Based on CRT Royale, this filter includes a lot of cool features:
- Horizontal ringing (produced by low pass filters e.g. SNES video output)
- CVBS / S-VIDEO / RGB filter modes
- Accurate pixel perfect dimensions (for 1080 resolutions and up)
- TV frames that reminds the 90's experience
- PC monitor frame also available
- New adjustable scale system to fix image size and overscans
- Ambient lighting and rear LED simulation modes
- Reflections over the screen borders
- Nice bulged screen finish
- Auto scales to any resolution, preserving 4:3 ratio
- 3 shaders available: normal mode, fast mode and doubled outputs mode
Glcore and d3d11 drivers supported at the moment.
* CRt-Yee64 and yeetron now uses RSDK Decompilation code
Which means its now humanly readable!
Hooray for reverse engineer!
* I think i got those mixed up so, here
To avoid duplicating the whole shader implementation, the needed define
has been split into its own file, and the shader implementation is now
in an include file.
Fixes a compliation error that occurs if `RUNTIME_SHADER_PARAMS_ENABLE' is turned off. The inline function `is_interlaced' in the file `src/scanline-functions.h' expects `interlace_detect' to be a bool, not a float.
* add updated NDS color, Super Sleuth gamma ramp and more trogglemonkey blurs
* whoops, remove debug workaround
* remove reference to Cg shaders
* make ntsc-adaptive more custom, add RF preset, move some ntsc presets to 'presets'
* add TATE mode to mame_hlsl
* add crt-guest-dr-venom2 shaders and presets
* get rid of weird character in filename
* add updated crt-hyllian shaders and presets
* update guest's deconvergence to latest
* more gdv updates
* forgot one
"Unfortunately or fortunately i found a conflict of settings in the shader. With low scanline saturation the ‘PVM colors’ aren’t applied or applied very weakly. I needed to fix this.
In the process i also decided to make the shader even better. I wasn’t completely satisfied with some types of filtering, as it turns out, using an even number of pixels fixes many issues with the shader. I’m also very pleased how the anti-ringing, mask reference color and scanline color turned out."