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synced 2025-02-24 00:37:43 +11:00
This expands input events to represent sub-pixel mouse positions, devices responsible for generating events, and raw device-oriented events. The X11 back end is refactored to make full use of the new expressiveness. Other backends have had new functionality minimally stubbed out, save for the macos backend which already supports sub-pixel mouse positions.
31 lines
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31 lines
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extern crate winit;
use winit::{Event, ElementState, MouseCursor, WindowEvent, KeyboardInput};
fn main() {
let events_loop = winit::EventsLoop::new();
let window = winit::WindowBuilder::new().build(&events_loop).unwrap();
window.set_title("A fantastic window!");
let cursors = [MouseCursor::Default, MouseCursor::Crosshair, MouseCursor::Hand, MouseCursor::Arrow, MouseCursor::Move, MouseCursor::Text, MouseCursor::Wait, MouseCursor::Help, MouseCursor::Progress, MouseCursor::NotAllowed, MouseCursor::ContextMenu, MouseCursor::NoneCursor, MouseCursor::Cell, MouseCursor::VerticalText, MouseCursor::Alias, MouseCursor::Copy, MouseCursor::NoDrop, MouseCursor::Grab, MouseCursor::Grabbing, MouseCursor::AllScroll, MouseCursor::ZoomIn, MouseCursor::ZoomOut, MouseCursor::EResize, MouseCursor::NResize, MouseCursor::NeResize, MouseCursor::NwResize, MouseCursor::SResize, MouseCursor::SeResize, MouseCursor::SwResize, MouseCursor::WResize, MouseCursor::EwResize, MouseCursor::NsResize, MouseCursor::NeswResize, MouseCursor::NwseResize, MouseCursor::ColResize, MouseCursor::RowResize];
let mut cursor_idx = 0;
events_loop.run_forever(|event| {
match event {
Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input: KeyboardInput { state: ElementState::Pressed, .. }, .. }, .. } => {
println!("Setting cursor to \"{:?}\"", cursors[cursor_idx]);
if cursor_idx < cursors.len() - 1 {
cursor_idx += 1;
} else {
cursor_idx = 0;
Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::Closed, .. } => {
_ => ()