2017-06-20 21:25:53 +10:00

701 lines
29 KiB

use {ControlFlow, EventsLoopClosed};
use cocoa::{self, appkit, foundation};
use cocoa::appkit::{NSApplication, NSEvent, NSView, NSWindow};
use events::{self, ElementState, Event, MouseButton, TouchPhase, WindowEvent, ModifiersState, KeyboardInput};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use super::window::Window;
use std;
use super::DeviceId;
pub struct EventsLoop {
modifiers: Modifiers,
pub shared: Arc<Shared>,
// State shared between the `EventsLoop` and its registered windows.
pub struct Shared {
pub windows: Mutex<Vec<Weak<Window>>>,
pub pending_events: Mutex<VecDeque<Event>>,
// The user event callback given via either of the `poll_events` or `run_forever` methods.
// We store the user's callback here so that it may be accessed by each of the window delegate
// callbacks (e.g. resize, close, etc) for the duration of a call to either of the
// `poll_events` or `run_forever` methods.
// This is *only* `Some` for the duration of a call to either of these methods and will be
// `None` otherwise.
user_callback: UserCallback,
pub struct Proxy {}
struct Modifiers {
shift_pressed: bool,
ctrl_pressed: bool,
win_pressed: bool,
alt_pressed: bool,
// Wrapping the user callback in a type allows us to:
// - ensure the callback pointer is never accidentally cloned
// - ensure that only the `EventsLoop` can `store` and `drop` the callback pointer
// - Share access to the user callback with the NSWindow callbacks.
pub struct UserCallback {
mutex: Mutex<Option<*mut FnMut(Event)>>,
impl Shared {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Shared {
windows: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
pending_events: Mutex::new(VecDeque::new()),
user_callback: UserCallback { mutex: Mutex::new(None) },
fn call_user_callback_with_pending_events(&self) {
loop {
let event = match self.pending_events.lock().unwrap().pop_front() {
Some(event) => event,
None => return,
unsafe {
// Calls the user callback if one exists.
// Otherwise, stores the event in the `pending_events` queue.
// This is necessary for the case when `WindowDelegate` callbacks are triggered during a call
// to the user's callback.
pub fn call_user_callback_with_event_or_store_in_pending(&self, event: Event) {
if self.user_callback.mutex.lock().unwrap().is_some() {
unsafe {
} else {
// Removes the window with the given `Id` from the `windows` list.
// This is called when a window is either `Closed` or `Drop`ped.
pub fn find_and_remove_window(&self, id: super::window::Id) {
if let Ok(mut windows) = {
windows.retain(|w| match w.upgrade() {
Some(w) => != id,
None => true,
impl Modifiers {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Modifiers {
shift_pressed: false,
ctrl_pressed: false,
win_pressed: false,
alt_pressed: false,
impl UserCallback {
// Here we store user's `callback` behind the mutex so that they may be safely shared between
// each of the window delegates.
// In order to make sure that the pointer is always valid, we must manually guarantee that it
// is dropped before the callback itself is dropped. Thus, this should *only* be called at the
// beginning of a call to `poll_events` and `run_forever`, both of which *must* drop the
// callback at the end of their scope using the `drop` method.
fn store<F>(&self, callback: &mut F)
where F: FnMut(Event)
let trait_object = callback as &mut FnMut(Event);
let trait_object_ptr = trait_object as *const FnMut(Event) as *mut FnMut(Event);
*self.mutex.lock().unwrap() = Some(trait_object_ptr);
// Emits the given event via the user-given callback.
// This is unsafe as it requires dereferencing the pointer to the user-given callback. We
// guarantee this is safe by ensuring the `UserCallback` never lives longer than the user-given
// callback.
// Note that the callback may not always be `Some`. This is because some `NSWindowDelegate`
// callbacks can be triggered by means other than `NSApp().sendEvent`. For example, if a window
// is destroyed or created during a call to the user's callback, the `WindowDelegate` methods
// may be called with `windowShouldClose` or `windowDidResignKey`.
unsafe fn call_with_event(&self, event: Event) {
let callback = match self.mutex.lock().unwrap().take() {
Some(callback) => callback,
None => return,
*self.mutex.lock().unwrap() = Some(callback);
// Used to drop the user callback pointer at the end of the `poll_events` and `run_forever`
// methods. This is done to enforce our guarantee that the top callback will never live longer
// than the call to either `poll_events` or `run_forever` to which it was given.
fn drop(&self) {
impl EventsLoop {
pub fn new() -> Self {
EventsLoop {
shared: Arc::new(Shared::new()),
modifiers: Modifiers::new(),
pub fn poll_events<F>(&mut self, mut callback: F)
where F: FnMut(Event),
unsafe {
if !msg_send![cocoa::base::class("NSThread"), isMainThread] {
panic!("Events can only be polled from the main thread on macOS");
} callback);
// Loop as long as we have pending events to return.
loop {
unsafe {
// First, yield all pending events.
let pool = foundation::NSAutoreleasePool::new(cocoa::base::nil);
// Poll for the next event, returning `nil` if there are none.
let ns_event = appkit::NSApp().nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(
appkit::NSAnyEventMask.bits() | appkit::NSEventMaskPressure.bits(),
let event = self.ns_event_to_event(ns_event);
let _: () = msg_send![pool, release];
match event {
// Call the user's callback.
Some(event) => self.shared.user_callback.call_with_event(event),
None => break,
pub fn run_forever<F>(&mut self, mut callback: F)
where F: FnMut(Event) -> ControlFlow
unsafe {
if !msg_send![cocoa::base::class("NSThread"), isMainThread] {
panic!("Events can only be polled from the main thread on macOS");
// Track whether or not control flow has changed.
let control_flow = std::cell::Cell::new(ControlFlow::Continue);
let mut callback = |event| {
if let ControlFlow::Break = callback(event) {
}; callback);
loop {
unsafe {
// First, yield all pending events.
if let ControlFlow::Break = control_flow.get() {
let pool = foundation::NSAutoreleasePool::new(cocoa::base::nil);
// Wait for the next event. Note that this function blocks during resize.
let ns_event = appkit::NSApp().nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(
appkit::NSAnyEventMask.bits() | appkit::NSEventMaskPressure.bits(),
let maybe_event = self.ns_event_to_event(ns_event);
// Release the pool before calling the top callback in case the user calls either
// `run_forever` or `poll_events` within the callback.
let _: () = msg_send![pool, release];
if let Some(event) = maybe_event {
if let ControlFlow::Break = control_flow.get() {
// Convert some given `NSEvent` into a winit `Event`.
unsafe fn ns_event_to_event(&mut self, ns_event: cocoa::base::id) -> Option<Event> {
if ns_event == cocoa::base::nil {
return None;
// FIXME: Despite not being documented anywhere, an `NSEvent` is produced when a user opens
// Spotlight while the NSApplication is in focus. This `NSEvent` produces a `NSEventType`
// with value `21`. This causes a SEGFAULT as soon as we try to match on the `NSEventType`
// enum as there is no variant associated with the value. Thus, we return early if this
// sneaky event occurs. If someone does find some documentation on this, please fix this by
// adding an appropriate variant to the `NSEventType` enum in the cocoa-rs crate.
if ns_event.eventType() as u64 == 21 {
return None;
let event_type = ns_event.eventType();
let ns_window = ns_event.window();
let window_id = super::window::get_window_id(ns_window);
// FIXME: Document this. Why do we do this? Seems like it passes on events to window/app.
// If we don't do this, window does not become main for some reason.
match event_type {
appkit::NSKeyDown => (),
_ => appkit::NSApp().sendEvent_(ns_event),
let windows =;
let maybe_window = windows.iter()
.find(|window| window_id ==;
let into_event = |window_event| Event::WindowEvent {
window_id: ::WindowId(window_id),
event: window_event,
// Returns `Some` window if one of our windows is the key window.
let maybe_key_window = || windows.iter()
.find(|window| {
let is_key_window: cocoa::base::BOOL = msg_send![*window.window, isKeyWindow];
is_key_window == cocoa::base::YES
match event_type {
appkit::NSKeyDown => {
let mut events = std::collections::VecDeque::new();
let received_c_str = foundation::NSString::UTF8String(ns_event.characters());
let received_str = std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(received_c_str);
let vkey = to_virtual_key_code(NSEvent::keyCode(ns_event));
let state = ElementState::Pressed;
let code = NSEvent::keyCode(ns_event) as u32;
let window_event = WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
device_id: DEVICE_ID,
input: KeyboardInput {
state: state,
scancode: code,
virtual_keycode: vkey,
modifiers: event_mods(ns_event),
for received_char in std::str::from_utf8(received_str.to_bytes()).unwrap().chars() {
let window_event = WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter(received_char);
appkit::NSKeyUp => {
let vkey = to_virtual_key_code(NSEvent::keyCode(ns_event));
let state = ElementState::Released;
let code = NSEvent::keyCode(ns_event) as u32;
let window_event = WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
device_id: DEVICE_ID,
input: KeyboardInput {
state: state,
scancode: code,
virtual_keycode: vkey,
modifiers: event_mods(ns_event),
appkit::NSFlagsChanged => {
unsafe fn modifier_event(event: cocoa::base::id,
keymask: appkit::NSEventModifierFlags,
key: events::VirtualKeyCode,
key_pressed: bool) -> Option<WindowEvent>
if !key_pressed && NSEvent::modifierFlags(event).contains(keymask) {
let state = ElementState::Pressed;
let code = NSEvent::keyCode(event) as u32;
let window_event = WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
device_id: DEVICE_ID,
input: KeyboardInput {
state: state,
scancode: code,
virtual_keycode: Some(key),
modifiers: event_mods(event),
} else if key_pressed && !NSEvent::modifierFlags(event).contains(keymask) {
let state = ElementState::Released;
let code = NSEvent::keyCode(event) as u32;
let window_event = WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
device_id: DEVICE_ID,
input: KeyboardInput {
state: state,
scancode: code,
virtual_keycode: Some(key),
modifiers: event_mods(event),
} else {
let mut events = std::collections::VecDeque::new();
if let Some(window_event) = modifier_event(ns_event,
self.modifiers.shift_pressed = !self.modifiers.shift_pressed;
if let Some(window_event) = modifier_event(ns_event,
self.modifiers.ctrl_pressed = !self.modifiers.ctrl_pressed;
if let Some(window_event) = modifier_event(ns_event,
self.modifiers.win_pressed = !self.modifiers.win_pressed;
if let Some(window_event) = modifier_event(ns_event,
self.modifiers.alt_pressed = !self.modifiers.alt_pressed;
let event = events.pop_front();
appkit::NSLeftMouseDown => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseInput { device_id: DEVICE_ID, state: ElementState::Pressed, button: MouseButton::Left })) },
appkit::NSLeftMouseUp => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseInput { device_id: DEVICE_ID, state: ElementState::Released, button: MouseButton::Left })) },
appkit::NSRightMouseDown => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseInput { device_id: DEVICE_ID, state: ElementState::Pressed, button: MouseButton::Right })) },
appkit::NSRightMouseUp => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseInput { device_id: DEVICE_ID, state: ElementState::Released, button: MouseButton::Right })) },
appkit::NSOtherMouseDown => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseInput { device_id: DEVICE_ID, state: ElementState::Pressed, button: MouseButton::Middle })) },
appkit::NSOtherMouseUp => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseInput { device_id: DEVICE_ID, state: ElementState::Released, button: MouseButton::Middle })) },
appkit::NSMouseEntered => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseEntered { device_id: DEVICE_ID })) },
appkit::NSMouseExited => { Some(into_event(WindowEvent::MouseLeft { device_id: DEVICE_ID })) },
appkit::NSMouseMoved |
appkit::NSLeftMouseDragged |
appkit::NSOtherMouseDragged |
appkit::NSRightMouseDragged => {
// If the mouse movement was on one of our windows, use it.
// Otherwise, if one of our windows is the key window (receiving input), use it.
// Otherwise, return `None`.
let window = match maybe_window.or_else(maybe_key_window) {
Some(window) => window,
None => return None,
let window_point = ns_event.locationInWindow();
let view_point = if ns_window == cocoa::base::nil {
let ns_size = foundation::NSSize::new(0.0, 0.0);
let ns_rect = foundation::NSRect::new(window_point, ns_size);
let window_rect = window.window.convertRectFromScreen_(ns_rect);
window.view.convertPoint_fromView_(window_rect.origin, cocoa::base::nil)
} else {
window.view.convertPoint_fromView_(window_point, cocoa::base::nil)
let view_rect = NSView::frame(*window.view);
let scale_factor = window.hidpi_factor();
let x = (scale_factor * view_point.x as f32) as f64;
let y = (scale_factor * (view_rect.size.height - view_point.y) as f32) as f64;
let window_event = WindowEvent::MouseMoved { device_id: DEVICE_ID, position: (x, y) };
let event = Event::WindowEvent { window_id: ::WindowId(, event: window_event };
appkit::NSScrollWheel => {
// If none of the windows received the scroll, return `None`.
let window = match maybe_window {
Some(window) => window,
None => return None,
use events::MouseScrollDelta::{LineDelta, PixelDelta};
let scale_factor = window.hidpi_factor();
let delta = if ns_event.hasPreciseScrollingDeltas() == cocoa::base::YES {
PixelDelta(scale_factor * ns_event.scrollingDeltaX() as f32,
scale_factor * ns_event.scrollingDeltaY() as f32)
} else {
LineDelta(scale_factor * ns_event.scrollingDeltaX() as f32,
scale_factor * ns_event.scrollingDeltaY() as f32)
let phase = match ns_event.phase() {
appkit::NSEventPhaseMayBegin | appkit::NSEventPhaseBegan => TouchPhase::Started,
appkit::NSEventPhaseEnded => TouchPhase::Ended,
_ => TouchPhase::Moved,
let window_event = WindowEvent::MouseWheel { device_id: DEVICE_ID, delta: delta, phase: phase };
appkit::NSEventTypePressure => {
let pressure = ns_event.pressure();
let stage = ns_event.stage();
let window_event = WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure { device_id: DEVICE_ID, pressure: pressure, stage: stage };
appkit::NSApplicationDefined => match ns_event.subtype() {
appkit::NSEventSubtype::NSApplicationActivatedEventType => {
_ => None,
_ => None,
pub fn create_proxy(&self) -> Proxy {
Proxy {}
impl Proxy {
pub fn wakeup(&self) -> Result<(), EventsLoopClosed> {
// Awaken the event loop by triggering `NSApplicationActivatedEventType`.
unsafe {
let pool = foundation::NSAutoreleasePool::new(cocoa::base::nil);
let event =
foundation::NSPoint::new(0.0, 0.0),
appkit::NSApp().postEvent_atStart_(event, cocoa::base::NO);
fn to_virtual_key_code(code: u16) -> Option<events::VirtualKeyCode> {
Some(match code {
0x00 => events::VirtualKeyCode::A,
0x01 => events::VirtualKeyCode::S,
0x02 => events::VirtualKeyCode::D,
0x03 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F,
0x04 => events::VirtualKeyCode::H,
0x05 => events::VirtualKeyCode::G,
0x06 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Z,
0x07 => events::VirtualKeyCode::X,
0x08 => events::VirtualKeyCode::C,
0x09 => events::VirtualKeyCode::V,
//0x0a => World 1,
0x0b => events::VirtualKeyCode::B,
0x0c => events::VirtualKeyCode::Q,
0x0d => events::VirtualKeyCode::W,
0x0e => events::VirtualKeyCode::E,
0x0f => events::VirtualKeyCode::R,
0x10 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Y,
0x11 => events::VirtualKeyCode::T,
0x12 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key1,
0x13 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key2,
0x14 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key3,
0x15 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key4,
0x16 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key6,
0x17 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key5,
0x18 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Equals,
0x19 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key9,
0x1a => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key7,
0x1b => events::VirtualKeyCode::Minus,
0x1c => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key8,
0x1d => events::VirtualKeyCode::Key0,
0x1e => events::VirtualKeyCode::RBracket,
0x1f => events::VirtualKeyCode::O,
0x20 => events::VirtualKeyCode::U,
0x21 => events::VirtualKeyCode::LBracket,
0x22 => events::VirtualKeyCode::I,
0x23 => events::VirtualKeyCode::P,
0x24 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Return,
0x25 => events::VirtualKeyCode::L,
0x26 => events::VirtualKeyCode::J,
0x27 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Apostrophe,
0x28 => events::VirtualKeyCode::K,
0x29 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Semicolon,
0x2a => events::VirtualKeyCode::Backslash,
0x2b => events::VirtualKeyCode::Comma,
0x2c => events::VirtualKeyCode::Slash,
0x2d => events::VirtualKeyCode::N,
0x2e => events::VirtualKeyCode::M,
0x2f => events::VirtualKeyCode::Period,
0x30 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Tab,
0x31 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Space,
0x32 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Grave,
0x33 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Back,
//0x34 => unkown,
0x35 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Escape,
0x36 => events::VirtualKeyCode::RWin,
0x37 => events::VirtualKeyCode::LWin,
0x38 => events::VirtualKeyCode::LShift,
//0x39 => Caps lock,
//0x3a => Left alt,
0x3b => events::VirtualKeyCode::LControl,
0x3c => events::VirtualKeyCode::RShift,
//0x3d => Right alt,
0x3e => events::VirtualKeyCode::RControl,
//0x3f => Fn key,
//0x40 => F17 Key,
0x41 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Decimal,
//0x42 -> unkown,
0x43 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Multiply,
//0x44 => unkown,
0x45 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Add,
//0x46 => unkown,
0x47 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numlock,
//0x48 => KeypadClear,
0x49 => events::VirtualKeyCode::VolumeUp,
0x4a => events::VirtualKeyCode::VolumeDown,
0x4b => events::VirtualKeyCode::Divide,
0x4c => events::VirtualKeyCode::NumpadEnter,
//0x4d => unkown,
0x4e => events::VirtualKeyCode::Subtract,
//0x4f => F18 key,
//0x50 => F19 Key,
0x51 => events::VirtualKeyCode::NumpadEquals,
0x52 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad0,
0x53 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad1,
0x54 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad2,
0x55 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad3,
0x56 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad4,
0x57 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad5,
0x58 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad6,
0x59 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad7,
//0x5a => F20 Key,
0x5b => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad8,
0x5c => events::VirtualKeyCode::Numpad9,
//0x5d => unkown,
//0x5e => unkown,
//0x5f => unkown,
0x60 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F5,
0x61 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F6,
0x62 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F7,
0x63 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F3,
0x64 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F8,
0x65 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F9,
//0x66 => unkown,
0x67 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F11,
//0x68 => unkown,
0x69 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F13,
//0x6a => F16 Key,
0x6b => events::VirtualKeyCode::F14,
//0x6c => unkown,
0x6d => events::VirtualKeyCode::F10,
//0x6e => unkown,
0x6f => events::VirtualKeyCode::F12,
//0x70 => unkown,
0x71 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F15,
0x72 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Insert,
0x73 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Home,
0x74 => events::VirtualKeyCode::PageUp,
0x75 => events::VirtualKeyCode::Delete,
0x76 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F4,
0x77 => events::VirtualKeyCode::End,
0x78 => events::VirtualKeyCode::F2,
0x79 => events::VirtualKeyCode::PageDown,
0x7a => events::VirtualKeyCode::F1,
0x7b => events::VirtualKeyCode::Left,
0x7c => events::VirtualKeyCode::Right,
0x7d => events::VirtualKeyCode::Down,
0x7e => events::VirtualKeyCode::Up,
//0x7f => unkown,
_ => return None,
fn event_mods(event: cocoa::base::id) -> ModifiersState {
let flags = unsafe {
ModifiersState {
shift: flags.contains(appkit::NSShiftKeyMask),
ctrl: flags.contains(appkit::NSControlKeyMask),
alt: flags.contains(appkit::NSAlternateKeyMask),
logo: flags.contains(appkit::NSCommandKeyMask),
// Constant device ID, to be removed when this backend is updated to report real device IDs.
const DEVICE_ID: ::DeviceId = ::DeviceId(DeviceId);