowId> {
let mut pruned = Vec::new();
self.windows.retain(|w| {
if *w.kill_switch.lock().unwrap() {
// window is dead, cleanup
} else {
pub fn for_each<F>(&mut self, mut f: F)
where F: FnMut(Option<(i32, i32)>, bool, bool, bool, WindowId, Option<&mut Frame>)
for window in &mut self.windows {
let opt_arc = window.frame.upgrade();
let mut opt_mutex_lock = opt_arc.as_ref().map(|m| m.lock().unwrap());
::std::mem::replace(&mut *window.need_frame_refresh.lock().unwrap(), false),
opt_mutex_lock.as_mut().map(|m| &mut **m)
window.need_refresh = false;
// avoid re-spamming the event
window.closed = false;
* Protocol implementation
struct FrameIData {
store_token: StateToken<WindowStore>,
surface: wl_surface::WlSurface
fn decorated_impl() -> FrameImplementation<FrameIData> {
FrameImplementation {
configure: |evqh, idata, _, newsize| {
let store = evqh.state().get_mut(&idata.store_token);
for window in &mut store.windows {
if window.surface.equals(&idata.surface) {
window.newsize = newsize;
window.need_refresh = true;
*(window.need_frame_refresh.lock().unwrap()) = true;
close: |evqh, idata| {
let store = evqh.state().get_mut(&idata.store_token);
for window in &mut store.windows {
if window.surface.equals(&idata.surface) {
window.closed = true;
refresh: |evqh, idata| {
let store = evqh.state().get_mut(&idata.store_token);
for window in &mut store.windows {
if window.surface.equals(&idata.surface) {
*(window.need_frame_refresh.lock().unwrap()) = true;
struct MonitorList {
monitors: Vec<MonitorId>
fn surface_impl() -> wl_surface::Implementation<(StateToken<StateContext>, Arc<Mutex<MonitorList>>)> {
wl_surface::Implementation {
enter: |evqh, &mut (ref token, ref list), _, output| {
let mut guard = list.lock().unwrap();
let ctxt = evqh.state().get(token);
let monitor = ctxt.monitor_id_for(output);
leave: |evqh, &mut (ref token, ref list), _, output| {
let mut guard = list.lock().unwrap();
let ctxt = evqh.state().get(token);
let monitor = ctxt.monitor_id_for(output);
guard.monitors.retain(|m| !Arc::ptr_eq(&m.info, &monitor.info));