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//! A somewhat higher level GPU abstraction.
//! This layer is on top of the lower-level layer that multiplexes different
//! back-ends. It handles details such as managing staging buffers for creating
//! buffers with initial content, deferring dropping of resources until command
//! submission is complete, and a bit more. These conveniences might expand
//! even more in time.
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use crate::mux;
use crate::{BufferUsage, Error, GpuInfo, ImageLayout, SamplerParams};
pub use crate::mux::{DescriptorSet, Fence, Pipeline, QueryPool, Sampler, Semaphore, ShaderCode};
/// A session of GPU operations.
/// This abstraction is generally called a "device" in other APIs, but that
/// term is very overloaded. It is the point to access resource creation,
/// work submission, and related concerns.
/// Most of the methods are `&self`, indicating that they can be called from
/// multiple threads.
pub struct Session(Arc<SessionInner>);
struct SessionInner {
device: mux::Device,
cmd_buf_pool: Mutex<Vec<(mux::CmdBuf, Fence)>>,
/// Command buffers that are still pending (so resources can't be freed).
pending: Mutex<Vec<SubmittedCmdBufInner>>,
/// A command buffer that is used for copying from staging buffers.
staging_cmd_buf: Mutex<Option<CmdBuf>>,
gpu_info: GpuInfo,
/// A command buffer.
/// Actual work done by the GPU is encoded into a command buffer and then
/// submitted to the session in a batch.
pub struct CmdBuf {
cmd_buf: mux::CmdBuf,
fence: Fence,
resources: Vec<RetainResource>,
session: Weak<SessionInner>,
/// A command buffer in submitted state.
/// Submission of a command buffer is asynchronous, meaning that the submit
/// method returns immediately. The work done in the command buffer cannot
/// be accessed (for example, readback from buffers written) until the the
/// submission is complete. The main purpose of this structure is to wait on
/// that completion.
pub struct SubmittedCmdBuf(Option<SubmittedCmdBufInner>, Weak<SessionInner>);
struct SubmittedCmdBufInner {
// It's inconsistent, cmd_buf is unpacked, staging_cmd_buf isn't. Probably
// better to chose one or the other.
cmd_buf: mux::CmdBuf,
fence: Fence,
resources: Vec<RetainResource>,
staging_cmd_buf: Option<CmdBuf>,
/// An image or texture.
/// At the moment, images are limited to 2D.
pub struct Image(Arc<ImageInner>);
struct ImageInner {
image: mux::Image,
session: Weak<SessionInner>,
/// A buffer.
/// A buffer is a segment of memory that can be accessed by the GPU, and
/// in some cases also by the host (if the appropriate [`BufferUsage`] flags
/// are set).
pub struct Buffer(Arc<BufferInner>);
struct BufferInner {
buffer: mux::Buffer,
session: Weak<SessionInner>,
/// A builder for creating pipelines.
/// Configure the signature (buffers and images accessed) for a pipeline,
/// which is essentially compiled shader code, ready to be dispatched.
pub struct PipelineBuilder(mux::PipelineBuilder);
/// A builder for creating descriptor sets.
/// Add bindings to the descriptor set before dispatching a shader.
pub struct DescriptorSetBuilder(mux::DescriptorSetBuilder);
/// Data types that can be stored in a GPU buffer.
pub unsafe trait PlainData {}
unsafe impl PlainData for u8 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for u16 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for u32 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for u64 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for i8 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for i16 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for i32 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for i64 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for f32 {}
unsafe impl PlainData for f64 {}
/// A resource to retain during the lifetime of a command submission.
pub enum RetainResource {
impl Session {
/// Create a new session, choosing the best backend.
pub fn new(device: mux::Device) -> Session {
let gpu_info = device.query_gpu_info();
Session(Arc::new(SessionInner {
cmd_buf_pool: Default::default(),
pending: Default::default(),
staging_cmd_buf: Default::default(),
/// Create a new command buffer.
/// The caller is responsible for inserting pipeline barriers and other
/// transitions. If one dispatch writes a buffer (or image), and another
/// reads it, a barrier must intervene. No such barrier is needed for
/// uploads by the host before command submission, but a host barrier is
/// needed if the host will do readback of any buffers written by the
/// command list.
pub fn cmd_buf(&self) -> Result<CmdBuf, Error> {
let (cmd_buf, fence) = if let Some(cf) = self.0.cmd_buf_pool.lock().unwrap().pop() {
} else {
let cmd_buf = self.0.device.create_cmd_buf()?;
let fence = unsafe { self.0.device.create_fence(false)? };
(cmd_buf, fence)
Ok(CmdBuf {
resources: Vec::new(),
session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0),
fn poll_cleanup(&self) {
let mut pending = self.0.pending.lock().unwrap();
unsafe {
let mut i = 0;
while i < pending.len() {
if let Ok(true) = self.0.device.get_fence_status(&mut pending[i].fence) {
let mut item = pending.swap_remove(i);
// TODO: wait is superfluous, can just reset
let _ = self.0.device.wait_and_reset(vec![&mut item.fence]);
// Reuse of command buffers works on Vulkan, but not at all on
// Metal and is problematic on DX12 (the allocator is returned)
// to the pool. Punt for now.
let mut pool = self.0.cmd_buf_pool.lock().unwrap();
pool.push((item.cmd_buf, item.fence));
if let Some(staging_cmd_buf) = item.staging_cmd_buf {
pool.push((staging_cmd_buf.cmd_buf, staging_cmd_buf.fence));
} else {
i += 1;
/// Run a command buffer.
/// The semaphores are for swapchain presentation and can be empty for
/// compute-only work. When provided, work is synchronized to start only
/// when the wait semaphores are signaled, and when work is complete, the
/// signal semaphores are signaled.
pub unsafe fn run_cmd_buf(
mut cmd_buf: CmdBuf,
wait_semaphores: &[&Semaphore],
signal_semaphores: &[&Semaphore],
) -> Result<SubmittedCmdBuf, Error> {
// Again, SmallVec here?
let mut cmd_bufs = Vec::with_capacity(2);
let mut staging_cmd_buf = self.0.staging_cmd_buf.lock().unwrap().take();
if let Some(staging) = &mut staging_cmd_buf {
// With finer grained resource tracking, we might be able to avoid this in
// some cases.
Some(&mut cmd_buf.fence),
Some(SubmittedCmdBufInner {
cmd_buf: cmd_buf.cmd_buf,
fence: cmd_buf.fence,
resources: cmd_buf.resources,
/// Create a buffer.
/// The `usage` flags must be specified to indicate what the buffer will
/// be used for. In general, when no `MAP_` flags are specified, the buffer
/// will be created in device memory, which means they are not host
/// accessible, but GPU access is much higher performance (at least on
/// discrete GPUs).
pub fn create_buffer(&self, size: u64, usage: BufferUsage) -> Result<Buffer, Error> {
let buffer = self.0.device.create_buffer(size, usage)?;
Ok(Buffer(Arc::new(BufferInner {
session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0),
/// Create a buffer with initialized data.
/// This method takes care of creating a staging buffer if needed, so
/// it is not necessary to specify `MAP_WRITE` usage, unless of course
/// the buffer will subsequently be written by the host.
pub fn create_buffer_init(
contents: &[impl PlainData],
usage: BufferUsage,
) -> Result<Buffer, Error> {
unsafe {
contents.as_ptr() as *const u8,
/// Create a buffer with initialized data, from a raw pointer memory region.
pub unsafe fn create_buffer_init_raw(
contents: *const u8,
size: u64,
usage: BufferUsage,
) -> Result<Buffer, Error> {
let use_staging_buffer = !usage.intersects(BufferUsage::MAP_READ | BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE)
&& self.gpu_info().use_staging_buffers;
let create_usage = if use_staging_buffer {
BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE | BufferUsage::COPY_SRC
} else {
usage | BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE
let create_buf = self.create_buffer(size, create_usage)?;
.write_buffer(&create_buf.mux_buffer(), contents, 0, size)?;
if use_staging_buffer {
let buf = self.create_buffer(size, usage | BufferUsage::COPY_DST)?;
let mut staging_cmd_buf = self.0.staging_cmd_buf.lock().unwrap();
if staging_cmd_buf.is_none() {
let mut cmd_buf = self.cmd_buf()?;
*staging_cmd_buf = Some(cmd_buf);
let staging_cmd_buf = staging_cmd_buf.as_mut().unwrap();
// This will ensure the staging buffer is deallocated.
staging_cmd_buf.copy_buffer(&create_buf, &buf);
} else {
/// Create an image.
/// Currently this creates only a 2D image in RGBA8 format, with usage
/// so that it can be accessed by shaders and used for transfer.
pub unsafe fn create_image2d(&self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Result<Image, Error> {
let image = self.0.device.create_image2d(width, height)?;
Ok(Image(Arc::new(ImageInner {
session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0),
/// Create a semaphore.
/// These "semaphores" are only for swapchain integration and may be
/// stubs on back-ends that don't require semaphore synchronization.
pub unsafe fn create_semaphore(&self) -> Result<Semaphore, Error> {
/// This creates a pipeline that operates on some buffers and images.
/// The descriptor set layout is just some number of storage buffers
/// and storage images (this might change).
pub unsafe fn create_simple_compute_pipeline<'a>(
code: ShaderCode<'a>,
n_buffers: u32,
) -> Result<Pipeline, Error> {
.create_compute_pipeline(self, code)
/// Start building a pipeline.
/// A pipeline is essentially a compiled shader, with more specific
/// details about what resources may be bound to it.
pub unsafe fn pipeline_builder(&self) -> PipelineBuilder {
/// Create a descriptor set for a simple pipeline that just references buffers.
pub unsafe fn create_simple_descriptor_set<'a>(
pipeline: &Pipeline,
buffers: impl IntoRefs<'a, Buffer>,
) -> Result<DescriptorSet, Error> {
.build(self, pipeline)
/// Start building a descriptor set.
/// A descriptor set is a binding of actual resources (buffers and
/// images) to slots as specified in the pipeline.
pub unsafe fn descriptor_set_builder(&self) -> DescriptorSetBuilder {
/// Create a query pool for timestamp queries.
pub fn create_query_pool(&self, n_queries: u32) -> Result<QueryPool, Error> {
/// Fetch the contents of the query pool.
/// This should be called after waiting on the command buffer that wrote the
/// timer queries.
pub unsafe fn fetch_query_pool(&self, pool: &QueryPool) -> Result<Vec<f64>, Error> {
/// Create a sampler.
/// Noy yet implemented.
pub unsafe fn create_sampler(&self, params: SamplerParams) -> Result<Sampler, Error> {
/// Query the GPU info.
pub fn gpu_info(&self) -> &GpuInfo {
/// Choose shader code from the available choices.
pub fn choose_shader<'a>(&self, spv: &'a [u8], hlsl: &'a str, msl: &'a str) -> ShaderCode<'a> {
self.0.device.choose_shader(spv, hlsl, msl)
impl CmdBuf {
/// Begin recording into a command buffer.
/// Always call this before encoding any actual work.
/// Discussion question: can this be subsumed?
pub unsafe fn begin(&mut self) {
/// Finish recording into a command buffer.
/// Always call this as the last method before submitting the command
/// buffer.
pub unsafe fn finish(&mut self) {
/// Dispatch a compute shader.
/// Request a compute shader to be run, using the pipeline to specify the
/// code, and the descriptor set to address the resources read and written.
/// Both the workgroup count (number of workgroups) and the workgroup size
/// (number of threads in a workgroup) must be specified here, though not
/// all back-ends require the latter info.
pub unsafe fn dispatch(
&mut self,
pipeline: &Pipeline,
descriptor_set: &DescriptorSet,
workgroup_count: (u32, u32, u32),
workgroup_size: (u32, u32, u32),
) {
.dispatch(pipeline, descriptor_set, workgroup_count, workgroup_size);
/// Insert an execution and memory barrier.
/// Compute kernels (and other actions) after this barrier may read from buffers
/// that were written before this barrier.
pub unsafe fn memory_barrier(&mut self) {
/// Insert a barrier for host access to buffers.
/// The host may read buffers written before this barrier, after the fence for
/// the command buffer is signaled.
/// See
/// ("Host memory reads") for an explanation of this barrier.
pub unsafe fn host_barrier(&mut self) {
/// Insert an image barrier, transitioning image layout.
/// When an image is written by one command and then read by another, an image
/// barrier must separate the uses. Also, the image layout must match the use
/// of the image.
/// Additionally, when writing to an image for the first time, it must be
/// transitioned from an unknown layout to specify the layout.
pub unsafe fn image_barrier(
&mut self,
image: &Image,
src_layout: ImageLayout,
dst_layout: ImageLayout,
) {
.image_barrier(image.mux_image(), src_layout, dst_layout);
/// Clear the buffer.
/// When the size is not specified, it clears the whole buffer.
pub unsafe fn clear_buffer(&mut self, buffer: &Buffer, size: Option<u64>) {
self.cmd_buf.clear_buffer(buffer.mux_buffer(), size);
/// Copy one buffer to another.
/// When the buffers differ in size, the minimum of the sizes is used.
pub unsafe fn copy_buffer(&mut self, src: &Buffer, dst: &Buffer) {
self.cmd_buf.copy_buffer(src.mux_buffer(), dst.mux_buffer());
/// Copy an image to a buffer.
/// The size of the image and buffer must match.
pub unsafe fn copy_image_to_buffer(&mut self, src: &Image, dst: &Buffer) {
.copy_image_to_buffer(src.mux_image(), dst.mux_buffer());
// TODO: change the backend signature to allow failure, as in "not
// implemented" or "unaligned", and fall back to compute shader
// submission.
/// Copy a buffer to an image.
/// The size of the image and buffer must match.
pub unsafe fn copy_buffer_to_image(&mut self, src: &Buffer, dst: &Image) {
.copy_buffer_to_image(src.mux_buffer(), dst.mux_image());
// See above.
/// Copy an image to another.
/// This is especially useful for writing to the swapchain image, as in
/// general that can't be bound to a compute shader.
/// Discussion question: we might have a specialized version of this
/// function for copying to the swapchain image, and a separate type.
pub unsafe fn blit_image(&mut self, src: &Image, dst: &Image) {
self.cmd_buf.blit_image(src.mux_image(), dst.mux_image());
/// Reset the query pool.
/// The query pool must be reset before each use, to avoid validation errors.
/// This is annoying, and we could tweak the API to make it implicit, doing
/// the reset before the first timestamp write.
pub unsafe fn reset_query_pool(&mut self, pool: &QueryPool) {
/// Write a timestamp.
/// The query index must be less than the size of the query pool on creation.
pub unsafe fn write_timestamp(&mut self, pool: &QueryPool, query: u32) {
self.cmd_buf.write_timestamp(pool, query);
/// Prepare the timestamps for reading. This isn't required on Vulkan but
/// is required on (at least) DX12.
/// It's possible we'll make this go away, by implicitly including it
/// on command buffer submission when a query pool has been written.
pub unsafe fn finish_timestamps(&mut self, pool: &QueryPool) {
/// Make sure the resource lives until the command buffer completes.
/// The submitted command buffer will hold this reference until the corresponding
/// fence is signaled.
/// There are two choices for upholding the lifetime invariant: this function, or
/// the caller can manually hold the reference. The latter is appropriate when it's
/// part of retained state.
pub fn add_resource(&mut self, resource: impl Into<RetainResource>) {
impl SubmittedCmdBuf {
/// Wait for the work to complete.
/// After calling this function, buffers written by the command buffer
/// can be read (assuming they were created with `MAP_READ` usage and also
/// that a host barrier was placed in the command list).
/// Further, resources referenced by the command list may be destroyed or
/// reused; it is a safety violation to do so beforehand.
/// Resources for which destruction was deferred through
/// [`add_resource`][`CmdBuf::add_resource`] will actually be dropped here.
pub fn wait(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut item = self.0.take().unwrap();
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.1) {
unsafe {
session.device.wait_and_reset(vec![&mut item.fence])?;
// See discussion in `poll_cleanup`
.push((item.cmd_buf, item.fence));
// else session dropped error?
impl Drop for SubmittedCmdBuf {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(inner) = self.0.take() {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.1) {
impl Drop for BufferInner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.session) {
unsafe {
let _ = session.device.destroy_buffer(&self.buffer);
impl Drop for ImageInner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.session) {
unsafe {
let _ = session.device.destroy_image(&self.image);
impl Image {
/// Get a lower level image handle.
pub(crate) fn mux_image(&self) -> &mux::Image {
/// Wrap a swapchain image so it can be exported to the hub level.
/// Swapchain images don't need resource tracking (or at least we
/// don't do it), so no session ref is needed.
pub(crate) fn wrap_swapchain_image(image: mux::Image) -> Image {
Image(Arc::new(ImageInner {
session: Weak::new(),
impl Buffer {
/// Get a lower level buffer handle.
pub(crate) fn mux_buffer(&self) -> &mux::Buffer {
/// Write the buffer contents.
/// The buffer must have been created with `MAP_WRITE` usage, and with
/// a size large enough to accommodate the given slice.
pub unsafe fn write<T: PlainData>(&mut self, contents: &[T]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.0.session) {
contents.as_ptr() as *const u8,
// else session lost error?
/// Read the buffer contents.
/// The buffer must have been created with `MAP_READ` usage. The caller
/// is also responsible for ensuring that this does not read uninitialized
/// memory.
pub unsafe fn read<T: PlainData>(&self, result: &mut Vec<T>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let size = self.mux_buffer().size();
let len = size as usize / std::mem::size_of::<T>();
if len > result.len() {
result.reserve(len - result.len());
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.0.session) {
.read_buffer(&self.0.buffer, result.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, 0, size)?;
// else session lost error?
/// The size of the buffer.
/// This is at least as large as the value provided on creation.
pub fn size(&self) -> u64 {
impl PipelineBuilder {
/// Add buffers to the pipeline. Each has its own binding.
pub fn add_buffers(mut self, n_buffers: u32) -> Self {
/// Add storage images to the pipeline. Each has its own binding.
pub fn add_images(mut self, n_images: u32) -> Self {
/// Add a binding with a variable-size array of textures.
pub fn add_textures(mut self, max_textures: u32) -> Self {
/// Create the compute pipeline.
/// The shader code must be given in an appropriate format for
/// the back-end. See [`Session::choose_shader`] for a helper.
pub unsafe fn create_compute_pipeline<'a>(
session: &Session,
code: ShaderCode<'a>,
) -> Result<Pipeline, Error> {
self.0.create_compute_pipeline(&session.0.device, code)
impl DescriptorSetBuilder {
pub fn add_buffers<'a>(mut self, buffers: impl IntoRefs<'a, Buffer>) -> Self {
let mux_buffers = buffers
.map(|b| b.mux_buffer())
.collect::<SmallVec<[_; 8]>>();
pub fn add_images<'a>(mut self, images: impl IntoRefs<'a, Image>) -> Self {
let mux_images = images
.map(|i| i.mux_image())
implement FillImage command and sRGB support FillImage is like Fill, except that it takes its color from one or more image atlases. kernel4 uses a single image for non-Vulkan hosts, and the dynamic sized array of image descriptors on Vulkan. A previous version of this commit used textures. I think images are a better choice for piet-gpu, for several reasons: - Texture sampling, in particular textureGrad, is slow on lower spec devices such as Google Pixel. Texture sampling is particularly slow and difficult to implement for CPU fallbacks. - Texture sampling need more parameters, in particular the full u,v transformation matrix, leading to a large increase in the command size. Since all commands use the same size, that memory penalty is paid by all scenes, not just scenes with textures. - It is unlikely that piet-gpu will support every kind of fill for every client, because each kind must be added to kernel4. With FillImage, a client will prepare the image(s) in separate shader stages, sampling and applying transformations and special effects as needed. Textures that align with the output pixel grid can be used directly, without pre-processing. Note that the pre-processing step can run concurrently with the piet-gpu pipeline; Only the last stage, kernel4, needs the images. Pre-processing most likely uses fixed function vertex/fragment programs, which on some GPUs may run in parallel with piet-gpu's compute programs. While here, fix a few validation errors: - Explicitly enable EXT_descriptor_indexing, KHR_maintenance3, KHR_get_physical_device_properties2. - Specify a vkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfo for vkAllocateDescriptorSets. Otherwise, variable image2D arrays won't work (but sampler2D arrays do, at least on my setup). Updates #38 Signed-off-by: Elias Naur <>
2020-12-28 22:02:39 +01:00
pub fn add_textures<'a>(mut self, images: impl IntoRefs<'a, Image>) -> Self {
let mux_images = images
.map(|i| i.mux_image())
pub unsafe fn build(
session: &Session,
pipeline: &Pipeline,
) -> Result<DescriptorSet, Error> {, pipeline)
// This lets us use either a slice or a vector. The type is clunky but it
// seems fine enough to use.
pub trait IntoRefs<'a, T: 'a> {
type Iterator: Iterator<Item = &'a T>;
fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator;
impl<'a, T> IntoRefs<'a, T> for &'a [T] {
type Iterator = std::slice::Iter<'a, T>;
fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator {
impl<'a, T> IntoRefs<'a, T> for &'a [&'a T] {
type Iterator = std::iter::Copied<std::slice::Iter<'a, &'a T>>;
fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator {
impl<'a, T, const N: usize> IntoRefs<'a, T> for &'a [&'a T; N] {
type Iterator = std::iter::Copied<std::slice::Iter<'a, &'a T>>;
fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator {
impl<'a, T> IntoRefs<'a, T> for Vec<&'a T> {
type Iterator = std::vec::IntoIter<&'a T>;
fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator {
impl From<Buffer> for RetainResource {
fn from(buf: Buffer) -> Self {
impl From<Image> for RetainResource {
fn from(img: Image) -> Self {
impl<'a, T: Clone + Into<RetainResource>> From<&'a T> for RetainResource {
fn from(resource: &'a T) -> Self {