* ash-window: Upgrade to raw-window-handle 0.5.0 * Bump `raw-window-metal` to recently-released `0.3` https://github.com/norse-rs/raw-window-metal/pull/5 * examples: Bump `winit` to `0.27.1` to resolve our MSRV tests While the examples technically aren't part of our MSRV requirement (it's nice, but core crate compatibility is much more important), it's annoying to exempt these especially now that `winit` removed some unneeded MSRV 1.60/1.61 requirements. * Take `Raw{Display,Window}Handle` directly instead of through trait
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# Changelog
## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate
- Bumped `raw-window-handle` to `0.5.0`, now taking `RawDisplayHandle` and `RawWindowHandle` directly
instead of requiring dynamic dispatch through the `HasRaw{Display,Window}Handle` traits (#645)
## [0.11.0] - 2022-07-29
### Changed
- Bumped `raw-window-handle` to `0.4.2` (#505)
## [0.10.0] - 2022-03-23
### Changed
- Bumped `ash` version to [`0.37`](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/0.37.0) (#600)
- Make `enumerate_required_extensions()` return `&[*const c_char]` instead of `Vec<&CStr>` to match `ash::vk::InstanceCreateInfo` (#590)
## [0.9.1] - 2022-02-21
### Changed
- Convert `ash` version to a range, allowing [`0.34`](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/0.34.0)-[`0.36`](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/0.36.0) (#585)
## [0.9.0] - 2021-12-27
### Changed
- Bumped `ash` version to [`0.35`](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/0.35.0)
## [0.8.0] - 2021-12-22
### Changed
- Bumped `ash` version to [`0.34`](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/0.34.0)
## [0.7.0] - 2021-07-30
### Changed
- Bumped `ash` version to [`0.33`](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/0.33.0)
## [0.6.0]
### Changed
- Bumped `ash` version to [`0.32`](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/0.32.0)
## [0.5.0]
### Changed
- `impl HasRawWindowHandle` to `dyn HasRawWindowHandle`
## Version 0.4.1
### Changed
- Use `raw-window-metal` to automatically allocate a `CAMetalLayer` if there is none
## Version 0.4.0
### Changed
- Update `ash` version to 0.31
## Version 0.3.0
### Changed
- Update `ash` version to 0.30
## Version 0.2.0
### Changed
- `enumerate_required_extension` renamed to `enumerate_required_extensions`
- `enumerate_required_extensions` will return an error if the window handle is not supported instead of panic.
- `enumerate_required_extensions` may return multiple extension names. Includes all dependent extensions.
- `create_surface` will return an error if the window handle is not supported instead of panic.
## Version 0.1.0
Initial release for `raw-window-handle = "0.3"` with Windows, Linux, Android, MacOS/iOS support.
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/compare/ash-window-0.11.0...HEAD
[0.11.0]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.11.0
[0.10.0]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.10.0
[0.9.1]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.9.1
[0.9.0]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.9.0
[0.8.0]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.8.0
[0.7.0]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.7.0
[0.6.0]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.6.0
[0.5.0]: https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/releases/tag/ash-window-0.5.0