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  • 0.10.0:
    • Breaking: Cleaned up the screenblock interface. Because they're in VRAM, they can't use u8 access like they were defined to use before. Now the types use u8x2, similar to the Mode 4 bitmap.
    • Fixed the MMIO definition for the OBJ palette, so the OBJ palette should work now.
  • 0.9.3:
    • Added as_u32_slice and as_u16_slice to Align4.
    • Removed the requirement for inputs to include_aligned_bytes! to be a multiple of 4 bytes.
    • Added as_usize to all the screeblock address types.
  • 0.9.2:
    • Adds support for more BIOS functions, though not all functions are as clearly documented as I'd like.
    • Made much more of the Fixed type const friendly. Most ops now have an inherent method that is const fn as well as implementing the core::ops trait (the trait fn just calls the inherent fn). This means that you can't do x + y in a const context, but you can do x.add(y). This is not the best system, but until const trait impls are stable this is the best middle ground.
  • 0.9.1:
    • Adds some randomization support directly into the crate.
    • Added more methods to the Fixed type.
    • Adds an include_aligned_bytes! macro to pull in compile time data that's aligned to 4.
  • 0.9.0:
    • MSRV: The crate now requires compiler_builtins-0.1.81 to build. You will need a Nightly from 2022-10-15 or later.
    • Break: Quite a bit of the video interface has been replaced, but it should be much easier to use now.
    • Break: The timer interface has been updated so that fields more closely match the mGBA names, for ease of debugging.
  • 0.8.0:
    • Break: Removed the macros for GbaCell access in favor of just methods. I had at first thought that they'd assign registers and then inline, but it turns out that the inline phase happens way before the register assignment phase, so the macros were unnecessary (and clunky).
    • Break: The IrqFn type is changed to pass the function an IrqBits instead of a bare u16.
    • Adds functions to pick a screenblock location (one for each screenblock type).
    • Add BitUnPack BIOS function.
    • Add the CGA_8X8_THICK art data.
    • Greatly improved documentation.
  • 0.7.4: Adds mGBA logging support.
  • 0.7.3: Fixes "multiple definition" errors with the AEABI division functions. Filed a PR to fix this soon:
  • 0.7.2: First version that configures properly!