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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Added find_colour_index_16 and find_colour_index_256 to the VRamManager to find where a colour is in a palette.

[0.20.2] - 2024/05/25


  • Fixed the crash screen to show debug text even if the qr code fails to generate.
  • Fixed the crash screen to prevent the qr code always failing to generate.

[0.20.1] - 2024/05/17


  • Added dot and cross product methods for Vector2D.


  • Fixed an issue with agb tracker where XM files with linear frequencies were playing the wrong notes

[0.20.0] - 2024/05/14


  • Added a new crash screen which provides a mechanism for seeing a full stack trace of your program when it panics. This requires a change to your .cargo/config.toml. You must add the rust flag "-Cforce-frame-pointers=yes" to your rustflags field. This can also be disabled by removing the backtrace feature.
  • Initial unicode support for font rendering.
  • Kerning support for font rendering.
  • Added set_next method to OamIterator to avoid repeated boilerplate when dealing with unmanaged objects.


  • Export the dma module correctly so you can write the types from it and use it in more complex cases.


  • Many macros now emit statics rather than consts OR can be used as statics OR have had examples changed to use statics. You should use statics where possible for assets as consts can lead to them being included multiple times in the ROM.
  • Fixnums are now implemented with num_traits trait definitions.
  • Rather than having our own sync with Statics, use the standard portable atomics crate. These are reexported for convenience.
  • Mgba no longer implements Write. You're unlikely to notice as agb::println! is unchanged.
  • Writes of long messages to mgba are split over multiple log messages if they overflow mgba's buffer. On a panic, only the final message will be Fatal with the preceding ones (if needed) being Info.

[0.19.1] - 2024/03/06


  • .abs() on Vector2D and Rect


  • InfiniteScrolledMap can now scroll more than 1 tile in a single frame without corrupting.

[0.19.0] - 2024/03/06


  • Added .priority(), .set_priority() and .is_visible() to RegularMap, AffineMap and InfiniteScrolledMap.
  • Replaced .show() and .hide() with .set_visible()in RegularMap, AffineMap and InfiniteScrolledMap.
  • Added .into_inner() to InfiniteScrolledMap to get the map back once you are done using it in the InfiniteScrolledMap.
  • Added .hflip(), .vflip(), .priority(), .position() to ObjectUnmanaged and Object.
  • An abstraction over hblank DMA to allow for cool effects like gradients and circular windows. See the dma_effect* examples.
  • Expermental and incomplete support for MIDI files with agb-tracker.
  • Fixnum now implements num::Num from the num crate.
  • Default implementations for RandomNumberGenerator, InitOnce and RawMutex.


  • A few functions which previously accepted a Vector<u16> now accept an impl Into<Vector2D<u16>> instead.

[0.18.1] - 2024/02/06


  • You can now use include_aseprite and include_background_gfx to include files from the out directory using the $OUT_DIR token.
  • Added .pause() and .resume() methods to SoundChannels to let you pause and resume from where you left off.

[0.18.0] - 2023/10/31


  • There is now a multiboot feature which you can use to easily make multiboot ROMs.
  • Can now set palette on a TileSetting struct.


  • You no longer need the gba.ld or gba_mb.ld files in your repository. You should delete these when upgrading.


  • Multiboot builds now work on mgba.
  • Fixed inaccuracy in cosine implementation caused by accidentally multiplying correction term by zero.

[0.17.1] - 2023/10/05


  • Fixed the build on docs.rs.

[0.17.0] - 2023/10/03


  • New tracker for playing XM files (see the agb-tracker crate).
  • You can now declare where looping sound channels should restart.
  • Fixnums now have constructors from_f32 and from_f64. This is mainly useful if using agb-fixnum outside of the Game Boy Advance e.g. in build scripts or macros.
  • New option when loading a background to automatically deduplicate tiles.
  • Methods on tile_setting to toggle its hflip and vflip status.


  • Sound channel panning and volume options are now Num<i16, 8> rather than Num<i16, 4> for improved precision and sound quality.
  • Due to dependency changes, agb-gbafix is now released under MPL rather than GPL.
  • include_background_gfx! now produces tile sets and tile settings directly.


  • 256-colour backgrounds are better supported.
  • Mono looping samples will now correctly play to the end if it doesn't perfectly align with a buffer boundry and short samples now also loop correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in bitmap4 that caused setting pixels to be always incorrect.

[0.16.0] - 2023/07/18


  • New include_palette macro for including every colour in an image as a u16 slice.
  • New object based text renderer.


  • Changed the default template game.
  • DynamicSprite has a new API which changes the constructor and adds a set_pixel and clear methods.
  • You no longer need to install arm-none-eabi-binutils. In order to write games using agb, you now only need to install rust nightly.
  • 10% performance improvement with the software mixer.


  • Compile error if you tried to import a larger sprite which uses more than 15 colours between frames.

[0.15.0] - 2023/04/25


  • You can now import aseprite files directly (in addition to the already supported png and bmp files) when importing background tiles.
  • New additional unmanaged object API for interacting with a more straightforward manner with the underlying hardware.


  • Importing background tiles has been improved. You no longer need to use include_gfx! with the toml file. Instead, use include_background_gfx. See the documentation for usage.
  • The hashmap implementation is now it its own crate, agb-hashmap. There is no change in API, but you can now use this for interop between non-agb code and agb code.
  • Moved the existing object API to be the OamManaged API. The old names persist with deprecated notices on them.

[0.14.0] - 2023/04/11


  • Added custom gbafix implementation which can take the elf file produced by cargo build directly, removing the need for the objcopy step.


  • Made Vector2D::new a const function.
  • The template now uses rust 2021 edition by default.
  • All objects which should only be created once now have the correct lifetimes to only allow one to exist.
  • Template now uses codegen-units=1 to workaround bug in nightly.
  • Allocator is no longer interrupt safe.
  • Soundness issues with interrupts resolved which makes them unsafe and require the closure to be static (breaking change).


  • Alpha channel is now considered by include_gfx!() even when transparent_colour is absent.
  • 256 colour backgrounds are now correctly rendered (breaking change).
  • The #[agb::entry] macro now reports errors better.
  • Added the shstrtab section to the linker to ensure that agb builds with lld.

[0.13.0] - 2023/01/19


  • Added missed implementations of regular() and affine() to Tiled1 which made Tiled1 impossible to use.


  • Text renderer can now be re-used which is useful for rpg style character/word at a time text boxes.
  • Audio now automatically uses interrupts, so you can remove the setup_interrupt_handler or after_vblank calls to the mixer.
  • If a vblank happens outside of wait_for_vblank, then next call will immediately return.


  • Zero volume now plays no sound.
  • Fixed issue where volume was incorrect for volumes which were powers of 2.

[0.12.2] - 2022/10/22

This is a minor release to fix an alignment issue with background tiles.


  • Corrected alignment of background tiles which was causing issues with rendering tiles in some cases.

[0.12.1] - 2022/10/12

This is a minor release to fix the build of the docs on docs.rs/agb.


  • Fixed the agb crate's docs.rs build

[0.12.0] - 2022/10/11

This version of agb has some exciting new features we'd like to highlight and some brand new contributors!

  1. Save support for multiple cartridge types (contributed by @Lymia)
  2. Affine background support (contributed by @lifning)

We also had a contribution by @ijc8. We can't thank you all enough!


  • Custom allocator support using the Allocator trait for HashMap. This means the HashMap can be used with InternalAllocator to allocate to IWRAM or the ExternalAllocator to explicitly allocate to EWRAM.
  • Support for using windows on the GBA. Windows are used to selectively enable rendering of certain layers or effects.
  • Support for the blend mode of the GBA. Blending allows for alpha blending between layers and fading to black and white.
  • Added a new agb::sync module that contains GBA-specific synchronization primitives.
  • Added support for save files.
  • Added implementation of HashMap.retain().
  • Added support for affine backgrounds (tiled modes 1 and 2) which allows for scaling, rotating etc of tiled backgrounds.
  • Added support for 256 colour backgrounds (when working with affine ones).
  • Added affine matrix module. This allows for manipulation of affine matricies for use in backgrounds and in the future objects.
  • Added support for dynamic sprites generated at runtime, some parts of this may change significantly so breaking changes are expected here.


  • Many of the places that originally disabled IRQs now use the sync module, reducing the chance of missed interrupts.
  • HashMap iterators now implement size_hint which should result in slightly better generation of code using those iterators.
  • Transparency of backgrounds is now set once in the toml file rather than once for every image.
  • Palette generation now takes into account every single background a toml definition rather than one at a time, you can now find it in the PALETTES constant rather than in every individual image.
  • Sound frequency is no longer a crate feature, instead set when initialising the sound mixer.
  • testing is now a default feature, so you no longer need to add a separate dev-dependencies line for agb in order to enable unit tests for your project.


  • Fixed the fast magnitude function in agb_fixnum. This is also used in fast_normalise. Previously only worked for positive (x, y).
  • Fixed formatting of fixed point numbers in the range (-1, 0), which previously appeared positive.

[0.11.1] - 2022/08/02

Version 0.11.1 brings documentation for fixed point numbers. We recommend all users upgrade to this version since it also includes fixes to a few functions in fixnum. See changed section for breaking changes.


  • Support for sprites that are not square.
  • Docs for fixed point numbers.


  • Rect::contains_point now considers points on the boundary to be part of the rectangle.
  • Signature of Rect::overlapping_rect changed to return an Option. Returns None if rectangles don't overlap.


  • Fixed point sine calculates the sine correctly.

[0.10.0] - 2022/07/31

Version 0.10.0 brings about many new features. As with most agb upgrades, you will need to update your gba.ld and gba_mb.ld files which you can find in the template repo. We would also recommend copying the [profile.dev] and [profile.release] sections from Cargo.toml if you don't have these values already.


  • Hyperspace roll, a new game built for the GMTK Game Jam 2022 using agb. The source code can be found in the examples directory.
  • Started using GitHub discussions as a forum
  • Many functions previously undocumented are now documented
  • Z-Ordering of sprites - you can now change the render order of sprites rather than it just being defined by the order in which they appear in object memory
  • 32kHz audio. Probably the best sound quality you'll get out of the hardware, but uses a lot of ROM space
  • Transparent sprite support with aseprite
  • You can now write tests for projects depending on agb
  • Very basic font rendering - looking for feedback, this API is far from stable
  • Faster implementation of memcpy and memset thanks to the agbabi crate which provide a big performance boost for any project using agb
  • If you wish, you can now optionally do dynamic memory allocation to IWRAM instead of only EWRAM
  • You can now use 64x64px sprites
  • You can now configure the background size for tiled backgrounds
  • It is possible to create 'dynamic tiles' for backgrounds. These are tiles which are defined at runtime
  • Random number generator in agb::rng


  • Audio system optimisations - reduced CPU usage by more than 50%
  • Background tiles are now removed from Video RAM during commit() if they are no longer used rather than immediately reducing flickering
  • Improved the README for both the main agb crate and the template
  • The template now builds with optimisations in debug mode and debug symbols in release mode
  • Added #[must_use] to many of the places it is needed
  • All subcrates get released at once, so versions are kept in lockstep
  • A few methods accepting Num<..> have been changed to accept impl Into<Num<..>> to make them easier to use


  • The ability to use timer0 and timer1 through the timer module. This was done in order to fully support 32kHz audio


  • Sprite data is now correctly aligned so fast copies will always work
  • A few methods which should really be internal have had pub removed
  • The crate now compiles (but does not run) doctests in CI which pointed out a large number of non-compiling examples