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2023-09-29 00:26:48 +10:00
#version 450
#include ""
//Dumbify glow under this treshold.
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) out float glow_h_inside_interval;
layout(location = 2) out float vDoInGlowBias;
layout(location = 3) out float vGlow_Gain;
void main() {
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord ;
// If * at least one sharpness is lower than the max
// * we dont want just blur
// * we don't want to show ntsc artifact masks if we're doing ntsc artifacts
// Then do in glow bias
vDoInGlowBias = float ( IN_GLOW_BIAS < IN_GLOW_BIAS_MAX &&
glow_h_inside_interval = float(IN_GLOW_H < GLOW_SHARP_MAX && IN_GLOW_H > GLOW_SHARP_MAX_ALTERNATE);
vGlow_Gain = mix(1.0, IN_GLOW_POWER, DO_CCORRECTION);
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) in float glow_h_inside_interval;
layout(location = 2) in float vDoInGlowBias;
layout(location = 3) in float vGlow_Gain;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 5) uniform sampler2D shift_and_bleed_pass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 6) uniform sampler2D Source;
#include "includes/functions.include.slang"
vec3 glow_blur_bias(sampler2D source_tex, vec2 co, vec3 pixel_glowed, float bias){
vec3 pixel_source = texture(source_tex, co).rgb;
pixel_source = pixel_source * vGlow_Gain;
vec3 glow_light = pixel_glowed - pixel_source;
glow_light = clamp(glow_light * IN_GLOW_SPREAD, 0.0, 1.0);
//glow_light = pow(glow_light, vec3(SERVICE1));
vec3 proper_glow = glow_light * glow_light + pixel_source;
return mix(proper_glow, pixel_glowed, max(0.0, bias));
vec3 blur_select_wrap(sampler2D texture_in, vec2 co, vec4 sourcesize, float sharpness, bool use_gauss) {
if (use_gauss)
return blur9_y(texture_in, co, sourcesize.xy, sharpness);
//Compute subtractive sharpening via blur sharpness strength:
//For sharpness 0.45, no unsharp mask
//For sharpness 0.8, 0.65 unsharp mask
//float sharp_sub = (1.857 * abs(IN_GLOW_W) - 0.836);
float in_glow_h = abs(IN_GLOW_H);
in_glow_h = max(in_glow_h, MIN_IN_GLOW_SHARP);
float sharp_sub = 0.8125 * in_glow_h;
sharp_sub = clamp(sharp_sub, 0.0,1.0);
return blur9_y_box(texture_in, co, sourcesize.xy, sharpness, sharp_sub);
vec3 antialias_blur_bias(sampler2D source_tex, vec2 co, vec3 pixel_glowed, float bias){
//Create a dilated and an eroded image, then mix between them via the blurred color.
vec3 pixel_source = texture(source_tex, co).rgb;
pixel_source = pixel_source * IN_GLOW_POWER;
vec3 glow_light = clamp((pixel_glowed - pixel_source) * IN_GLOW_SPREAD, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 pixel_glowed_inv = 1 - clamp(pixel_glowed, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 pixel_source_inv = 1 - clamp(pixel_source, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 pixel_dark = clamp((pixel_glowed_inv - pixel_source_inv) * IN_GLOW_SPREAD, 0.0, 1.0) ;
vec3 pixel_dilated = pixel_source + glow_light ;
vec3 pixel_eroded = pixel_source - pixel_dark ;
//Dilate or erode depending on blurred brightness:
vec3 pixel_dilated_eroded = mix(pixel_eroded, pixel_dilated, pixel_glowed);
//Unsharp mask:
float sharpamt = 0.5;
pixel_dilated_eroded = pixel_dilated_eroded + ((1 - pixel_glowed)*sharpamt);
pixel_dilated_eroded = (pixel_dilated_eroded - sharpamt) * (1 + 2*sharpamt);
return mix(pixel_dilated_eroded, pixel_glowed, max(0.0, bias));
//return mix(pixel_out, pixel_glowed, max(0.0, bias));
void main() {
if (DO_IN_GLOW == 0.0) {
if ( DELTA_RENDER == 1.0) {
float original_unchanged = texture(Source,vTexCoord).a;
vec3 color = texture(shift_and_bleed_pass, vTexCoord).rgb * vGlow_Gain;
FragColor = vec4(color, original_unchanged);
FragColor = texture(shift_and_bleed_pass, vTexCoord) * vGlow_Gain;
vec3 pixel_glowed;
if (DO_NTSC_ARTIFACTS == 1.0) {
float ntsc_artifacts = texture(shift_and_bleed_pass, vTexCoord).a;
//finally "add" them to the configured sharpness (-> less blur)
//don't allow lower values that look bad:
//Make it resolution independent.
//It over the max sharp, then just passthrough, else do the blur.
if (glow_h_inside_interval == 1.0) {
pixel_glowed = blur_select_wrap(Source, vTexCoord, global.flick_and_noise_passSize, IN_GLOW_H_ADAPTED, (IN_GLOW_H >= 0.0) ) * vGlow_Gain;
//pixel_glowed = blur9_y(Source, vTexCoord, params.SourceSize.xy, IN_GLOW_H_ADAPTED) * vGlow_Gain;
} else {
pixel_glowed = texture(Source, vTexCoord).rgb * vGlow_Gain;
//Series of conditions to do in glow bias done in vertex shader:
if (vDoInGlowBias == 1.0) {
pixel_glowed = glow_blur_bias(shift_and_bleed_pass, vTexCoord, pixel_glowed, IN_GLOW_BIAS);
//pixel_glowed = antialias_blur_bias(shift_and_bleed_pass, vTexCoord, pixel_glowed, IN_GLOW_BIAS);
//Previous pass compared previous and current source frame and exported that info in the alpha.
//Pass it through when we need delta rended.
if ( DELTA_RENDER == 1.0) {
float original_unchanged = texture(Source,vTexCoord).a;
FragColor = vec4(pixel_glowed, original_unchanged);
FragColor = vec4(pixel_glowed,1.0);