mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 13:11:30 +11:00
When X's evdev input module is configured to emulate scroll events (as used with e.g. trackpoints), it generates non-emulated scroll button presses and does not generate motion events. This is contrary to the behavior of all other hardware I've tested, and contrary to the behavior of libinput, but nonetheless should be supported.
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#![cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd"))]
pub use self::monitor::{MonitorId, get_available_monitors, get_primary_monitor};
pub use self::window::{Window, XWindow, WindowProxy};
pub use self::xdisplay::{XConnection, XNotSupported, XError};
pub mod ffi;
use platform::PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes;
use {CreationError, Event, EventsLoopClosed, WindowEvent, DeviceEvent,
KeyboardInput, ControlFlow};
use std::{mem, ptr, slice};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicBool};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use libc::{self, c_uchar, c_char, c_int};
mod events;
mod monitor;
mod window;
mod xdisplay;
// We don't use the gen_api_transistion!() macro but rather do the expansion manually:
// As this module is nested into platform/linux, its code is not _exactly_ the same as
// the one generated by the macro.
pub struct EventsLoop {
display: Arc<XConnection>,
wm_delete_window: ffi::Atom,
windows: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<WindowId, WindowData>>>,
devices: Mutex<HashMap<DeviceId, Device>>,
xi2ext: XExtension,
pending_wakeup: Arc<AtomicBool>,
root: ffi::Window,
// A dummy, `InputOnly` window that we can use to receive wakeup events and interrupt blocking
// `XNextEvent` calls.
wakeup_dummy_window: ffi::Window,
pub struct EventsLoopProxy {
pending_wakeup: Weak<AtomicBool>,
display: Weak<XConnection>,
wakeup_dummy_window: ffi::Window,
impl EventsLoop {
pub fn new(display: Arc<XConnection>) -> EventsLoop {
let wm_delete_window = unsafe { (display.xlib.XInternAtom)(display.display, b"WM_DELETE_WINDOW\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char, 0) };
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XInternAtom");
let xi2ext = unsafe {
let mut result = XExtension {
opcode: mem::uninitialized(),
first_event_id: mem::uninitialized(),
first_error_id: mem::uninitialized(),
let res = (display.xlib.XQueryExtension)(
b"XInputExtension\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char,
&mut result.opcode as *mut c_int,
&mut result.first_event_id as *mut c_int,
&mut result.first_error_id as *mut c_int);
if res == ffi::False {
panic!("X server missing XInput extension");
unsafe {
let mut xinput_major_ver = ffi::XI_2_Major;
let mut xinput_minor_ver = ffi::XI_2_Minor;
if (display.xinput2.XIQueryVersion)(display.display, &mut xinput_major_ver, &mut xinput_minor_ver) != ffi::Success as libc::c_int {
panic!("X server has XInput extension {}.{} but does not support XInput2", xinput_major_ver, xinput_minor_ver);
let root = unsafe { (display.xlib.XDefaultRootWindow)(display.display) };
let wakeup_dummy_window = unsafe {
let (x, y, w, h) = (10, 10, 10, 10);
let (border_w, border_px, background_px) = (0, 0, 0);
(display.xlib.XCreateSimpleWindow)(display.display, root, x, y, w, h,
border_w, border_px, background_px)
let result = EventsLoop {
pending_wakeup: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
display: display,
wm_delete_window: wm_delete_window,
windows: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
devices: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
xi2ext: xi2ext,
root: root,
wakeup_dummy_window: wakeup_dummy_window,
// Register for device hotplug events
let mask = ffi::XI_HierarchyChangedMask;
unsafe {
let mut event_mask = ffi::XIEventMask{
deviceid: ffi::XIAllDevices,
mask: &mask as *const _ as *mut c_uchar,
mask_len: mem::size_of_val(&mask) as c_int,
(result.display.xinput2.XISelectEvents)(result.display.display, root,
&mut event_mask as *mut ffi::XIEventMask, 1);
pub fn create_proxy(&self) -> EventsLoopProxy {
EventsLoopProxy {
pending_wakeup: Arc::downgrade(&self.pending_wakeup),
display: Arc::downgrade(&self.display),
wakeup_dummy_window: self.wakeup_dummy_window,
pub fn poll_events<F>(&mut self, mut callback: F)
where F: FnMut(Event)
let xlib = &self.display.xlib;
let mut xev = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
loop {
// Get next event
unsafe {
// Ensure XNextEvent won't block
let count = (xlib.XPending)(self.display.display);
if count == 0 {
(xlib.XNextEvent)(self.display.display, &mut xev);
self.process_event(&mut xev, &mut callback);
pub fn run_forever<F>(&mut self, mut callback: F)
where F: FnMut(Event) -> ControlFlow
self.pending_wakeup.store(false, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
let xlib = &self.display.xlib;
let mut xev = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
loop {
unsafe { (xlib.XNextEvent)(self.display.display, &mut xev) }; // Blocks as necessary
let mut control_flow = ControlFlow::Continue;
// Track whether or not `Break` was returned when processing the event.
let mut cb = |event| {
if let ControlFlow::Break = callback(event) {
control_flow = ControlFlow::Break;
self.process_event(&mut xev, &mut cb);
if let ControlFlow::Break = control_flow {
pub fn device_name(&self, device: DeviceId) -> String {
let devices = self.devices.lock().unwrap();
let device = devices.get(&device).unwrap();
fn process_event<F>(&self, xev: &mut ffi::XEvent, mut callback: F)
where F: FnMut(Event)
let xlib = &self.display.xlib;
// Handle dead keys and other input method funtimes
if ffi::True == unsafe { (self.display.xlib.XFilterEvent)(xev, { let xev: &ffi::XAnyEvent = xev.as_ref(); xev.window }) } {
let xwindow = { let xev: &ffi::XAnyEvent = xev.as_ref(); xev.window };
let wid = ::WindowId(::platform::WindowId::X(WindowId(xwindow)));
match xev.get_type() {
ffi::MappingNotify => {
unsafe { (xlib.XRefreshKeyboardMapping)(xev.as_mut()); }
self.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XRefreshKeyboardMapping");
ffi::ClientMessage => {
let client_msg: &ffi::XClientMessageEvent = xev.as_ref();
if client_msg.data.get_long(0) as ffi::Atom == self.wm_delete_window {
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: WindowEvent::Closed })
} else {
if self.pending_wakeup.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) {
self.pending_wakeup.store(false, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
ffi::ConfigureNotify => {
let xev: &ffi::XConfigureEvent = xev.as_ref();
let size = (xev.width, xev.height);
let position = (xev.x, xev.y);
// Gymnastics to ensure self.windows isn't locked when we invoke callback
let (resized, moved) = {
let mut windows = self.windows.lock().unwrap();
let window_data = windows.get_mut(&WindowId(xwindow)).unwrap();
if window_data.config.is_none() {
window_data.config = Some(WindowConfig::new(xev));
(true, true)
} else {
let window = window_data.config.as_mut().unwrap();
(if window.size != size {
window.size = size;
} else { false },
if window.position != position {
window.position = position;
} else { false })
if resized {
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: WindowEvent::Resized(xev.width as u32, xev.height as u32) });
if moved {
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: WindowEvent::Moved(xev.x as i32, xev.y as i32) });
ffi::Expose => {
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: WindowEvent::Refresh });
// FIXME: Use XInput2 + libxkbcommon for keyboard input!
ffi::KeyPress | ffi::KeyRelease => {
use events::ModifiersState;
use events::ElementState::{Pressed, Released};
let state;
if xev.get_type() == ffi::KeyPress {
state = Pressed;
} else {
state = Released;
let xkev: &mut ffi::XKeyEvent = xev.as_mut();
let ev_mods = {
// Translate x event state to mods
let state = xkev.state;
ModifiersState {
alt: state & ffi::Mod1Mask != 0,
shift: state & ffi::ShiftMask != 0,
ctrl: state & ffi::ControlMask != 0,
logo: state & ffi::Mod4Mask != 0,
let keysym = unsafe {
(self.display.xlib.XKeycodeToKeysym)(self.display.display, xkev.keycode as ffi::KeyCode, 0)
let vkey = events::keysym_to_element(keysym as libc::c_uint);
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
// Typical virtual core keyboard ID. xinput2 needs to be used to get a reliable value.
device_id: mkdid(3),
input: KeyboardInput {
state: state,
scancode: xkev.keycode,
virtual_keycode: vkey,
modifiers: ev_mods,
if state == Pressed {
let written = unsafe {
use std::str;
const INIT_BUFF_SIZE: usize = 16;
let mut windows = self.windows.lock().unwrap();
let window_data = windows.get_mut(&WindowId(xwindow)).unwrap();
/* buffer allocated on heap instead of stack, due to the possible
* reallocation */
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![mem::uninitialized(); INIT_BUFF_SIZE];
let mut keysym: ffi::KeySym = 0;
let mut status: ffi::Status = 0;
let mut count = (self.display.xlib.Xutf8LookupString)(window_data.ic, xkev,
buffer.len() as libc::c_int,
&mut keysym, &mut status);
/* buffer overflowed, dynamically reallocate */
if status == ffi::XBufferOverflow {
buffer = vec![mem::uninitialized(); count as usize];
count = (self.display.xlib.Xutf8LookupString)(window_data.ic, xkev,
buffer.len() as libc::c_int,
&mut keysym, &mut status);
str::from_utf8(&buffer[..count as usize]).unwrap_or("").to_string()
for chr in written.chars() {
let event = Event::WindowEvent {
window_id: wid,
event: WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter(chr),
ffi::GenericEvent => {
let guard = if let Some(e) = GenericEventCookie::from_event(&self.display, *xev) { e } else { return };
let xev = &guard.cookie;
if self.xi2ext.opcode != xev.extension {
use events::WindowEvent::{Focused, MouseEntered, MouseInput, MouseLeft, MouseMoved, MouseWheel, AxisMotion};
use events::ElementState::{Pressed, Released};
use events::MouseButton::{Left, Right, Middle, Other};
use events::MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta;
use events::{Touch, TouchPhase};
match xev.evtype {
ffi::XI_ButtonPress | ffi::XI_ButtonRelease => {
let xev: &ffi::XIDeviceEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
let wid = mkwid(xev.event);
let did = mkdid(xev.deviceid);
if (xev.flags & ffi::XIPointerEmulated) != 0 && self.windows.lock().unwrap().get(&WindowId(xev.event)).unwrap().multitouch {
// Deliver multi-touch events instead of emulated mouse events.
let state = if xev.evtype == ffi::XI_ButtonPress {
} else {
match xev.detail as u32 {
ffi::Button1 => callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event:
MouseInput { device_id: did, state: state, button: Left } }),
ffi::Button2 => callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event:
MouseInput { device_id: did, state: state, button: Middle } }),
ffi::Button3 => callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event:
MouseInput { device_id: did, state: state, button: Right } }),
// Suppress emulated scroll wheel clicks, since we handle the real motion events for those.
// In practice, even clicky scroll wheels appear to be reported by evdev (and XInput2 in
// turn) as axis motion, so we don't otherwise special-case these button presses.
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 => if xev.flags & ffi::XIPointerEmulated == 0 {
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: MouseWheel {
device_id: did,
delta: match xev.detail {
4 => LineDelta(0.0, 1.0),
5 => LineDelta(0.0, -1.0),
6 => LineDelta(-1.0, 0.0),
7 => LineDelta(1.0, 0.0),
_ => unreachable!()
phase: TouchPhase::Moved,
x => callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: MouseInput { device_id: did, state: state, button: Other(x as u8) } })
ffi::XI_Motion => {
let xev: &ffi::XIDeviceEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
let did = mkdid(xev.deviceid);
let wid = mkwid(xev.event);
let new_cursor_pos = (xev.event_x, xev.event_y);
// Gymnastics to ensure self.windows isn't locked when we invoke callback
if {
let mut windows = self.windows.lock().unwrap();
let window_data = windows.get_mut(&WindowId(xev.event)).unwrap();
if Some(new_cursor_pos) != window_data.cursor_pos {
window_data.cursor_pos = Some(new_cursor_pos);
} else { false }
} {
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: MouseMoved {
device_id: did,
position: new_cursor_pos
// More gymnastics, for self.devices
let mut events = Vec::new();
let mask = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(xev.valuators.mask, xev.valuators.mask_len as usize) };
let mut devices = self.devices.lock().unwrap();
let physical_device = devices.get_mut(&DeviceId(xev.sourceid)).unwrap();
let mut value = xev.valuators.values;
for i in 0..xev.valuators.mask_len*8 {
if ffi::XIMaskIsSet(mask, i) {
if let Some(&mut (_, ref mut info)) = physical_device.scroll_axes.iter_mut().find(|&&mut (axis, _)| axis == i) {
let delta = (unsafe { *value } - info.position) / info.increment;
info.position = unsafe { *value };
events.push(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: MouseWheel {
device_id: did,
delta: match info.orientation {
ScrollOrientation::Horizontal => LineDelta(delta as f32, 0.0),
// X11 vertical scroll coordinates are opposite to winit's
ScrollOrientation::Vertical => LineDelta(0.0, -delta as f32),
phase: TouchPhase::Moved,
} else {
events.push(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: AxisMotion {
device_id: did,
axis: i as u32,
value: unsafe { *value },
value = unsafe { value.offset(1) };
for event in events {
ffi::XI_Enter => {
let xev: &ffi::XIEnterEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
let mut devices = self.devices.lock().unwrap();
let physical_device = devices.get_mut(&DeviceId(xev.sourceid)).unwrap();
for info in DeviceInfo::get(&self.display, ffi::XIAllDevices).iter() {
if info.deviceid == xev.sourceid {
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: mkwid(xev.event), event: MouseEntered { device_id: mkdid(xev.deviceid) } })
ffi::XI_Leave => {
let xev: &ffi::XILeaveEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: mkwid(xev.event), event: MouseLeft { device_id: mkdid(xev.deviceid) } })
ffi::XI_FocusIn => {
let xev: &ffi::XIFocusInEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
unsafe {
let mut windows = self.windows.lock().unwrap();
let window_data = windows.get_mut(&WindowId(xev.event)).unwrap();
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: mkwid(xev.event), event: Focused(true) })
ffi::XI_FocusOut => {
let xev: &ffi::XIFocusOutEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
unsafe {
let mut windows = self.windows.lock().unwrap();
let window_data = windows.get_mut(&WindowId(xev.event)).unwrap();
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: mkwid(xev.event), event: Focused(false) })
ffi::XI_TouchBegin | ffi::XI_TouchUpdate | ffi::XI_TouchEnd => {
let xev: &ffi::XIDeviceEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
let wid = mkwid(xev.event);
let phase = match xev.evtype {
ffi::XI_TouchBegin => TouchPhase::Started,
ffi::XI_TouchUpdate => TouchPhase::Moved,
ffi::XI_TouchEnd => TouchPhase::Ended,
_ => unreachable!()
callback(Event::WindowEvent { window_id: wid, event: WindowEvent::Touch(Touch {
device_id: mkdid(xev.deviceid),
phase: phase,
location: (xev.event_x, xev.event_y),
id: xev.detail as u64,
ffi::XI_RawButtonPress | ffi::XI_RawButtonRelease => {
let xev: &ffi::XIRawEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
if xev.flags & ffi::XIPointerEmulated == 0 {
callback(Event::DeviceEvent { device_id: mkdid(xev.deviceid), event: DeviceEvent::Button {
button: xev.detail as u32,
state: match xev.evtype {
ffi::XI_RawButtonPress => Pressed,
ffi::XI_RawButtonRelease => Released,
_ => unreachable!(),
ffi::XI_RawMotion => {
let xev: &ffi::XIRawEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
let did = mkdid(xev.deviceid);
let mask = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(xev.valuators.mask, xev.valuators.mask_len as usize) };
let mut value = xev.valuators.values;
for i in 0..xev.valuators.mask_len*8 {
if ffi::XIMaskIsSet(mask, i) {
callback(Event::DeviceEvent { device_id: did, event: DeviceEvent::Motion {
axis: i as u32,
value: unsafe { *value },
value = unsafe { value.offset(1) };
ffi::XI_RawKeyPress | ffi::XI_RawKeyRelease => {
// TODO: Use xkbcommon for keysym and text decoding
let xev: &ffi::XIRawEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
let xkeysym = unsafe { (self.display.xlib.XKeycodeToKeysym)(self.display.display, xev.detail as ffi::KeyCode, 0) };
callback(Event::DeviceEvent { device_id: mkdid(xev.deviceid), event: DeviceEvent::Key(KeyboardInput {
scancode: xev.detail as u32,
virtual_keycode: events::keysym_to_element(xkeysym as libc::c_uint),
state: match xev.evtype {
ffi::XI_RawKeyPress => Pressed,
ffi::XI_RawKeyRelease => Released,
_ => unreachable!(),
modifiers: ::events::ModifiersState::default(),
ffi::XI_HierarchyChanged => {
let xev: &ffi::XIHierarchyEvent = unsafe { &*(xev.data as *const _) };
for info in unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(xev.info, xev.num_info as usize) } {
if 0 != info.flags & (ffi::XISlaveAdded | ffi::XIMasterAdded) {
callback(Event::DeviceEvent { device_id: mkdid(info.deviceid), event: DeviceEvent::Added });
} else if 0 != info.flags & (ffi::XISlaveRemoved | ffi::XIMasterRemoved) {
callback(Event::DeviceEvent { device_id: mkdid(info.deviceid), event: DeviceEvent::Removed });
let mut devices = self.devices.lock().unwrap();
_ => {}
_ => {}
fn init_device(&self, device: c_int) {
let mut devices = self.devices.lock().unwrap();
for info in DeviceInfo::get(&self.display, device).iter() {
devices.insert(DeviceId(info.deviceid), Device::new(&self, info));
impl EventsLoopProxy {
pub fn wakeup(&self) -> Result<(), EventsLoopClosed> {
// Update the `EventsLoop`'s `pending_wakeup` flag.
let display = match (self.pending_wakeup.upgrade(), self.display.upgrade()) {
(Some(wakeup), Some(display)) => {
wakeup.store(true, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
_ => return Err(EventsLoopClosed),
// Push an event on the X event queue so that methods run_forever will advance.
// NOTE: This code (and the following `XSendEvent` code) is taken from the old
// `WindowProxy::wakeup` implementation. The code assumes that X11 is thread safe. Is this
// true?
let mut xev = ffi::XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ffi::ClientMessage,
window: self.wakeup_dummy_window,
format: 32,
message_type: 0,
serial: 0,
send_event: 0,
display: display.display,
data: unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
unsafe {
let propagate = false as i32;
let event_mask = 0;
let xevent = &mut xev as *mut ffi::XClientMessageEvent as *mut ffi::XEvent;
(display.xlib.XSendEvent)(display.display, self.wakeup_dummy_window, propagate, event_mask, xevent);
display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSendEvent after wakeup");
struct DeviceInfo<'a> {
display: &'a XConnection,
info: *const ffi::XIDeviceInfo,
count: usize,
impl<'a> DeviceInfo<'a> {
fn get(display: &'a XConnection, device: c_int) -> Self {
unsafe {
let mut count = mem::uninitialized();
let info = (display.xinput2.XIQueryDevice)(display.display, device, &mut count);
DeviceInfo {
display: display,
info: info,
count: count as usize,
impl<'a> Drop for DeviceInfo<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { (self.display.xinput2.XIFreeDeviceInfo)(self.info as *mut _) };
impl<'a> ::std::ops::Deref for DeviceInfo<'a> {
type Target = [ffi::XIDeviceInfo];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.info, self.count) }
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct WindowId(ffi::Window);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct DeviceId(c_int);
pub struct Window2 {
pub window: Arc<Window>,
display: Weak<XConnection>,
windows: Weak<Mutex<HashMap<WindowId, WindowData>>>,
impl ::std::ops::Deref for Window2 {
type Target = Window;
fn deref(&self) -> &Window {
// XOpenIM doesn't seem to be thread-safe
lazy_static! { // TODO: use a static mutex when that's possible, and put me back in my function
static ref GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
impl Window2 {
pub fn new(events_loop: &::platform::EventsLoop,
window: &::WindowAttributes,
pl_attribs: &PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes)
-> Result<Self, CreationError>
let x_events_loop = if let ::platform::EventsLoop::X(ref e) = *events_loop { e } else { unreachable!() };
let win = ::std::sync::Arc::new(try!(Window::new(&x_events_loop, window, pl_attribs)));
// creating IM
let im = unsafe {
let _lock = GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let im = (x_events_loop.display.xlib.XOpenIM)(x_events_loop.display.display, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut());
if im.is_null() {
panic!("XOpenIM failed");
// creating input context
let ic = unsafe {
let ic = (x_events_loop.display.xlib.XCreateIC)(im,
b"inputStyle\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
ffi::XIMPreeditNothing | ffi::XIMStatusNothing, b"clientWindow\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
win.id().0, ptr::null::<()>());
if ic.is_null() {
panic!("XCreateIC failed");
x_events_loop.display.check_errors().expect("Failed to call XSetICFocus");
x_events_loop.windows.lock().unwrap().insert(win.id(), WindowData {
im: im,
ic: ic,
ic_spot: ffi::XPoint {x: 0, y: 0},
config: None,
multitouch: window.multitouch,
cursor_pos: None,
Ok(Window2 {
window: win,
windows: Arc::downgrade(&x_events_loop.windows),
display: Arc::downgrade(&x_events_loop.display),
pub fn id(&self) -> WindowId {
pub fn send_xim_spot(&self, x: i16, y: i16) {
if let (Some(windows), Some(display)) = (self.windows.upgrade(), self.display.upgrade()) {
let nspot = ffi::XPoint{x: x, y: y};
let mut windows = windows.lock().unwrap();
let mut w = windows.get_mut(&self.window.id()).unwrap();
if w.ic_spot.x == x && w.ic_spot.y == y {
w.ic_spot = nspot;
unsafe {
let preedit_attr = (display.xlib.XVaCreateNestedList)
(0, b"spotLocation\0", &nspot, ptr::null::<()>());
(display.xlib.XSetICValues)(w.ic, b"preeditAttributes\0",
preedit_attr, ptr::null::<()>());
impl Drop for Window2 {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let (Some(windows), Some(display)) = (self.windows.upgrade(), self.display.upgrade()) {
let mut windows = windows.lock().unwrap();
let w = windows.remove(&self.window.id()).unwrap();
let _lock = GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
unsafe {
/// State maintained for translating window-related events
struct WindowData {
config: Option<WindowConfig>,
im: ffi::XIM,
ic: ffi::XIC,
ic_spot: ffi::XPoint,
multitouch: bool,
cursor_pos: Option<(f64, f64)>,
// Required by ffi members
unsafe impl Send for WindowData {}
struct WindowConfig {
size: (c_int, c_int),
position: (c_int, c_int),
impl WindowConfig {
fn new(event: &ffi::XConfigureEvent) -> Self {
WindowConfig {
size: (event.width, event.height),
position: (event.x, event.y),
/// XEvents of type GenericEvent store their actual data in an XGenericEventCookie data structure. This is a wrapper to
/// extract the cookie from a GenericEvent XEvent and release the cookie data once it has been processed
struct GenericEventCookie<'a> {
display: &'a XConnection,
cookie: ffi::XGenericEventCookie
impl<'a> GenericEventCookie<'a> {
fn from_event<'b>(display: &'b XConnection, event: ffi::XEvent) -> Option<GenericEventCookie<'b>> {
unsafe {
let mut cookie: ffi::XGenericEventCookie = From::from(event);
if (display.xlib.XGetEventData)(display.display, &mut cookie) == ffi::True {
Some(GenericEventCookie{display: display, cookie: cookie})
} else {
impl<'a> Drop for GenericEventCookie<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let xlib = &self.display.xlib;
(xlib.XFreeEventData)(self.display.display, &mut self.cookie);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct XExtension {
opcode: c_int,
first_event_id: c_int,
first_error_id: c_int,
fn mkwid(w: ffi::Window) -> ::WindowId { ::WindowId(::platform::WindowId::X(WindowId(w))) }
fn mkdid(w: c_int) -> ::DeviceId { ::DeviceId(::platform::DeviceId::X(DeviceId(w))) }
struct Device {
name: String,
scroll_axes: Vec<(i32, ScrollAxis)>,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct ScrollAxis {
increment: f64,
orientation: ScrollOrientation,
position: f64,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum ScrollOrientation {
impl Device {
fn new(el: &EventsLoop, info: &ffi::XIDeviceInfo) -> Self
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.name).to_string_lossy() };
let mut scroll_axes = Vec::new();
if Device::physical_device(info) {
// Register for global raw events
let mask = ffi::XI_RawMotionMask
| ffi::XI_RawButtonPressMask | ffi::XI_RawButtonReleaseMask
| ffi::XI_RawKeyPressMask | ffi::XI_RawKeyReleaseMask;
unsafe {
let mut event_mask = ffi::XIEventMask{
deviceid: info.deviceid,
mask: &mask as *const _ as *mut c_uchar,
mask_len: mem::size_of_val(&mask) as c_int,
(el.display.xinput2.XISelectEvents)(el.display.display, el.root, &mut event_mask as *mut ffi::XIEventMask, 1);
// Identify scroll axes
for class_ptr in Device::classes(info) {
let class = unsafe { &**class_ptr };
match class._type {
ffi::XIScrollClass => {
let info = unsafe { mem::transmute::<&ffi::XIAnyClassInfo, &ffi::XIScrollClassInfo>(class) };
scroll_axes.push((info.number, ScrollAxis {
increment: info.increment,
orientation: match info.scroll_type {
ffi::XIScrollTypeHorizontal => ScrollOrientation::Horizontal,
ffi::XIScrollTypeVertical => ScrollOrientation::Vertical,
_ => { unreachable!() }
position: 0.0,
_ => {}
let mut device = Device {
name: name.into_owned(),
scroll_axes: scroll_axes,
fn reset_scroll_position(&mut self, info: &ffi::XIDeviceInfo) {
if Device::physical_device(info) {
for class_ptr in Device::classes(info) {
let class = unsafe { &**class_ptr };
match class._type {
ffi::XIValuatorClass => {
let info = unsafe { mem::transmute::<&ffi::XIAnyClassInfo, &ffi::XIValuatorClassInfo>(class) };
if let Some(&mut (_, ref mut axis)) = self.scroll_axes.iter_mut().find(|&&mut (axis, _)| axis == info.number) {
axis.position = info.value;
_ => {}
fn physical_device(info: &ffi::XIDeviceInfo) -> bool {
info._use == ffi::XISlaveKeyboard || info._use == ffi::XISlavePointer || info._use == ffi::XIFloatingSlave
fn classes(info: &ffi::XIDeviceInfo) -> &[*const ffi::XIAnyClassInfo] {
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(info.classes as *const *const ffi::XIAnyClassInfo, info.num_classes as usize) }