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synced 2025-02-23 18:17:44 +11:00
add leilei's 3dfx shader
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 384 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
shaders = 6
shader0 = shaders/3dfx_pass_0.slang
shader1 = shaders/3dfx_pass_1.slang
shader2 = shaders/3dfx_pass_1.slang
shader3 = shaders/3dfx_pass_1.slang
shader4 = shaders/3dfx_pass_1.slang
shader5 = shaders/3dfx_pass_2.slang
filter_linear0 = true
filter_linear1 = true
filter_linear2 = true
filter_linear3 = true
filter_linear4 = true
scale_type_x0 = "source"
scale_x0 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y0 = "source"
scale_y0 = "1.000000"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#version 450
// "LeiFX" shader - "dither" and reduction process
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 leilei
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This table came from the wikipedia article about Ordered Dithering. NOT MAME. Just to clarify.
float erroredtable[16] = {
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 SourceSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
} params;
#pragma parameter LEIFX_LINES "LeiFX Line Intensity" 0.05 0.00 1.00 0.01
#define saturate(c) clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0)
#define lerp(c) mix(c)
#define mul(a,b) (b*a)
#define fmod(c) mod(c)
#define frac(c) fract(c)
#define tex2D(c,d) texture(c,d)
#define float2 vec2
#define float3 vec3
#define float4 vec4
#define int2 ivec2
#define int3 ivec3
#define int4 ivec4
#define bool2 bvec2
#define bool3 bvec3
#define bool4 bvec4
#define float2x2 mat2x2
#define float3x3 mat3x3
#define float4x4 mat4x4
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
} global;
#define DITHERAMOUNT 0.5f // was 0.33f
#define DITHERBIAS -1 // 0 to 16, biases the value of the dither up. - was 8
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
void main()
float2 res;
float3 outcolor = tex2D(Source, vTexCoord).rgb;
res.x = params.SourceSize.x;
res.y = params.SourceSize.y;
float2 ditheu = vTexCoord.xy * res.xy;
ditheu.x = vTexCoord.x * res.x;
ditheu.y = vTexCoord.y * res.y;
// Dither. Total rewrite.
int ditdex = int(mod(ditheu.x, 4.0)) * 4 + int(mod(ditheu.y, 4.0)); // 4x4!
vec3 color;
vec3 colord;
color.r = outcolor.r * 255;
color.g = outcolor.g * 255;
color.b = outcolor.b * 255;
float yeh = 0.0;
float ohyes = 0.0;
// for (yeh=ditdex; yeh<(ditdex+16); yeh++) ohyes = pow(erroredtable[yeh-15], 0.72f);
if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[0];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[1];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[2];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[3];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[4];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[5];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[6];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[7];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[8];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[9];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[10];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[11];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[12];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[13];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[14];
else if (yeh++==ditdex) ohyes = erroredtable[15];
// Adjust the dither thing
ohyes = 17 - (ohyes - 1); // invert
ohyes += DITHERBIAS;
colord.r = color.r + ohyes;
colord.g = color.g + (ohyes / 2);
colord.b = color.b + ohyes;
outcolor.rgb = colord.rgb * 0.003921568627451; // divide by 255, i don't trust em
// Reduce to 16-bit color
float3 why = float3(1.0);
float3 reduceme = float3(1.0);
float radooct = 32; // 32 is usually the proper value
reduceme.r = pow(outcolor.r, why.r);
reduceme.r *= radooct;
reduceme.r = int(floor(reduceme.r));
reduceme.r /= radooct;
reduceme.r = pow(reduceme.r, why.r);
reduceme.g = pow(outcolor.g, why.g);
reduceme.g *= radooct * 2;
reduceme.g = int(floor(reduceme.g));
reduceme.g /= radooct * 2;
reduceme.g = pow(reduceme.g, why.g);
reduceme.b = pow(outcolor.b, why.b);
reduceme.b *= radooct;
reduceme.b = int(floor(reduceme.b));
reduceme.b /= radooct;
reduceme.b = pow(reduceme.b, why.b);
outcolor.rgb = reduceme.rgb;
// Add the purple line of lineness here, so the filter process catches it and gets gammaed.
float leifx_linegamma = (LEIFX_LINES / 10);
float horzline1 = (mod(ditheu.y, 2.0));
if (horzline1 < 1) leifx_linegamma = 0;
outcolor.r += leifx_linegamma;
outcolor.b += leifx_linegamma;
FragColor = vec4(outcolor, 1.0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#version 450
// "LeiFX" shader - Pixel filtering process
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 leilei
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 SourceSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
} params;
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
} global;
#define saturate(c) clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0)
#define lerp(c) mix(c)
#define mul(a,b) (b*a)
#define fmod(c) mod(c)
#define frac(c) fract(c)
#define tex2D(c,d) texture(c,d)
#define float2 vec2
#define float3 vec3
#define float4 vec4
#define int2 ivec2
#define int3 ivec3
#define int4 ivec4
#define bool2 bvec2
#define bool3 bvec3
#define bool4 bvec4
#define float2x2 mat2x2
#define float3x3 mat3x3
#define float4x4 mat4x4
#define FILTCAP 0.04 // filtered pixel should not exceed this
#define FILTCAPG (FILTCAP / 2)
#define LEIFX_PIXELWIDTH 0.50f
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
void main()
float3 outcolor = tex2D(Source, vTexCoord).rgb;
float2 pixel;
pixel.x = params.SourceSize.z;
pixel.y = params.SourceSize.w;
float3 pixel1 = tex2D(Source, vTexCoord + float2((pixel.x), 0)).rgb;
float3 pixel2 = tex2D(Source, vTexCoord + float2(-pixel.x, 0)).rgb;
float3 pixelblend;
// New filter
float3 pixeldiff;
float3 pixelmake;
float3 pixeldiffleft;
pixelmake.rgb = float3(0.0);
pixeldiff.rgb = pixel2.rgb- outcolor.rgb;
pixeldiffleft.rgb = pixel1.rgb - outcolor.rgb;
if (pixeldiff.r > FILTCAP) pixeldiff.r = FILTCAP;
if (pixeldiff.g > FILTCAPG) pixeldiff.g = FILTCAPG;
if (pixeldiff.b > FILTCAP) pixeldiff.b = FILTCAP;
if (pixeldiff.r < -FILTCAP) pixeldiff.r = -FILTCAP;
if (pixeldiff.g < -FILTCAPG) pixeldiff.g = -FILTCAPG;
if (pixeldiff.b < -FILTCAP) pixeldiff.b = -FILTCAP;
if (pixeldiffleft.r > FILTCAP) pixeldiffleft.r = FILTCAP;
if (pixeldiffleft.g > FILTCAPG) pixeldiffleft.g = FILTCAPG;
if (pixeldiffleft.b > FILTCAP) pixeldiffleft.b = FILTCAP;
if (pixeldiffleft.r < -FILTCAP) pixeldiffleft.r = -FILTCAP;
if (pixeldiffleft.g < -FILTCAPG) pixeldiffleft.g = -FILTCAPG;
if (pixeldiffleft.b < -FILTCAP) pixeldiffleft.b = -FILTCAP;
pixelmake.rgb = (pixeldiff.rgb / 4) + (pixeldiffleft.rgb / 16);
outcolor.rgb = (outcolor.rgb + pixelmake.rgb);
FragColor = vec4(outcolor, 1.0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#version 450
// "LeiFX" shader - Gamma process
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 leilei
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 SourceSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
} params;
#pragma parameter GAMMA_LEVEL "LeiFX Gamma Correction" 1.3 0.00 2.00 0.01
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
} global;
#define saturate(c) clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0)
#define lerp(c) mix(c)
#define mul(a,b) (b*a)
#define fmod(c) mod(c)
#define frac(c) fract(c)
#define tex2D(c,d) texture(c,d)
#define float2 vec2
#define float3 vec3
#define float4 vec4
#define int2 ivec2
#define int3 ivec3
#define int4 ivec4
#define bool2 bvec2
#define bool3 bvec3
#define bool4 bvec4
#define float2x2 mat2x2
#define float3x3 mat3x3
#define float4x4 mat4x4
float mod2(float x, float y)
return x - y * floor (x/y);
//float GAMMA_LEVEL = 1.0;
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
void main()
float3 outcolor = tex2D(Source, vTexCoord).rgb;
float2 res;
res.x = params.SourceSize.x;
res.y = params.SourceSize.y;
// Gamma scanlines
// the Voodoo drivers usually supply a 1.3 gamma setting whether people liked it or not
// but it was enough to brainwash the competition for looking 'too dark'
outcolor.r = pow(outcolor.r, 1.0 / GAMMA_LEVEL);
outcolor.g = pow(outcolor.g, 1.0 / GAMMA_LEVEL);
outcolor.b = pow(outcolor.b, 1.0 / GAMMA_LEVEL);
FragColor = vec4(outcolor, 1.0);
Add table
Reference in a new issue