647 lines
18 KiB
647 lines
18 KiB
//! A simple Space Invaders clone to demonstrate `pixels`.
//! This doesn't use anything fancy like a game engine, so you may not want to build a game like
//! this in practice. That said, the game is fully functional, and it should not be too difficult
//! to understand the code.
use crate::collision::Collision;
pub use crate::controls::{Controls, Direction};
use crate::geo::Point;
use crate::loader::{load_assets, Assets};
use crate::sprites::{blit, Animation, Drawable, Frame, Sprite, SpriteRef};
use randomize::PCG32;
use std::time::Duration;
mod collision;
mod controls;
mod debug;
mod geo;
mod loader;
mod sprites;
/// The screen width is constant (units are in pixels)
pub const WIDTH: usize = 224;
/// The screen height is constant (units are in pixels)
pub const HEIGHT: usize = 256;
// Fixed time step (240 fps)
pub const FPS: usize = 240;
pub const TIME_STEP: Duration = Duration::from_nanos(1_000_000_000 / FPS as u64);
// Internally, the game advances at 60 fps
const ONE_FRAME: Duration = Duration::from_nanos(1_000_000_000 / 60);
// Invader positioning
const START: Point = Point::new(24, 64);
const GRID: Point = Point::new(16, 16);
const ROWS: usize = 5;
const COLS: usize = 11;
// Player positioning
const PLAYER_START: Point = Point::new(80, 216);
// Projectile positioning
const LASER_OFFSET: Point = Point::new(4, 10);
const BULLET_OFFSET: Point = Point::new(7, 0);
pub struct World {
invaders: Invaders,
lasers: Vec<Laser>,
shields: Vec<Shield>,
player: Player,
bullet: Option<Bullet>,
collision: Collision,
_score: u32,
assets: Assets,
dt: Duration,
gameover: bool,
prng: PCG32,
debug: bool,
/// A fleet of invaders.
struct Invaders {
grid: Vec<Vec<Option<Invader>>>,
stepper: Point,
direction: Direction,
descend: bool,
bounds: Bounds,
/// Everything you ever wanted to know about Invaders.
struct Invader {
sprite: SpriteRef,
pos: Point,
_score: u32,
/// Creates a boundary around the live invaders.
/// Used for collision detection and minor optimizations.
struct Bounds {
pos: Point,
left_col: usize,
right_col: usize,
top_row: usize,
bottom_row: usize,
/// The player entity.
struct Player {
sprite: SpriteRef,
pos: Point,
dt: Duration,
/// The shield entity.
struct Shield {
// Shield sprite is not referenced because we want to deform it when it gets shot
sprite: Sprite,
pos: Point,
/// The laser entity.
struct Laser {
sprite: SpriteRef,
pos: Point,
dt: Duration,
/// The cannon entity.
struct Bullet {
sprite: SpriteRef,
pos: Point,
dt: Duration,
trait DeltaTime {
fn update(&mut self) -> usize;
fn update_dt(dest_dt: &mut Duration, step: Duration) -> usize {
*dest_dt += TIME_STEP;
let frames = dest_dt.as_nanos() / step.as_nanos();
*dest_dt -= Duration::from_nanos((frames * step.as_nanos()) as u64);
frames as usize
impl DeltaTime for Player {
fn update(&mut self) -> usize {
Self::update_dt(&mut self.dt, ONE_FRAME)
impl DeltaTime for Laser {
fn update(&mut self) -> usize {
Self::update_dt(&mut self.dt, ONE_FRAME)
impl DeltaTime for Bullet {
fn update(&mut self) -> usize {
Self::update_dt(&mut self.dt, TIME_STEP)
impl World {
/// Create a new simple-invaders `World`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `debug` - Enable debug visualizations.
/// * `seed` - Inputs for the pseudorandom number generator.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NativeEndian};
/// use getrandom::getrandom;
/// use simple_invaders::World;
/// // Create a seed for the PRNG
/// let mut seed = [0_u8; 16];
/// getrandom(&mut seed).expect("failed to getrandom");
/// let seed = (
/// NativeEndian::read_u64(&seed[0..8]),
/// NativeEndian::read_u64(&seed[8..16]),
/// );
/// let world = World::new(seed, false);
/// ```
pub fn new(seed: (u64, u64), debug: bool) -> World {
use Frame::*;
// Load assets first
let assets = load_assets();
// TODO: Create invaders one-at-a-time
let invaders = Invaders {
grid: make_invader_grid(&assets),
stepper: Point::new(COLS - 1, 0),
direction: Direction::Right,
descend: false,
bounds: Bounds::default(),
let lasers = Vec::new();
let shields = (0..4)
.map(|i| Shield {
sprite: Sprite::new(&assets, Shield1),
pos: Point::new(i * 45 + 32, 192),
let player = Player {
sprite: SpriteRef::new(&assets, Player1, Duration::from_millis(100)),
dt: Duration::default(),
let bullet = None;
let collision = Collision::default();
let _score = 0;
let dt = Duration::default();
let gameover = false;
let prng = PCG32::seed(seed.0, seed.1);
World {
/// Update the internal state.
/// # Arguments
/// * `dt`: The time delta since last update.
/// * `controls`: The player inputs.
pub fn update(&mut self, controls: &Controls) {
if self.gameover {
// TODO: Add a game over screen
// Advance the timer by the delta time
self.dt += TIME_STEP;
// Clear the collision details
// Step the invaders one by one
while self.dt >= ONE_FRAME {
self.dt -= ONE_FRAME;
// Handle player movement and animation
if let Some(bullet) = &mut self.bullet {
// Handle bullet movement
let velocity = bullet.update();
if bullet.pos.y > velocity {
bullet.pos.y -= velocity;
// Handle collisions
if self
.bullet_to_invader(&mut self.bullet, &mut self.invaders)
// One of the end scenarios
self.gameover = self.invaders.shrink_bounds();
} else {
.bullet_to_shield(&mut self.bullet, &mut self.shields);
} else {
self.bullet = None;
// Handle laser movement
let mut destroy = Vec::new();
for (i, laser) in self.lasers.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let velocity = laser.update() * 2;
if laser.pos.y < self.player.pos.y {
laser.pos.y += velocity;
// Handle collisions
if self.collision.laser_to_player(laser, &self.player) {
// One of the end scenarios
self.gameover = true;
} else if self.collision.laser_to_bullet(laser, &mut self.bullet)
|| self.collision.laser_to_shield(laser, &mut self.shields)
} else {
// Destroy dead lasers
for &i in destroy.iter().rev() {
/// Draw the internal state to the screen.
/// Calling this method more than once without an `update` call between is a no-op.
pub fn draw(&mut self, screen: &mut [u8]) {
// Clear the screen
// Draw the invaders
for row in &self.invaders.grid {
for invader in row.iter().flatten() {
blit(screen, &invader.pos, &invader.sprite);
// Draw the shields
for shield in &self.shields {
blit(screen, &shield.pos, &shield.sprite);
// Draw the player
blit(screen, &self.player.pos, &self.player.sprite);
// Draw the bullet
if let Some(bullet) = &self.bullet {
blit(screen, &bullet.pos, &bullet.sprite);
// Draw lasers
for laser in self.lasers.iter() {
blit(screen, &laser.pos, &laser.sprite);
// Draw debug information
if self.debug {
debug::draw_invaders(screen, &self.invaders, &self.collision);
debug::draw_bullet(screen, self.bullet.as_ref());
debug::draw_lasers(screen, &self.lasers);
debug::draw_player(screen, &self.player, &self.collision);
debug::draw_shields(screen, &self.shields, &self.collision);
fn step_invaders(&mut self) {
let (_, right, _, left) = self.invaders.get_bounds();
let (invader, is_leader) =
next_invader(&mut self.invaders.grid, &mut self.invaders.stepper);
// The leader controls the fleet
if is_leader {
// The leader first commands the fleet to stop descending
self.invaders.descend = false;
// Then the leader redirects the fleet when they reach the boundaries
match self.invaders.direction {
Direction::Left => {
if left < 2 {
self.invaders.bounds.pos.x += 2;
self.invaders.bounds.pos.y += 8;
self.invaders.descend = true;
self.invaders.direction = Direction::Right;
} else {
self.invaders.bounds.pos.x -= 2;
Direction::Right => {
if right > WIDTH - 2 {
self.invaders.bounds.pos.x -= 2;
self.invaders.bounds.pos.y += 8;
self.invaders.descend = true;
self.invaders.direction = Direction::Left;
} else {
self.invaders.bounds.pos.x += 2;
_ => unreachable!(),
// Every invader in the fleet moves 2px per frame
match self.invaders.direction {
Direction::Left => invader.pos.x -= 2,
Direction::Right => invader.pos.x += 2,
_ => unreachable!(),
// And they descend 8px on command
if self.invaders.descend {
invader.pos.y += 8;
// One of the end scenarios
if invader.pos.y + 8 >= self.player.pos.y {
self.gameover = true;
// Animate the invader
// They also shoot lasers at random with a 1:50 chance
let r = self.prng.next_u32() as usize;
let chance = r % 50;
if self.lasers.len() < 3 && chance == 0 {
// Pick a random column to begin searching for an invader that can fire a laser
let col = r / 50 % COLS;
let invader = self.invaders.get_closest_invader(col);
let laser = Laser {
sprite: SpriteRef::new(&self.assets, Frame::Laser1, Duration::from_millis(16)),
pos: invader.pos + LASER_OFFSET,
dt: Duration::default(),
fn step_player(&mut self, controls: &Controls) {
let frames = self.player.update();
let width = self.player.sprite.width();
match controls.direction {
Direction::Left => {
if self.player.pos.x > width {
self.player.pos.x -= frames;
Direction::Right => {
if self.player.pos.x < WIDTH - width * 2 {
self.player.pos.x += frames;
_ => (),
if controls.fire && self.bullet.is_none() {
self.bullet = Some(Bullet {
sprite: SpriteRef::new(&self.assets, Frame::Bullet1, Duration::from_millis(32)),
pos: self.player.pos + BULLET_OFFSET,
dt: Duration::default(),
/// Create a default `World` with a static PRNG seed.
impl Default for World {
fn default() -> Self {
let seed = (6_364_136_223_846_793_005, 1);
World::new(seed, false)
impl Invaders {
/// Compute the bounding box for the Invader fleet.
/// # Returns
/// Tuple of `(top, right, bottom, left)`, e.g. in CSS clockwise order.
fn get_bounds(&self) -> (usize, usize, usize, usize) {
let width = (self.bounds.right_col - self.bounds.left_col + 1) * GRID.x;
let height = (self.bounds.bottom_row - self.bounds.top_row + 1) * GRID.y;
let top = self.bounds.pos.y;
let bottom = top + height;
let left = self.bounds.pos.x;
let right = left + width;
(top, right, bottom, left)
/// Resize the bounds to fit the live invaders.
/// # Returns
/// `true` when all invaders have been destroyed.
fn shrink_bounds(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut top = ROWS;
let mut right = 0;
let mut bottom = 0;
let mut left = COLS;
// Scan through the entire grid
for (y, row) in self.grid.iter().enumerate() {
for (x, col) in row.iter().enumerate() {
if col.is_some() {
// Build a boundary box of invaders in the grid
if top > y {
top = y;
if bottom < y {
bottom = y;
if left > x {
left = x;
if right < x {
right = x;
if top > bottom || left > right {
// No more invaders left alive
return true;
// Adjust the bounding box position
self.bounds.pos.x += (left - self.bounds.left_col) * GRID.x;
self.bounds.pos.y += (top - self.bounds.top_row) * GRID.y;
// Adjust the bounding box columns and rows
self.bounds.left_col = left;
self.bounds.right_col = right;
self.bounds.top_row = top;
self.bounds.bottom_row = bottom;
// No more changes
fn get_closest_invader(&self, mut col: usize) -> &Invader {
let mut row = ROWS - 1;
loop {
if self.grid[row][col].is_some() {
return self.grid[row][col].as_ref().unwrap();
if row == 0 {
row = ROWS - 1;
col += 1;
if col == COLS {
col = 0;
} else {
row -= 1;
impl Default for Bounds {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
pos: START,
left_col: 0,
right_col: COLS - 1,
top_row: 0,
bottom_row: ROWS - 1,
/// Clear the screen
fn clear(screen: &mut [u8]) {
for (i, byte) in screen.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*byte = if i % 4 == 3 { 255 } else { 0 };
/// Create a grid of invaders.
fn make_invader_grid(assets: &Assets) -> Vec<Vec<Option<Invader>>> {
use Frame::*;
const BLIPJOY_OFFSET: Point = Point::new(3, 4);
const FERRIS_OFFSET: Point = Point::new(2, 5);
const CTHULHU_OFFSET: Point = Point::new(1, 3);
.map(|y| {
.map(|x| {
Some(Invader {
sprite: SpriteRef::new(assets, Blipjoy1, Duration::default()),
pos: START + BLIPJOY_OFFSET + Point::new(x, y) * GRID,
_score: 10,
.chain((1..3).map(|y| {
.map(|x| {
Some(Invader {
sprite: SpriteRef::new(assets, Ferris1, Duration::default()),
pos: START + FERRIS_OFFSET + Point::new(x, y) * GRID,
_score: 10,
.chain((3..5).map(|y| {
.map(|x| {
Some(Invader {
sprite: SpriteRef::new(assets, Cthulhu1, Duration::default()),
pos: START + CTHULHU_OFFSET + Point::new(x, y) * GRID,
_score: 10,
fn next_invader<'a>(
invaders: &'a mut [Vec<Option<Invader>>],
stepper: &mut Point,
) -> (&'a mut Invader, bool) {
let mut is_leader = false;
loop {
// Iterate through the entire grid
stepper.x += 1;
if stepper.x >= COLS {
stepper.x = 0;
if stepper.y == 0 {
stepper.y = ROWS - 1;
// After a full cycle, the next invader will be the leader
is_leader = true;
} else {
stepper.y -= 1;
if invaders[stepper.y][stepper.x].is_some() {
return (invaders[stepper.y][stepper.x].as_mut().unwrap(), is_leader);