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No Std

First up, as you already saw in the hello_magic code, we have to use the #![no_std] outer attribute on our program when we target the GBA. You can find some info about no_std in two official sources:

The unstable book is borderline useless here because it's describing too many things in too many words. The embedded book is much better, but still fairly terse.

Bare Metal

The GBA falls under what the Embedded Book calls "Bare Metal Environments". Basically, the machine powers on and immediately begins executing some ASM code. Our ASM startup was provided by Ketsuban (check the crt0.s file). We'll go over how it works much later on, for now it's enough to know that it does work, and eventually control passes into Rust code.

On the rust code side of things, we determine our starting point with the #[start] attribute on our main function. The main function also has a specific type signature that's different from the usual main that you'd see in Rust. I'd tell you to read the unstable-book entry on #[start] but they literally just tell you to look at the tracking issue for it instead, and that's not very helpful either. Basically it just has to be declared the way it is, even though there's nothing passing in the arguments and there's no place that the return value will go. The compiler won't accept it any other way.

No Standard Library

The Embedded Book tells us that we can't use the standard library, but we get access to something called "libcore", which sounds kinda funny. What they're talking about is just the core crate, which is called libcore within the rust repository for historical reasons.

The core crate is actually still a really big portion of Rust. The standard library doesn't actually hold too much code (relatively speaking), instead it just takes code form other crates and then re-exports it in an organized way. So with just core instead of std, what are we missing?

In no particular order:

  • Allocation
  • Clock
  • Network
  • File System

The allocation system and all the types that you can use if you have a global allocator are neatly packaged up in the alloc crate. The rest isn't as nicely organized.

It's possible to implement a fair portion of the entire standard library within a GBA context and make the rest just panic if you try to use it. However, do you really need all that? Eh... probably not?

  • We don't need a file system, because all of our data is just sitting there in the ROM for us to use. When programming we can organize our const data into modules and such to keep it organized, but once the game is compiled it's just one huge flat address space. TODO: Parasyte says that a FS can be handy even if it's all just ReadOnly, so we'll eventually talk about how you might set up such a thing I guess, since we'll already be talking about replacements for three of the other four things we "lost". Maybe we'll make Parasyte write that section.
  • Networking, well, the GBA has a Link Cable you can use to communicate with another GBA, but it's not really like a unix socket with TCP, so the standard Rust networking isn't a very good match.
  • Clock is actually two different things at once. One is the ability to store the time long term, which is a bit of hardware that some gamepaks have in them (eg: pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald). The GBA itself can't keep time while power is off. However, the second part is just tracking time moment to moment, which the GBA can totally do. We'll see how to access the timers soon enough.

Which just leaves us with allocation. Do we need an allocator? Depends on your game. For demos and small games you probably don't need one. For bigger games you'll maybe want to get an allocator going eventually. It's in some sense a crutch, but it's a very useful one.

So I promise that at some point we'll cover how to get an allocator going. Either a Rust Global Allocator (if practical), which would allow for a lot of the standard library types to be used "for free" once it was set up, or just a custom allocator that's GBA specific if Rust's global allocator style isn't a good fit for the GBA (I honestly haven't looked into it).

Bare Metal Panic

If our code panics, we usually want to see that panic message. Unfortunately, without a way to access something like stdout or stderr we've gotta do something a little weirder.

If our program is running within the mGBA emulator, version 0.7 or later, we can access a special set of addresses that allow us to send out CString values, which then appear within a message log that you can check.

We can capture this behavior by making an MGBADebug type, and then implement core::fmt::Write for that type. Once done, the write! macro will let us target the mGBA debug output channel.

When used, it looks like this:

fn panic(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
  use core::fmt::Write;
  use gba::mgba::{MGBADebug, MGBADebugLevel};

  if let Some(mut mgba) = MGBADebug::new() {
    let _ = write!(mgba, "{}", info);
  loop {}

If you want to follow the particulars you can check the MGBADebug source in the gba crate. Basically, there's one address you can use to try and activate the debug output, and if it works you write your message into the "array" at another address, and then finally write a send value to a third address. You'll need to have read the volatile section for the details to make sense.

LLVM Intrinsics

The above code will make your program fail to build in debug mode, saying that __clzsi2 can't be found. This is a special builtin function that LLVM attempts to use when there's no hardware version of an operation it wants to do (in this case, counting the leading zeros). It's not actually necessary in this case, which is why you only need it in debug mode. The higher optimization level of release mode makes LLVM pre-compute more and fold more constants or whatever and then it stops trying to call __clzsi2.

Unfortunately, sometimes a build will fail with a missing intrinsic even in release mode.

If LLVM wants core to have that intrinsic then you're in trouble, you'll have to send a PR to the compiler-builtins repository and hope to get it into rust itself.

If LLVM wants your code to have the intrinsic then you're in less trouble. You can look up the details and then implement it yourself. It can go anywhere in your program, as long as it has the right ABI and name. In the case of __clzsi2 it takes a usize and returns a usize, so you'd write something like:

pub extern "C" fn __clzsi2(mut x: usize) -> usize {

And so on for whatever other missing intrinsic.