Changed the `Cargo.toml` to allow full optimization of dependencies and minimally optimize the binary to allow proper testing without timeouts and errors due to overload.
Vek has been pleasant to use in practice. nalgebra is slow to compile
and its documentation is difficult to traverse. Vek also comes with its
own AABB impl, so we use that instead.
This change was made to make it easier for invariants to be upheld. When
the spatial partition is added, we can ensure that changes to entities
are immediately reflected in the partition. Additionally, chunks being
shared between worlds was a leaky abstraction to begin with and is now
removed. A method in `Config` is now necessary to determine what world a
client should join.
Along with this, most mutable references have been wrapped in a newtype
to ensure that `mem::swap` cannot be used on them, which would break
invariants. This is analogous to `Pin<&mut T>`. The reason we can't use
Pin directly is because it would require unnecessary unsafe code
within the library.