David Cristofaro e8d5cf3ebc
Bump wgpu from 0.13 to 0.14 (#320)
* feat(wgpu): upgrade wgpu from 13 to 14

* Address feedback

* Bump tao in `minimal-tao` example

* Bump fltk in `minimal-fltk` example

* Bump egui in `minimal-egui` example

* Bump MSRV to `1.65`

* Bump crates in `imgui-winit` example

* Delete `minimal-sdl2` example

* Fix clippy lints

* Update examples/minimal-egui/src/gui.rs

Co-authored-by: Zageron <hello@zageron.ca>
Co-authored-by: Jay Oster <jay@kodewerx.org>
2022-12-17 13:50:11 -08:00

277 lines
10 KiB

use crate::SurfaceSize;
use ultraviolet::Mat4;
use wgpu::util::DeviceExt;
/// The default renderer that scales your frame to the screen size.
pub struct ScalingRenderer {
vertex_buffer: wgpu::Buffer,
uniform_buffer: wgpu::Buffer,
bind_group: wgpu::BindGroup,
render_pipeline: wgpu::RenderPipeline,
pub(crate) clear_color: wgpu::Color,
width: f32,
height: f32,
clip_rect: (u32, u32, u32, u32),
impl ScalingRenderer {
pub(crate) fn new(
device: &wgpu::Device,
texture_view: &wgpu::TextureView,
texture_size: &wgpu::Extent3d,
surface_size: &SurfaceSize,
render_texture_format: wgpu::TextureFormat,
clear_color: wgpu::Color,
blend_state: wgpu::BlendState,
) -> Self {
let shader = wgpu::include_wgsl!("../shaders/scale.wgsl");
let module = device.create_shader_module(shader);
// Create a texture sampler with nearest neighbor
let sampler = device.create_sampler(&wgpu::SamplerDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_sampler"),
address_mode_u: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_v: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_w: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
mag_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest,
min_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest,
mipmap_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest,
lod_min_clamp: 0.0,
lod_max_clamp: 1.0,
compare: None,
anisotropy_clamp: None,
border_color: None,
// Create vertex buffer; array-of-array of position and texture coordinates
let vertex_data: [[f32; 2]; 3] = [
// One full-screen triangle
// See: https://github.com/parasyte/pixels/issues/180
[-1.0, -1.0],
[3.0, -1.0],
[-1.0, 3.0],
let vertex_data_slice = bytemuck::cast_slice(&vertex_data);
let vertex_buffer = device.create_buffer_init(&wgpu::util::BufferInitDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_vertex_buffer"),
contents: vertex_data_slice,
usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::VERTEX,
let vertex_buffer_layout = wgpu::VertexBufferLayout {
array_stride: (vertex_data_slice.len() / vertex_data.len()) as wgpu::BufferAddress,
step_mode: wgpu::VertexStepMode::Vertex,
attributes: &[wgpu::VertexAttribute {
format: wgpu::VertexFormat::Float32x2,
offset: 0,
shader_location: 0,
// Create uniform buffer
let matrix = ScalingMatrix::new(
(texture_size.width as f32, texture_size.height as f32),
(surface_size.width as f32, surface_size.height as f32),
let transform_bytes = matrix.as_bytes();
let uniform_buffer = device.create_buffer_init(&wgpu::util::BufferInitDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_matrix_uniform_buffer"),
contents: transform_bytes,
usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::UNIFORM | wgpu::BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
// Create bind group
let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_bind_group_layout"),
entries: &[
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
multisampled: false,
view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
count: None,
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 1,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: wgpu::BindingType::Sampler(wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
count: None,
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 2,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX,
ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
has_dynamic_offset: false,
min_binding_size: None, // TODO: More efficient to specify this
count: None,
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_bind_group"),
layout: &bind_group_layout,
entries: &[
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(texture_view),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 1,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&sampler),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 2,
resource: uniform_buffer.as_entire_binding(),
// Create pipeline
let pipeline_layout = device.create_pipeline_layout(&wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline_layout"),
bind_group_layouts: &[&bind_group_layout],
push_constant_ranges: &[],
let render_pipeline = device.create_render_pipeline(&wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline"),
layout: Some(&pipeline_layout),
vertex: wgpu::VertexState {
module: &module,
entry_point: "vs_main",
buffers: &[vertex_buffer_layout],
primitive: wgpu::PrimitiveState::default(),
depth_stencil: None,
multisample: wgpu::MultisampleState::default(),
fragment: Some(wgpu::FragmentState {
module: &module,
entry_point: "fs_main",
targets: &[Some(wgpu::ColorTargetState {
format: render_texture_format,
blend: Some(blend_state),
write_mask: wgpu::ColorWrites::ALL,
multiview: None,
// Create clipping rectangle
let clip_rect = matrix.clip_rect();
Self {
width: texture_size.width as f32,
height: texture_size.height as f32,
/// Draw the pixel buffer to the render target.
pub fn render(&self, encoder: &mut wgpu::CommandEncoder, render_target: &wgpu::TextureView) {
let mut rpass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_render_pass"),
color_attachments: &[Some(wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachment {
view: render_target,
resolve_target: None,
ops: wgpu::Operations {
load: wgpu::LoadOp::Clear(self.clear_color),
store: true,
depth_stencil_attachment: None,
rpass.set_bind_group(0, &self.bind_group, &[]);
rpass.set_vertex_buffer(0, self.vertex_buffer.slice(..));
rpass.draw(0..3, 0..1);
/// Get the clipping rectangle for the scaling renderer.
/// This rectangle defines the inner bounds of the surface texture, without the border.
pub fn clip_rect(&self) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) {
pub(crate) fn resize(&mut self, queue: &wgpu::Queue, width: u32, height: u32) {
let matrix = ScalingMatrix::new((self.width, self.height), (width as f32, height as f32));
let transform_bytes = matrix.as_bytes();
queue.write_buffer(&self.uniform_buffer, 0, transform_bytes);
self.clip_rect = matrix.clip_rect();
pub(crate) struct ScalingMatrix {
pub(crate) transform: Mat4,
clip_rect: (u32, u32, u32, u32),
impl ScalingMatrix {
// texture_size is the dimensions of the drawing texture
// screen_size is the dimensions of the surface being drawn to
pub(crate) fn new(texture_size: (f32, f32), screen_size: (f32, f32)) -> Self {
let (texture_width, texture_height) = texture_size;
let (screen_width, screen_height) = screen_size;
// Get smallest scale size
let scale = (screen_width / texture_width)
.clamp(1.0, screen_height / texture_height)
let scaled_width = texture_width * scale;
let scaled_height = texture_height * scale;
// Create a transformation matrix
let sw = scaled_width / screen_width;
let sh = scaled_height / screen_height;
let tx = (screen_width / 2.0).fract() / screen_width;
let ty = (screen_height / 2.0).fract() / screen_height;
let transform: [f32; 16] = [
sw, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, sh, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
tx, ty, 0.0, 1.0,
// Create a clipping rectangle
let clip_rect = {
let scaled_width = scaled_width.min(screen_width);
let scaled_height = scaled_height.min(screen_height);
let x = ((screen_width - scaled_width) / 2.0) as u32;
let y = ((screen_height - scaled_height) / 2.0) as u32;
(x, y, scaled_width as u32, scaled_height as u32)
Self {
transform: Mat4::from(transform),
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub(crate) fn clip_rect(&self) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) {