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Raw Normal View History

2022-12-05 18:48:10 -06:00
#define alpha_mark 0.1
#define pi 3.141592654
vec3 pixel_push_luminance(vec3 c, float strength) {
//if (strength == 0.0) return c; //lighter without the check.
float whiteness = max(max(c.r, c.g), c.b);
whiteness = clamp(whiteness, 0.0, 1.0);
return c * (1+vec3((1-whiteness) * strength));
vec3 apply_fuzzy_main_pass(vec3 color) {
if (DO_IN_GLOW == 1.0)
color = pow(color,vec3(IN_GLOW_GAMMA))*IN_GLOW_POWER;
color *= mix ( (1.0 - ((RGB_MASK_STRENGTH*0.5)+(DARKLINES_STRENGTH*0.2))), 1.0, MASK_COMPENSATION) ;
if (DO_HALO == 1.0)
color += pow(color,vec3(HALO_GAMMA))*HALO_POWER;
if (DO_SCANLINES == 1.0)
color *= mix(0.5 + (SCANLINE_DARK*0.5), 1.0, SCANLINE_COMPENSATION);
if (DO_CCORRECTION == 1.0)
color = pow(color, vec3(GAMMA_OUT));
if (DO_VIGNETTE == 1.0)
color *= 0.8 * (V_POWER);
return color;
vec2 offsets_from_float(float in_param, int range){
return vec2(
(int(in_param) % range) - range*0.5,
floor(in_param / range) - range*0.5
/*vec2 circles(float param, float c_radius, float aspect, float directions) {
//given a 1d input param return full circles increasing radius.
param = param*(pi/directions);
float m = (c_radius * floor(param/pi)) * 100;
return vec2(m * sin(param) * aspect, m * cos(param)) * vec2(aspect,1.0);
vec2 spiral(float param,float spr_radius,vec2 spr_offset, vec2 spr_scale) {
//given a 1d input param returns a spiral
float m = spr_radius * param;
return vec2(m * sin(param), m * cos(param)) * spr_scale + spr_offset;
bool similar(float a, float b, float threshold) {
return abs(a-b) < threshold;
bool vec2_similar(vec2 a, vec2 b, float threshold) {
return abs(a.x-b.x) < threshold && abs(a.y-b.y) < threshold;
vec2 zoom(vec2 in_coords, float zoom_factor) {
float off = 1.0/(zoom_factor*2.0) - 0.5;
return (in_coords/zoom_factor)-off;
vec2 zoomxy(vec2 in_coords, vec2 zoom_factor) {
vec2 off = 1.0/(zoom_factor*2.0) - 0.5;
return (in_coords/zoom_factor)-off;
vec2 zoomout_coords(vec2 in_coords, float zoom_out, float aspect) {
vec2 zoom = vec2( 1 + zoom_out,
1 + (zoom_out * aspect)
vec2 offset = vec2( (zoom.x-1.0) / 2.0,
(zoom.y-1.0) / 2.0
return (in_coords * zoom) - offset;
bool scanline_have_to_flicker(bool is_interlaced) {
return ((SCANLINE_FLICKERING == 1.0) || ((SCANLINE_FLICKERING==2.0) && is_interlaced ));
bool is_interlaced() {
return (params.OriginalSize.y > MIN_LINES_INTERLACED);
float scale_to_range(float x, float dmin, float dmax) {
//Scales 0..1 range to a..b range
return ( (dmax-dmin) * x ) + dmin;
vec3 scale_to_range_vec3(vec3 x, float dmin, float dmax) {
//Scales 0..1 range to a..b range
return ( (dmax-dmin) * x ) + dmin;
vec2 scale_to_range_vec2(vec2 x, float dmin, float dmax) {
//Scales 0..1 range to a..b range
return ( (dmax-dmin) * x ) + dmin;
#define RND_A 12.9898
#define RND_B 78.233
#define RND_C 43758.5453
float random(float power, vec2 seed) {
//From pal-singlepass.slang
//Copyright (c) 2016, Viacheslav Slavinsky
//All rights reserved.
float dt = dot(seed.xy, vec2(RND_A, RND_B));
float sn = mod(dt,3.14);
float noise_out = fract(sin(sn) * RND_C) - 0.5;
noise_out = clamp(noise_out, -power, power);
return noise_out ;
#define corner_aspect vec2(1.0, 0.75)
float border(vec2 coord)
coord = (coord - vec2(0.5)) + vec2(0.5, 0.5);
coord = min(coord, vec2(1.0) - coord) * corner_aspect;
vec2 cdist = vec2(GEOM_CORNER_SIZE);
coord = (cdist - min(coord, cdist));
float dist = sqrt(dot(coord, coord));
return clamp((cdist.x - dist)*GEOM_CORNER_SMOOTH, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 Warp(vec2 uv,float wx, float wy){
uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec2 CRT_Distortion = vec2(wx, wy);
float curvedCoordsDistance = length(uv);
uv /= curvedCoordsDistance;
uv *= (1.0-pow(vec2(1.0-(curvedCoordsDistance/1.4142135623730950488016887242097)),(1.0/(1.0+CRT_Distortion*0.2))));
uv /= (1.0-pow(vec2(0.29289321881345247559915563789515),(1.0/(vec2(1.0)+CRT_Distortion*0.2))));
uv = uv* 0.5 + 0.5;
return uv;
/* float gauss(float x, float x0, float sx, float size, float power){
float arg = x-x0;
arg = -(1/size)/2.*arg*arg/sx;
float a = 1./(pow(2.*3.1415*sx, 0.5));
return a*exp(arg) * power;
float gauss_xy(float pos_x, float pos_y, float size, float power, float gmin, float gmax) {
vec2 uv = vTexCoord.xy + vec2(pos_x,pos_y);
float scale_uv = params.SourceSize.x / params.SourceSize.y;
float gx = gauss(uv.x* scale_uv, 0.5*scale_uv, 0.1, size, power);
float gy = gauss(uv.y, 0.5, 0.1, size, power);
float light = gx*gy;
return clamp(light,gmin,gmax);
bool border_needed() {
//returns if we need to draw on the border
return (DO_AMBILIGHT + DO_BG_IMAGE > 0.0);
#define mark_useless(x) mark_outer_frame(x)
vec4 mark_outer_frame(vec3 pixel) {
return vec4(pixel.rgb,0.0) ;
//For my mental sanity, I use a specific alpha channel value to mark a frame as a border
return vec4(pixel.r,pixel.g,pixel.b,alpha_mark) ;
#define is_useless(x) is_outer_frame(x)
bool is_outer_frame(vec4 pixel) {
return pixel.a == 0.0;
/*Check if a pixel is marked as border by comparing the value of its alpha channel
Tolerance is needed, because precision can be as low as 1/256; since I don't need
alpha channel, use an even large tolerance.
return abs(pixel.a - alpha_mark) < 0.05; //<-- 0.05 allow about 20 alpha levels (1*0.05)
#define ar_tolerance 0.1 //To compensate when comparing different A/R
bool is_rotated() {
For some reason, probably retroarch rotates the view only on final viewport stage, transparent to the shader passes,
The OutputSize of a pass that scales to viewport will have different aspect from the real final viewport.
We exploit this to understand when a game is rotated.
-->> This function only works if the calling pass scales to viewport.
This will fail for very particular cases, eg: when output window is extremely tall
return (abs((params.OutputSize.x/params.OutputSize.y) - (global.FinalViewportSize.x/global.FinalViewportSize.y)) > ar_tolerance);
float get_in_aspect() {
if (ASPECT_X == -1) return 1.5; // ntsc
if (ASPECT_X == -2) return 1.25; // pal
if (ASPECT_X == -3) return 1.143; // 8/7 snes
if (ASPECT_X == -4) return 1.428; // 10/7 megadrive
if (ASPECT_X == -5) return params.OriginalSize.x/params.OriginalSize.y; //uncorrected
if (ASPECT_X == 0) {
return 1.3333333333333; //all mame games, not rotated
return ASPECT_X / ASPECT_Y ;
vec2 get_scaled_coords_aspect(vec2 pTexCoord, vec4 destsize, float in_aspect , bool is_rotated){
if (!border_needed()) return pTexCoord;
float scale_x = 1.0;
float scale_y = 1.0;
float offset_x = 0.0 ;
float offset_y = 0.0 ;
if (is_rotated) {
scale_y = destsize.x/(destsize.y / in_aspect );
offset_y = (0.5 * scale_y ) - 0.5 ;
} else {
scale_x = destsize.x/(destsize.y * in_aspect);
offset_x = (0.5 * scale_x ) - 0.5 ;
vec2 scale_coord=vec2(pTexCoord.x*scale_x - offset_x , pTexCoord.y*scale_y - offset_y);
return scale_coord;
vec2 get_scaled_coords(vec2 pTexCoord, vec4 destsize, bool is_rotated){
if (!border_needed()) return pTexCoord;
float scale_x = 1.0;
float scale_y = 1.0;
float offset_x = 0.0 ;
float offset_y = 0.0 ;
float in_aspect = get_in_aspect();
if (is_rotated) {
//I'm doing ping pong between th the following 2:
//FIXME: verify if it depends on destsize being outputsize or finalviewportsize!!
//scale_y = destsize.y/(destsize.x / in_aspect );
scale_y = destsize.x/(destsize.y / in_aspect );
offset_y = (0.5 * scale_y ) - 0.5 ;
} else {
//scale_x = params.OutputSize.x/(params.OutputSize.y * in_aspect);
//scale_x = global.FinalViewportSize.x/(global.FinalViewportSize.y * in_aspect);
scale_x = destsize.x/(destsize.y * in_aspect);
offset_x = (0.5 * scale_x ) - 0.5 ;
vec2 scale_coord=vec2(pTexCoord.x*scale_x - offset_x , pTexCoord.y*scale_y - offset_y);
return scale_coord;